Friday, December 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "All But The Blackeyed Peas"

Jean's Comment's: "All But The Blackeyed Peas": Leaving Chuck enough prepared food to last till I get back. Fried chicken, potato salad. cold slaw, and beans. 12-29-2017 Perryton, TX I’m...

"All But The Blackeyed Peas"

Leaving Chuck enough prepared food to last till I get back. Fried chicken, potato salad. cold slaw, and beans. 12-29-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m glad to have my Christmas decorations all down and put up. Things are beginning to look normal again. I will be leaving in the morning for a New Year’s get-together with my sisters and some friends. I fixed food to leave for my son, Chuck. I made him potato salad, cold slaw, brown beans, fried chicken, and a lot of other goodies. I will just be gone two days. I also had my tires checked, and filled up with gas. If the weather permits I will soon be on my way. There was ice on the trees this morning, and it was very cold. But at 2 o’clock this afternoon the temperature is in the fifties. Just hoping it holds out till I get back. I will not be putting on a blog for the next two days, but will resume as soon as I get back. I hope I can bring back something exciting to write about. Like winning the jackpot. All I really want to do is relax, and enjoy my sisters, friends, and a great change of atmosphere. I am blessed beyond describing.

I have several things that I’m looking forward to watching  on the 3rd  of January on television after I get back. It is all to do with politics, and I won‘t even try to explain it. It does look like we are coming to a showdown with Congress, and our Justice Department. Something big is suppose to happen on the 3rd, if not before. That is the deal line for a very serious matter to be answered to. Again I will say that I feel real comfortable, and safe with our President Trump in control of our country. If it were not for he, I would be drawn up in a shell afraid to stick my head out. I definitely feel like our country is in this bad of a condition.

I have two grandchildren, ages 20 and 24,  going to New York City for the New Year’s eve celebration. I will be worried about them, but again I feel pretty comfortable with President Trump calling the shots. I know this will be a great experience for my grandchildren, and I am glad they are going. I think they are expecting to see the ball drop at midnight. I have been hearing that lots of extra security measures have been taken to keep the big event safe. There has been threats made, and  in these times of deep troubles, they have to be taken very seriously. My grandchildren are shaping their future at this time in their lives. They are being met with many challenges. I am very proud of both of them, brother, and sister, for all the accomplishments they have made. No one can deny all the hard work they have done most of their lives to get to where they are today. They both are seeking ever greater challenges, and I hope and pray they find the job God has waiting for them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "From A Loving Daughter"

Jean's Comment's: "From A Loving Daughter": My Mother's Day present from my daughter 25 years ago. 14 k. yellow gold, heart chain, with 25 small diamonds. 12-28-2017 Perryton, TX...

"From A Loving Daughter"

My Mother's Day present from my daughter 25 years ago. 14 k. yellow gold, heart chain, with 25 small diamonds. 12-28-2017 Perryton, TX

Getting a little personal this morning, but just wanted everyone to know what a wonderful, one only, daughter I have. She sent me this lovely 14 k. yellow gold, heart shaped necklace with 25 small diamonds, twenty five years ago. I have laid the necklace on top of the sweet letter she sent with it, but I’m afraid it can’t be read. I will print the words so everyone can see how sweet my daughter is to her mother.


I wanted to get you something special this year for Mother’s Day. I had always admired it in the store and decided to splurge, and buy it. Don’t worry, I am doing flower beds for Randy for the next few weeks to cover the cost. Besides you are worth every penny. It is still just not anything compared to what you mean to me. You have been, and always will be the best mother, and friend anyone could ask for. These last few months has showed me the very special person you are…not that I didn’t already know that!

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.
                          Your Daughter.

Recently I was rummaging through some papers and this little note seemed to jump out at me. When I read it I cried. I remembered it well. I also cried when I received it. I wondered how any mother could be given a daughter so sweet as this. Over the years many tests, and trials have happened, but nothing has taken away that indispensable love we have for each other. I believe God gave me a daughter that would love me as much as my husband did after he was gone. She has so many of her father’s traits. My husband me precious gifts all the years we were married, 63 years to be exact. He and I suffered through many tough battles, but somehow we always came out the winner. Sometimes we may say, “I’m never going to have anything else to do with that person, but when you have the love of God in your heart, you cannot possible disclaim them. I would be in bad shape if Jesus did not forgive me every day for my wrongs. We may hold a grudge for awhile, but eventually that also goes away. Jesus may not forget some of our terrible wrongs, but He is a just God, and will handle the situation in a just, loving way. He lets us chose our way of living, but He also lets us live with whatever we chose. A judge can condemn, or forgive the same person several times, but make no mistake he will not be unjust if he is a respected judge. Most of us know right from wrong, and if we chose to do wrong, we will suffer the consequences. If we keep making the same mistakes over, and over, chances are the consequences will be very heavy. Most of us have many tears behind our joys, but so many don’t have joys because of tears still.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Whatever Whereever Whenever I'm ready"

Jean's Comment's: "Whatever Whereever Whenever I'm ready":   See the snow along the edge of the driveway. 19 degree in Perryton, Texas  12-27-2017 It’s very cold today in Perryton, Texas, with ju...

"Whatever Whereever Whenever I'm ready"

  See the snow along the edge of the driveway. 19 degree in Perryton, Texas  12-27-2017

It’s very cold today in Perryton, Texas, with just a trace of snow. You can see where snow has piled up along the edge of the driveway. It is 19 degree here. We were hoping for nice weather until after New Years. Still hoping, because we have a short trip, (150 miles,) planned for that time. We stayed home for Christmas and enjoyed it, but we do hope to spend New Year’s with family, and friends, in Clinton, Oklahoma. It is a much needed time to get me started off to a good New Year.

I’m having trouble writing this blog this morning. I have had several calls, involving important messages from family. It’s just one of those times when a lot has happened that needs to be addressed. I guess I’m clearing out the old year. I am thankful for the family members I still have left, and thankful for the good memories of those whom have passed on. This earth is one big mystery, and I don’t expect to ever solve it. One day at a time will do. Nothing seems to be getting me down, although there is plenty of reason for that to happen. That’s also called one of God’s mysteries. “Here I am Lord, send me that extra special blessing.” I’m still at the same place I’ve been for sixty years. In my bedroom on my knees. So glad to have known, and kept in touch with you all these years. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Thank You.

My chores are still waiting on me. I will do as much as I can, and ask the rest to wait for another day. They are used to that, and I don’t think they mind. According to the bible there is a time, and a reason for all things. I accept that wise, scriptural remark. The apostle Paul said I have learned to be content whatever state I am in. I don’t think he meant the states on the map, but his state of mind. I learned that same sentiment years ago, after I read Paul’s advise. I took it literally. I don’t have to be on a pedestal, or a rug under anyone’s feet to feel important. I already  know I am important to God whatever others may think.

I have now been trying to write this short blog for over four hours. Something just keeps interfering with my work. I take it that I’m suppose to stop and wait for another day. I might write something that I would be sorry for with this state of mind. I will just be content to close, and try something else.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Give Me The Sunshine While I Live"

Jean's Comment's: "Give Me The Sunshine While I Live": One day after Christmas the light is shinning through the big picture window in my living room. 12-26-2017 Perryton. TX December 26, 201...

"Give Me The Sunshine While I Live"

One day after Christmas the light is shinning through the big picture window in my living room. 12-26-2017 Perryton. TX

December 26, 2017 my house is shinning brightly from the ever-so lovely light from the sun. It shines through my big plate glass window, and lights up my whole house. It also lights up my life. I had a wonderful Christmas, and am looking forward to the New Year. Nothing makes me feel better than natural light instead of artificial light. If I ever move I fear I would not be blessed with this precious sun light that shines through several of my windows. Even in my bedroom with venation blinds closed I still have to check often to see if I have turned off the light. I am living in the “Light of the World,” thanks to the Heavenly Father. I am a few pounds heavier, but my, how I enjoyed so much good food. After New Year I’m sure my joy will cease a bit, because I must get back into my newer wardrobe. In other words I must get serious again. When the black eyed pea, and cornbread meal is over that is the last straw for gorging. That will happen on December 31, 2017  at midnight. I will be fixing three cans of black eyed peas with bacon bit, and a large pan of cornbread to share with four other crazy ladies in a motel room. We will toast our Pepsi’s, and declare good luck to each other. After that we will sleep like babies, and take in one more day of enjoying our craziness.  I feel so much more secure at the beginning of this 2018 year than I did at the beginning of 2017. We now have a President whom I trust completely to keep us safe. He has already brought back the good old tradition of saying, “Merry Christmas.” The evil spirit is disappearing more and more each day. That is enough to make anyone want to celebrate. I can barely keep my feet on the ground. I know 2018 will be the year that all true believers of Christ shall be blessed beyond belief. I do regret to say that many will succumb to their weak trust in God, and Country, and will be ushered out into eternity. I’m speaking of those whom have made wrong choices, and left God out of their lives. They joined up with the wrong crowd. Few will realize it and repent, but many will never admit to wrongful, blasphemous, irreverence to God. In all reality the world is better off without them. That is hard to say when some of those rebels are our own blood brothers and sisters. Nieces and nephews, and possible our own children. God will give grace to those whom have to see their own blood family be sent to that unholy place of torture and pain. I just in the past few minutes have been sent an email of the obituary of one of my precious cousins living in California. She was the perfect example of a true Christian. I am deeply saddened by this news. This world needs to keep people like her around for a lot longer than her 77 years. I know she is in a better place, but we all will miss her so much. God bless her husband and family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Party Is Almost Over"

Jean's Comment's: "The Party Is Almost Over":               Happy Christmas Eve.from our house to yours. 12-24-2017 Perryton, TX Today, Christmas Eve, is the day we open our gifts. T...

"The Party Is Almost Over"

              Happy Christmas Eve.from our house to yours. 12-24-2017 Perryton, TX

Today, Christmas Eve, is the day we open our gifts. Tomorrow, Christmas day, is the day we play with them. I am hoping everyone got something to make them happy. Even a card makes most people happy, but the cards I got with money in them just makes me think I am worth a quit a bit. Ha ha. Thanks again to everyone. I took one last picture of our little tree before I will be taking it down. It’s been a joy having it sparkle with little colored lights for two weeks now. It has really helped to light up our lives. Like a child, I’m going to miss it when we take it down. Birthdays just come once a year, and I will be looking forward to celebrating our Lord’s birthday again next year. I know my husband is smiling in heaven now, because he sees the joy on all his families faces. That is what Christmas meant to him, and the happy faces are smiling from ear to ear. We love you dad, and grandpa.

I just could not leave off the home-made bread from my Christmas dinner menu. I have two loaves rising now to bake in a short time. I hope I will have some left for tomorrow. I have already indicated that one loaf will be given away. This thought came to me unexpectedly, and I’m not sure why, but I must follow my instincts.  It would be better for me if I gave them both away, since bread is not on my diet menu. After Christmas my next food temptation will be on New Years Eve, black eyed peas, and cornbread. It is a must if we want to have a good year. I have followed this tradition all of my life. I don’t take it all that serious, but it’s just a fun thing to do, and who don’t like black eyed peas, and corn bread? I’m very anxious for this next week to pass. I can hardly wait to meet my two sisters, and two friends, for the New Year celebration. That is when we will eat our peas, and recall many good old childhood times. Then it’s get back home, and head down that bean row again for another year. At least we will be refreshed, and ready for all the new challenges ahead. I am expecting a most wonderful 2018 year. As for now I am overflowing with excitement, and expectations. I am wishing this same feeling to all of you who are reading this blog. Don’t be afraid to step out on faith, and expect a great blessing to follow. It’s time to forget all the 2017 disappoints, and declare a much better year this time. I can already feel the great blessings some of you are going to be receiving. Start thanking God now. Let your faith take care of your disappointments, because God had something else better for you all along.  He didn’t forget you, he just made you wait for the best.  Glory be to God in the highest.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Helping A Little Bird To Escape"

Jean's Comment's: "Helping A Little Bird To Escape":                          Pitiful little bird locked inside the patio. 12-23-2017 Perryton, TX As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee th...

"Helping A Little Bird To Escape"

                         Pitiful little bird locked inside the patio. 12-23-2017 Perryton, TX

As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee this morning I saw this little bird trapped inside my screened in patio. It had gotten inside somehow, and couldn’t get out. Flying from one wall to the other it had almost become motionless.  I walked out and opened wide the door of the patio. Leaving it open I went back inside the house. The bird was so weak I didn’t try to shoo it toward the open door. About an hour later I checked, and the little bird had found it’s way out. I felt so good about helping even a little bird find a way out of fear, and desperation.

Sometimes I feel locked inside my home without a way out. Unlike the little bird I know I can open the door and walk out, but for some reason I don’t feel released from my fear and desperation. The body is free, but the mind is not. Whether I’m inside my house, or outside of it, I feel trapped by uncertainty. I spent an hour on the phone this morning with a friend talking about just such a situation as this. It’s funny how we both, being widows, feel the same undesirable qualities. Yet we both realize that we are some of the most blessed children God has. God knows our child-like attitudes, and accepts them like any loving father would. He does make us feel ashamed sometimes for our mistakes, but never fails to forgive us. It is so clear to me that God’s big family are all my brothers and sisters. Like when I was at home in my earthly father’s house, my brothers, and sisters, and I, had disagreements. Like a speck of magic, the anger quickly was forgotten. That same trait is still within us. We will never be perfect until we leave these old earthly bodies, and receive a new spiritual body. Neither will that brother or sister be forgiven until they quit thinking they have no faults. A stubborn child always gets punished the most.

I was given a book this Christmas written by Max Lucado.  Titled “Anxious For Nothing.” This book is amazing. I finished the first chapter last night. Everything I read is what I’ve heard probably a thousand times before, but not in the same words. Words can mean the same, but written in a hundred different, mind-grabbing, ways. The author has written many books, and is an inspiring, heart-touching, humorous, and effective book seller. I had read one of his books before, and was greatly impressed with it. Max Lucado is a reformed Church of Christ minister, and is now receiving great success in the renaming of  The Oak Hill Church of Christ San Antonio,  to The Oak Hills Church. He uses musical instruments in the church, and believes baptism is not required for going to heaven. He openly declares that gays and lesbians will not go to heaven. He has retired from full time ministry for health reasons related to atrial fibrillation. After writing over 100 Christian books one would greatly be blessed to start reading, and learn more about this gifted, talented minister/author.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Freezing In The Fear Of Loathsome Times"

Jean's Comment's: "Freezing In The Fear Of Loathsome Times":            A freezing 32 degree today at noon. Windy also. Blurr. 12-22-2017 Perryton, TX We’re in the dead cold of winter on this 22nd ...

"Freezing In The Fear Of Loathsome Times"

           A freezing 32 degree today at noon. Windy also. Blurr. 12-22-2017 Perryton, TX

We’re in the dead cold of winter on this 22nd day of December, 2017 in Perryton, Texas. All desire to get out and go somewhere disappears quickly when it’s this cold. I missed the Senior luncheon today, because it seemed better to stay home. I believe several others missed for the same reason. It makes me glad that I’m not one of the several million who are flying during the holidays. I will spend Christmas safe at home in peace and quietness with my son.

I just talked to my daughter in West Texas. They will be doing some traveling by vehicle which will cause me to worry till they get back home. I heard on the news that the highways are going to be very busy also with Christmas travelers. I realize one doesn’t necessarily have to travel to be injured. I have a friend who was putting up Christmas decorations in her home this past week. She fell off a ladder and broke a hip, and some ribs. A busy, exciting time does bring about accidents more often than not. I still take a few chances, but not like I used to.

On a different note I heard a man on television a few minutes ago saying he’s tired of hearing people say “The Divided States,’ instead of “The United States.” It dawned on me just how serious that statement might become. Everyone will agree that the United States if definitely divided at this time. It doesn’t seem to be getting any better. If anything it’s getting worse. How would it sound to you if you had to change your countries name from The United States to The Divided States?” I do not see much peace, and unity within our country any way soon. I feel like we have to brace ourselves for the worse kind of change our country has ever known. Actually it would just be a continuation from what we’ve been doing for the last several years. Changes in unbelievable ways have been in the process for at least twenty years. We as a nation are now reaping that ungodly change, and few people realize it. How do you change something that’s already grown from the root, to something that you wish would have been a better root. The tree is there, and it will bear it’s likeness in fruit. A fruit that can’t be enjoyed because of it’s sour taste. I pray for God to undo the unbelievable, and make the believable happen again. It would have to occur by a miracle only. We need lots of miracles in this day and time. We, as Christians are fighting the giant of giants trying to defend our Lord and Savior’s reason for coming to earth to live, and die, for forgiveness of sin. Almost everything He taught in His short time on earth has been tromped on, and ignored like an idiot person would do. Most of us have to first pray that our own anger over this will be forgiven before we can pray for those idiots. He does forgive all who sincerely ask.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Day Of Blahs"

Jean's Comment's: "A Day Of Blahs": This is what my beautiful flower garden looks like today. Only Oriental grass is left. 12-21-2017 Perryton, TX A cold, windy, sunless,...

"A Day Of Blahs"

This is what my beautiful flower garden looks like today. Only Oriental grass is left. 12-21-2017 Perryton, TX

A cold, windy, sunless, day. Very little life left anywhere outside. This post of Oriental grass with a few blades of green is the only life I see anywhere except for a very few birds. My back yard is not a pleasant place to be today. The oriental grass multiplied so much this past summer till I’m afraid I will mostly have grass next summer with only a few flowers that manage to squeeze in between. If so it would create a whole new look for my flower garden. I will anxiously be waiting for the new effect. As for now the cold temperature is not a welcome visitor at my house. The sun is completely hidden, and the grey clouds aren’t pretty. Even the birds are not visible. They are not in the trees because you can see clear through the leafless trees. On this 21st day of December snow hasn’t made it to our house yet, except for a trace about a week ago. I hope it waits now till after New Year as I plan to be traveling on New Year’s eve. It’s hard to make plans in the winter here because the weather is so unpredictable. We often have blizzards when it was least expected. Needless to say I am ready for spring anytime now.

It’s funny how in three days I can lose three pounds, and in three days I can gain three pounds. What an unfair life we have to live, but I would rather be healthy, than happy about my figure. I had lost all but one pound of the five  I gained over Thanksgiving. Now I have gained three of those lost pounds back. But the ham and eggs with toast sure was good this morning. A half of an orange seemed to be what I needed for a balanced meal. I haven’t had a piece of fruit cake in four days, and now I am thinking I have to have a piece today. This roll-a-coaster life has got to stop. I like my freedom too much to keep being tied to a diet. I’m waiting for my appetite to vanish like it’s done before. Until then pass the goodies in my direction. The two or three garments I bought that I haven’t been able to get into yet, will still be there when I get serious again. The big box of Christmas goodies my church friends brought me yesterday will not be ignored. I was happier than a child with a new toy. Home-made candy and cookies. Cheese roll with crackers. Hot chocolate mix. Party mix, and Carmel popcorn. That’s just some of the good stuff they brought me. I appreciate it so much even though I was trying hard to loose another pound. These ladies are the best cooks in town. Anything they touch is good. And the way they have about serving it is half of the pleasure of eating it. God bless these sweet ladies and keep them safe in His arms.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing Some Christmas Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing Some Christmas Joy": See who helps me celebrate Christmas all through the season. This is just part of them. 12-20-2017 Perryton, TX I’m late with posting m...

"Sharing Some Christmas Joy"

See who helps me celebrate Christmas all through the season. This is just part of them. 12-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m late with posting my blog today, but it has been a full day of varied activity. Christmas party, grocery shopping, cooking, visiting with friend from church who brought me a very nice basket of goodies. Then I had to take a rest from it all. The day went by too fast, but I did enjoy it. My house still smells of ham that I baked for several hours real slowly. I will be spending Christmas at home with my son, Chuck. We will have a good dinner, and watch television in peace and quite. I’m saving my energy for a big New Year’s bash. I’m really excited, and anxious for the time to arrive.

I think the best thing that happened to me today was getting a call early this morning informing me of something great that had happened. I had been praying so seriously about this need for over a month. Then the call came this morning. I was too overjoyed to do much the rest of the day. This need was for someone else, so I won’t go into detail. God does still answer prayer. How thankful I am to him. I don’t know how many more blessing I can contain without showing off too much praise, and admiration. It could be taken as losing my insanity, you know. How can one be calm when the windows of heaven are opened up, and the blessings are flowing? Sometimes these good things happen just before a bad thing happens. I do pray that is not the case now. That was the case for my sister last year, and I can’t forget it. But we have to take whatever God gives us without asking questions.

I had a nice time at the Senior Citizen’s Christmas dinner today. A big crowd was present, and the Christmas spirit was sparkling. A delicious meal was served, and many beautiful Christmas sweaters were being worn with awesome artistic ideas. It was suppose to be an “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day,” but I did not see one ugly sweater. I didn’t see who won the prize for that decision, but it must have been hard for the judges to come up with a winner. We have a lot of awesome men, and women who make this place an enjoyable reality of love, and understanding.

Tomorrow will be house cleaning day for me. I have put it off long enough. Too many other interesting things to do, but the house must be clean in order to enjoy the Christmas spirit. Hope I can hold true to my promise. I still have a lot of kid left in me. I have paintings of my parents hanging in my living room as well as many other family, and friend members. I can hear my dad saying it’s time to clean house. Then I have the President, Donald Trump, and First Lady, Melania, watching every move I make. This helps the lazy person I can be sometimes, to get with the business.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Was Caught Without Colored Glasses"

Jean's Comment's: "I Was Caught Without Colored Glasses": Not a close-up of the sun yesterday. It was that big in a normal shot I intended to post yesterday, but did another pic instead. Intended ...

"I Was Caught Without Colored Glasses"

Not a close-up of the sun yesterday. It was that big in a normal shot I intended to post yesterday, but did another pic instead. Intended for a bright Christmas. 12-19-2017 Perryton, TX

I was in awe yesterday when I noticed this large, bright sun not far from going down for the day. It was so bright I had to hopefully get it focused in my camera lens, without looking up. It turned out ok, and I wanted to share it today. I was blinded for several minutes even though I didn’t look straight at it. What was the message this bright sun was relaying to me? My first thought was I’m having a bright Christmas. I had already been made aware of this, and was so excited about all the blessings I had already received. Sometimes we’re given much more than we deserve, and it makes us wonder why. I could say, “thank you” a thousand times, and it wouldn’t be enough. I ask God’s blessing to all who have been so nice to me this Christmas. I believe you all will be re-paid for your loving kindness. Every time I see a bright sun like this one, seemingly so close to earth, I think about this song. “Anyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but you need a song in your heart at night.” I can say I do have a song in my heart every night, even when I am troubled about something. Sometimes a song comes to me that I haven’t though of for many years. I sing it until I go to sleep. I forget to listen for would-be robbers. I believe God wants it that way.

I’m looking forward to our Christmas party at the Center tomorrow. It is called ugly Christmas sweater day, and I don’t have an ugly sweater. I’m racking my brain thinking what I can do to make one of mine look ugly. I know my brain will kick in before tomorrow. This sounds to me like a lot of senior people living their second childhood. I love them everyone. They are worth their weight in gold. So thankful to be one of them.

I already have planned my celebration for New Year. I will again be meeting my two sisters from Oklahoma City, at Clinton Oklahoma. A friend whom lives there will join us and another friend from another town, We will all have New Year’s lunch together. We will be staying two nights, and be thrilled with some of the exciting entertainment provided at the Casino there. We did this last New Year’s, and it was so much fun we decided to do it  again. We all have our black-eyed peas, and cornbread at mid-night on New Year’s eve.  We never get too old to have good clean fun. My worse fear is staying neutral until the time gets here. I can’t stayed parked for long. But I can’t afford to use up all my gas before the New Year arrives. If the weather permits I will do a lot of leaf raking between now and then. Then I will feel more like enjoying myself at New Year’s.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Wow What A Challenging Time"

Jean's Comment's: "Wow What A Challenging Time": My neighbor is speaking loud and clear about the two flags our brave soldiers fought for, and the Christmas celebration we are now fightin...

"Wow What A Challenging Time"

My neighbor is speaking loud and clear about the two flags our brave soldiers fought for, and the Christmas celebration we are now fighting for. Wish everyone would be that brave.  12-18-2017 Perryton, TX

One of my neighbors is bravely showing her patriotic determination to keep the two flags that much bloodshed has been given for to keep our country sovereign. She also is speaking loud and clear about our Christmas tradition, and dares anyone to try to remove them. We need more people who will follow the declaration of independence no matter what the cost. We must, absolutely must, fight for our country in our own little personal way. Every sign we see in a yard, or on a vehicle, or on our clothing, wherever, whatever, if it spells American freedom, is a vote to help make America great again. We need every vote possible. I noticed my neighbor has let up on the Santa Clause thing, and is now stressing our freedom and our traditions. I am proud of her effort to magnify the importance of fighting for America’s independence. I didn’t put up any outside decorations this yeas as I am alone, and would have needed help to do that. But if I could have I would have put up a big manger scene with the baby Jesus, and a big bright star shinning down on it. I did buy Christmas cards this year from the M D Anderson hospital where little children with cancer used their artistic skills and painted their own version of the Christmas story. The package of cards I chose were the three wise men being led by a star to Jesus’ birth place. The message is the most important, and the simple mind of a cancer-stricken child, made these cards priceless. Every card I sent I asked God to bless those little children.

It’s time now to claim victory, and enjoy every day from now until New Year’s day. I have already been blessed so much till I can’t began to thank everybody enough. I hope I can hear your echo. Christmas was meant to be the happiest time of the year, and I’m here to fight for that continued, and blessed cause. Christmas belongs to the Christians, and Christians own America. We can make room for non Christians, but we cannot let them take precedence over us. Christmas is a fun time for adults as well as for children. Everyone can laugh and sing together in celebration of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. After the Christmas holidays are over another year awaits us filled with anxiety, wonderment, fear, health concerns, and many more arousing thoughts. It is then that we must buckle up and be prepared for these storms, should they happen. Our faith must reign supreme over all demotic powers. Hang onto those promises that the baby Jesus left us with before he returned back to Heaven. I understand He lived on earth for 33  years, and that was long enough to fill the New Testament with His promises. It’s no wonder that Christians celebrate His birthday, and sing praises unto Him. His power lives forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "This Poinsettia Is A Pot Of Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "This Poinsettia Is A Pot Of Joy":                 Christmas blessings to all from my house to yours. 12-17-2017 Perryton, TX Feeling great this Sunday morning. So thankfu...

"This Poinsettia Is A Pot Of Joy"

                Christmas blessings to all from my house to yours. 12-17-2017 Perryton, TX

Feeling great this Sunday morning. So thankful for the switch from the last couple of days. I don’t know what changed my attitude, but it’s ok I don’t need to know. It could be that God has an attitude changer, and He used it on me. I’m sure I will need it used on me many more times in the future. But as for now I see a bright future my myself and my family. I am shouting out the victory chatter this morning. I really think I had forgotten to put on my spiritual glasses. I do have a pair if I will just use them. Hallelujah, for the love of God from whom all blessings flow. I cannot say that my deep feelings of certain opinions have changed, it’s just that I’m better equipped to deal with the differences. I believe God calls it wisdom that He always gives when we realize we need more. James 1:5. If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of God. Sadly so many people think they have built-in wisdom, and they don’t need any more. This is one of my opinions that I differ with. Job 5:12. He thwarts the plans of the crafty so that their hands achieve no success. This bible scripture insures me that all those scheming liberals against our President, Donald Trump, and the majority of the people who elected him, are not going to succeed in their craftiness. This ought to be enough to make anyone shout.

I feel so positive about our country, and the nation of Israel. I am on my feet, and until I get knocked down again I will shout out the victory for our President. Let me stress, I have not been knocked down by any one individual. It’s just what I see and hear on television that sometimes knocks me down. This is the times when I need to put on my spiritual glasses and read my bible. Friends, and will be friends, let us all form a coalition of determined citizens to stick together until the Special Council leader, Robert Mueller, is removed from that position. I have just recently made that decision a positive. He is a sure case of bias. I heard a very smart ex-CIA member the other day on the Tucker Carlson show say this. The only way we can get rid of Robert Mueller is for the people to put enough pressure on the DOJ to make it happen. I also agreed with him when he said that Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is too weak for that job, and needs to go also. My God! Can’t people see the hand writing on the wall? It’s been over a year, and they still can’t find any sign of collision between Trump and Russia. That’s what the investigation was suppose to be for. So they keep lying, bullying, doing all kinds of illegal stuff, and are still getting away with it. I’m sorry to say, but our justice system has bee robbed from us. We must take it back, regardless of the cost. Please pass this letter on to all your friends who stand behind President Trump in trying to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Favorite Sapphire Jewel"

Jean's Comment's: "My Favorite Sapphire Jewel": A blue tree doesn't represent a blue Christmas. It means a sapphire tree is worth it's weight in gold. Love my jewel. 12-16-2017 P...

"My Favorite Sapphire Jewel"

A blue tree doesn't represent a blue Christmas. It means a sapphire tree is worth it's weight in gold. Love my jewel. 12-16-2017 Perryton, TX

Everyone has a different idea about Christmas decorating, but I, being an artist, have some pretty unusual imaginations. The little tree I posted is simply green in daylight, but in the dark it turns sapphire blue. The camera managed to capture the deep blue color while darkness was covering the tree. This tree is like a jewel to me, and since my mother’s name was Jewel, I call the tree mom’s special place in my house at Christmas. I love the memories I have of her, and I long to see her again. Sometimes I wonder why we are put on this earthly planet, learn to live, and love it so much, then after a few days be taken away to we know not where. It is in these times of wonderment that we feel depressed, and have little faith. God never leaves us in these sunken feelings for long. He leaves us long enough for us to realize we don’t have everything under control without Him. What a Great, Loving Father we have. I will trust, love, and honor Him till I take my last breath. I will put my whole being into today, and do just what I finished doing. Make home-made chicken and egg noodles. It’s on my Christmas, gain weight diet, so I took advantage of it. My New Year, lose weight, diet will be coming up soon. I vow to stay on it until all the extra pounds are shed.

I seem to be calling out for something, but not sure what. How can I ask God for something I’m not sure I want? I am convinced that He will not give me something without me asking for it. I have been struggling for years with a feeling of displacement. Yet I don’t know just where I need to be. Many people have told me this is a common feeling for husbands and wife’s who have lost their spouses. But I ask myself why? I can’t even think of living any place but here where I’ve lived for 63 years, yet it seems like I’m through here. On the days when I feel the most confused about this feeling, I have to wonder if my time on earth is near. I am so healthy, and most of the time happy, so why am I dissatisfied with my state of being? I cannot think of one place on earth I’d rather be than here, yet I can’t keep from wandering off into another world, so to speak.

Do I need to change my church after attending it for nearly forty years? Although it’s not the faith I was raised up in, I can’t believe I could ever go back to the fake religion that I left many years ago. I do believe there is a balance between that faith, and the faith that I now am a member of, but I haven’t found it. Is it a fact, and will remain a fact, that church is not what is going to get us to heaven, but the Lord Jesus Christ only will do that? I think one must be content in a church even though it might not be your favorite flavor. The people around you usually will make you feel comfortable if they are true Christians, but some that are not can really rock the boat. I have pretty well resigned to the fact that one does not have to attend church regularly if they cannot fully feel blessed where they attend. Yet that excuse must stand strong testing when the Lord comes to rapture His church. Until better thoughts come to mind, I will accept this philosophy. I know I am in God’s will for now, because He answers my prayers daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Merry Christmas To My Husband"

Jean's Comment's: "Merry Christmas To My Husband": Merry Christmas to my husband, Charles Sharp. First one on back row standing to the left. Police officer taken in 1976. 12-15-2017 Perryto...

"Merry Christmas To My Husband"

Merry Christmas to my husband, Charles Sharp. First one on back row standing to the left. Police officer taken in 1976. 12-15-2017 Perryton, TX

Forty one years ago this was what my husband, Charles Sharp, looked like. He is the first person standing on back row to the left. At that time he had been on the Perryton Police Force for about ten years. He retired in 1981. He passed away January 19, 2013 at age 86. Every Christmas since he left us has been hard to enjoy, but I know his spirit is with us. He loved being a policeman, and made many friends through out the years he worked there. He and I together had four children, and they all are still living sharing the many precious memories we all had together. I am thankful that I didn’t lose him in the line of duty, because he did have some close calls. He seemed to have a way with would-be-killers to talk them out of it. He never once had to draw his pistol. I have asked God to give him a sweet place in heaven, because I think he deserves it, even though I know he was not perfect.

I had a nice time at the Citizen’s Center today. It’s always good to share a meal, and great fellowship with long-time friends. This place is for anyone who wants to come and eat with us no matter what their age. Many couples come together, then there is different clubs, and city committees who have their meetings there. Several businesses are having their Christmas parties there at this time of the year. Many widows, like myself, feel so blessed to have a place such as this to gather three times a week and eat wonderful food, and have a great time of visitation. There are about as many widowed men as women. We all share the loneliness of being left without our mate.

One of the best things I can say about most of our members at the Center is they all have a positive attitude. We all agree that God is a miracle-working God, and He will always take care of us. With that kind of faith no one is going down in defeat. Let come what may with the bad news, the fake news, or any other kind of news, we know that our God is in control. Therefore we can laugh, joke, or make merry in all kinds of ways. We do know the terrible mess our world is in, but we also know we are protected by God’s big hand. If anyone reading this blog, and you do not have victory, we invite you to come join us at the Citizen’ Center anytime. Unless you are determined to hang onto your old way of denying yourself of happiness, you will be made to see the beauty of Jesus in a totally different way than you’ve ever seen before. Faith, hope, and charity, all await you there.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday Jesus We Love You"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday Jesus We Love You": Come inside for a Christmas treat. Spiced tea, or maybe a glass of wine. 12-14-2017 Perryton, TX Christmas is getting close. All my frie...

"Happy Birthday Jesus We Love You"

Come inside for a Christmas treat. Spiced tea, or maybe a glass of wine. 12-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Christmas is getting close. All my friends and neighbors have the exciting Christmas spirit. I’m so thankful for the freedom we still have to worship our Lord, and Savior. The worst thing about Christmas is when we have to take down the decorations, and everything goes back to normal. Visitors leave, and the house seems so empty. The one thing we can hold onto is the loving Savior whose birthday we celebrated. He never leaves to go home if we just always make Him welcome at our house. He belongs at my house, your house, and everyone else’s house who will accept Him. What a blessed people we are.

I can’t help but think about Christmases when I was growing up. My parents were depression survivors, and no one had much money, but somehow we children didn’t know that. At Christmas we though our parents was rich. My mother always went to the grocery store to buy any, and every kind of good food stuff about two weeks before Christmas. My dad had a good credit account, and mom never left anything off that she thought would help make Christmas a great time for all. She always hid the candy, nuts, and oh yes a big coconut which all of us kids fought over to poke the eyes out. We even though the milk, (as we called it,) from the coconut was good. Oranges, apples, pineapple, bananas, and other fruit was plentiful. All the ingredients needed for cakes and pies were also bough at the time of Christmas, grocery shopping. A turkey and a ham was on the list also. We had a house full of company for dinner every Christmas. My dad was a farmer, and he always paid the grocery store manager with his first bale of cotton. He could also borrow money at the bank for other needed things. We children never missed  having presents under the tree. The tree came from the creek we lived near to. Cedar trees were think, and we hunted for the most perfect tree we could find. The decorations were home made, and boy did we all show off our artistic talent when the tree was mounted. Love was the one thing everybody had the most of. Oh, how I wish it could be that way today. Jokes were such a big part of our Christmas joy. All of my family could think of more ways to play a joke on someone. After all when people are poor, they must find a way to laugh instead of cry. I love those precious memories of long ago, and long for the time I can re-connect with my parents, grandparents, brothers, aunts and uncles, and many cousins and friends whom I shared many Christmas with. Yes, it hurts still when Christmas comes, and I think about all my past Christmases, but I still have my own children, and grandchildren, and they are precious to me. Happy, Merry Christmas to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Back In My Political Seat"

Jean's Comment's: "Back In My Political Seat": Myrtle Jean Sharp. A political, motivator of theory without any educational basis. 12-13-2017 Perryton, TX I missed the Senior Citizen l...

"Back In My Political Seat"

Myrtle Jean Sharp. A political, motivator of theory without any educational basis. 12-13-2017 Perryton, TX

I missed the Senior Citizen luncheon today because I was deeply involved in watching a House Committee meeting with U. S. Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. I will not allow myself to go to the bathroom when something of this importance is on. I needed to hear every word that was said this morning to form my own opinion. I have been reading tons of internet calls for President Trump to fire FBI Director, Robert Mueller. So many bias facts have been exposed on Mueller till it seemed like it was a total effort to upset a Presidential election. At this time I am not ready to fully agree with that accusation, as far as our Justice System is concerned, but in all other areas, I say yes, there is an extremely great effort to impeach our President. This President was elected by a large majority of the people, and only by the help of God was it possible. In spite of the battles he has fought daily ever since he has been inaugurated, he has accomplished so many great things for our country. The liberals can’t deny that, but they don’t want that to happen. They were working toward a Global One World  Country without any of the constitutional rights we now have. To make it clear, Hell was fighting Heaven with it’s brimstone and fire. The God of the Universe said “no, I am still the One in control.” Eleven months have now passed since our President took control of this great America, and the fight is still raging, and probably will till the end of time.

After hearing most of the questions and answers this morning in this heated environment called, a Congressional Meeting, I am leaning toward the fact that the end of this investigation will bring conviction to hundreds of evil liberals, and bring us back to a Christian Nation. If otherwise, I will be one of the most disappointed people in the world. I just won’t give into the idea that God will no longer hear the cries of His people. He has been too good to me to ever think He won’t hear me again. He hears me every night, and I am made to know that the following day when my prayers get answered. I do believe the bible, and I know very troublesome times are coming. A bible prophesy declares that 1/3 of the world will be destroyed by fire at one time. Revelation 8:1-13. This bible prophesy was so impressed upon my mind a few months ago till I painted the image of what I saw in the reading. My painting hangs on my wall to remind me of the truth that God impressed upon me. Millions of people are anxious, and even horrified that we Americans are being treated like animals, and will be slaughtered by the thousands. It does look that way, but when we believe in God, there is no need to fear. Those who have stayed true to our Lord will be exempted from all the bloody bodies in the streets. Sound morbid? Yes, but a bible fact. Check it out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Have My Cake And Am Eating It"

Jean's Comment's: "I Have My Cake And Am Eating It":                                 Having my cake and eating it too. 12-10-2017 Perryton, TX My worse enemy this Christmas is this fruit ca...

"I Have My Cake And Am Eating It"

                                Having my cake and eating it too. 12-10-2017 Perryton, TX

My worse enemy this Christmas is this fruit cake I’m posting. The two pieces I ate yesterday put two pounds on me. I am not kidding. I weigh every morning, and this morning I weighed two pounds more than I did yesterday. I vowed not to make this cake this year, but temptations won again. I’m not looking forward to New Year’s this year as I will have to eat mostly eggs for at least two weeks. I can have bacon with them, and make a lot of different recipes using eggs, but I still will have to pout. I’m just happy to be healthy, and enjoy my life for what it is.

More important to me than gaining a few pounds is the fact that many of our loved ones, and many more of our own American citizens are suffering from deep depression of failure. Every day of their life seems to get worse, and requires more un prescribed  medicine to get them through the day. Time is quickly running out for them, but they still think they can beat the odds. I cannot stress this medicine enough. “Jesus” is the name to take a dose of every day. There is hope, but not without Him. I hear people say, ”I’ve tried that, but it didn’t work.” What a joke. They are trying to fool people into believing that they are doomed. They don’t want to accept the right way to straighten out their lives. They really don’t want to change, and that’s why they keep suffering from what ails them.  They refuse council because they really want to keep things in their life the way they are used to. They just don’t want to pay the price for being happy and secure.

I know this is not a cherry Christmas message, but it is a message of hope. I felt definitely compelled to write these words, and I trust they will arouse some to start seriously thinking about their mixed up lives before it’s too late. I personally know that when one admits that they cannot control their actions any longer, help is just a prayer away. The impossible will be made possible if the troubled one, is truly sincere with God. “The FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom,” Proverbs 9:10. Let me be positive. If you will get away from all physical beings, and kneel to the most Almighty God, in desperate sincerity, He will absolutely meet you in person. Yes, you will get the worse fear you have ever known in your life. You will become that no-good child that every father has to correct. But just remember, this Heavenly Father will forgive you, and lead you through His Word to change your life for the better. You will become a “born again”  person. John 3:1-21. Everyone has to be born twice if they want to make heaven their eternal home, Your Father will help you clean up the messy life you have left. This message is for you, and you know who your are. I do not.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Better Things Are Coming"

Jean's Comment's: "Better Things Are Coming": One last view of my "welcome Christmas" atmosphere for 2017.  12-9-2017 Perryton, TX I have been busy doing Christmas for abou...

"Better Things Are Coming"

One last view of my "welcome Christmas" atmosphere for 2017.  12-9-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been busy doing Christmas for about a week now. It is time to relax and enjoy all my effort. This is the last picture I will post of Christmas this year. I will put a picture of my fruit cake on tomorrow. I did have a piece of it for breakfast this morning. Very bad for my diet, but after all I want to enjoy this special Christmas. The angels have visited me, and brought me great joy, after grieving for the past five Christmas seasons. This will be the first time in so many years that I put up a tree. At least I have progressed a tiny bit. As long as my heart is merry, I will be pleased with little things. A little of this, and a little of that. A little tree, and a little fat. God bless you all on this ninth day before Christmas.

In a world that is filled with evil, and sorrow, I do find it hard to push out of my mind the grief some of my friends are dealing with. I will not lie and tell you I do not grieve with others, even though it be the Christmas season. I had to stop writing for a few minutes, and go to my knees asking God to help me write encouraging words instead of emphasizing all the bad. It is a known fact that Christmas is the hardest month of the year to keep from remembering our loved ones who have passed on. But we can claim victory if we trust God, and deny that lying spirit that tells us we will never see them again. In this past week I have had a dear friend to pass away from an injury from a fall. I just read this morning in the obituary that another friend is burying her 42 year old son next Monday. She had already lost a teenage daughter a few years ago in an automobile accident. I hurt for this mother who somehow trusts God through it all. I talked awhile ago to a friend who has had surgery three weeks ago, and is still too weak to hardly walk. She did have cancer, and she also, is trusting God for her full recovery. These are just a few things that are going on right now. Yet the angels visited me, and gave me peace that I can’t explain.

The angels have strengthened my faith so much till I see even the worst misfortunes as being just a prayer away from great victory. I believe God when He said, “all things are possible.” I will claim this promise as long as I live. We all have a duty to live a life that is pleasing to God, and if we do that we can all claim this promise. Even in death and the grave, we can trust Him. With that hope in us, let us wipe away our tears, and start praising the Lord to the highest heavens. Have a piece of my delicious fruit cake in the spirit of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Little Christmas Tree You Make Me Proud"

Jean's Comment's: "Little Christmas Tree You Make Me Proud": My little Christmas tree feels important this year. Big enough for a 7 room house. Amen. 12-8-2017 Perryton, TX With just seventeen days...

"Little Christmas Tree You Make Me Proud"

My little Christmas tree feels important this year. Big enough for a 7 room house. Amen. 12-8-2017 Perryton, TX

With just seventeen days left before Christmas, I am ahead of schedule with my plans. I am actually proud of myself for being excited about Christmas this year. I don’t know the reason for the switch, but I accept it as an additional blessing. After I finish this blog I will have my traditional, delicious, fruit cake in the oven shortly. I decided I could share it with some of my friends at the Widowed Group’s party. The ingredients for this cake cost about $20.00 so you can guess it is rich, and loaded with calories. I have been making this cake for many years, and will never get tired of it’s delicious flavor.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. Friends just have a way of bringing  out the best of me. The laughs we share are better than presents. It’s always good also to eat a meal that we didn’t have to cook ourselves. When we sit at our tables, and look around the dinning room, it makes us feel so good to see some who are greatly handicapped, but make it to the Center in spite of it. It also makes us ashamed that we have complained about trivial matters. God help us to be more thankful. May He also help us to show more love, and appreciation, for these precious souls. They truly do have a special place in my heart.

I had been hoping for a high wind to blow the piled up dead leaves out of my yard. It finally came today. I’m so glad some of the dead leaves are going to visit other people. I’ve had them long enough. When I was a child my brothers and I used to cover each other up with leaves. It was fun then, but not so now. Nothing can make me more disgusted than a yard full of dead leaves. I used to try to keep them raked up, but that got too big of a job for an old woman. At least the trees are bare now, and will not be shedding any more this fall. As the old leaves blow from yard to yard, I cannot accept them in my yard again. I think they know that, because they usually don’t stop here. While the wind is doing it’s job, I stay out of it’s way. I rush from the car to the house, and let it blow to high heaven. I get a few tangles in my hair during the rush, but that is easy to fix.

I am waiting for that call to be invited to a Senior Citizen’s dance tonight. If I don’t get it, then it was not God’s will for me to go. I will be glad and make merry anyway. I will have my cake and eat it by myself. There is always a way to have peace, joy, and happiness. I hope everyone has discovered that secret just as I have.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Bethlehem Star Shines Again"

Jean's Comment's: "The Bethlehem Star Shines Again":                            Busy putting out Christmas decorations. 12-7-2017 Perryton, TX Jerusalem is now the empty tomb of Jesus Chris...

"The Bethlehem Star Shines Again"

                           Busy putting out Christmas decorations. 12-7-2017 Perryton, TX

Jerusalem is now the empty tomb of Jesus Christ, made official yesterday by President Trump. What a victory for Israel! What a victory for America! That guiding star will continue to lead wise men, and women, to Christ, as long as they truly seek His presence.

Today, December 7, 2017, I am almost through with Christmas decorating. It’s been fun, but not going to any extravagance this year. Most of the things I’m putting out have been in storage for several years, and brings back old memories that are precious to me. After living alone for five years I have finally gotten my Christmas spirit back. Just when I thought it would never happen, it did happen. How thankful I am for the joy I share today with the rest of the world. A Savior came, and a Savior lives within our hearts.

I felt more joy at the Senior Citizen’s luncheon yesterday than I had in a long time. Something about the atmosphere seemed to block all bad memories, and emphasize the good things. This means Christmas to me delivered in the most beautiful package ever. There was no Christmas music playing, just the greeting, and laughter of loving people who were celebrating the season with friends and family. To the many people who are still tied to fake religion, you have my sympathy. You have no one to blame but yourself. You can be accepted by Jesus if you hold back no part of what you have been. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things you need to know, by reading His Word, and following it daily. His Word will not tell you that you can be nice sometimes, and act like the devil other times. If we want Jesus in our lives, then we must respect Him at all times, even in times of desperation. If we turn to others for help, then we are showing distrust in Jesus. I’m not saying we should not accept help from others, but only if they willingly offer it. Many times God is directing someone to help us. But the difference is we do not have the right to demand help from others. A true Christian would not do that.

Why do we bother to explain our knowledge of Jesus to others? Because He asked us to do so. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” Mark 16:15-16. What gospel? The gospel He has taught us. The Holy Bible. We cannot always chose the kind of ground we want to plant our gospel seeds in, but we must scatter seeds everywhere hoping some will fall on good ground and grow more good seeds. In my own opinion, God will finally not allow His good seed to fall on ground that has proven over, and over to be bad. What does that mean? It means He will not always deal with those whom have promised to be His followers, but always goes back on their word. Have they not stopped to think about who God really is? Or are they too foolish to believe it? Either case is a sad situation for these foolish mortals to be in.

Why not accept this Christmas to be the one that will change your lives forever? “Surely goodness and peace shall follow you all the days of your life.” Psalms 23:6.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Antique Tablecloth An Antique Angel"

Jean's Comment's: "An Antique Tablecloth An Antique Angel":                            It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 12-5-2017 Perryton,TX I get pretty excited when I start pu...

"An Antique Tablecloth An Antique Angel"

                           It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 12-5-2017 Perryton,TX

I get pretty excited when I start pulling out Christmas decorations. I am more determined now to never let this precious celebration of Christ’s birthday be taken from us. Ever since I can remember it always thrilled me more to celebrate Jesus’ birthday than my own. Although He was born over two thousand years ago, as a babe, He never grows old. He is in that Land where the bible tells us we will never grow old. My heart is rejoicing with gladness at just the thought of that promise. I am praying that people will realize how close we came to losing this “most honorable” Christ’s birthday celebration, and will take greater pride in singing and praising His Holy name. Many have lost their lives because they refused to deny Him, and chose to die instead. Let us all keep backing our President, Donald Trump, as he determines to keep the Christmas message at the top of His priority list. This president should have already bled to death due to all the stabbings He has received since he has been president. He is protected by the Almighty Power of God. Because of God’s love, and His Almighty Power, He has sent us a leader who will keep us safe, and let us continue to celebrate Christ‘s  birthday.

It’s always a blessing to talk to family members on the telephone. I just had a conversation with my sister in Oklahoma City. She said they were getting ready for Christmas, and was excited about making plans for the dinner they will share with other family members. I am not sure about what I will be doing during the Christmas holidays, but I plan to enjoy myself whatever. It’s just a great time of the year to be happy, and help others to be happy. I do have some ideas, but not sure if any will materialize or not. Outside of several parties I plan to attend, nothing is concrete.

I have planned to make salisbury steak with mushroom sauce for dinner tonight. I need to go to the store for mushrooms, so I will prepare to end this blog and start doing something significant for our health. We have been making do with quick snacks, and too many sweets. My son is needing a good meal, that he didn’t have to cook. He never complains, but I do feel guilty. I have a new recipe for Salisbury steak, and I’m anxious to try it. I will have mashed potatoes and green sweet peas to go with it. No dessert tonight. Maybe I will eat one-half of an apple before I go to bed. Still on target with my weight, but it’s a long time yet before Christmas is over. To all my face book friends and family, my readers over seas, and everywhere else, I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 4, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Santa To Our Center"

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Santa To Our Center":                      Christmas spirit at the Citizen's Center today. 12-4-2017 Perryton, TX I had a great time at the Citizen’s Cen...

"Welcome Santa To Our Center"

                     Christmas spirit at the Citizen's Center today. 12-4-2017 Perryton, TX

I had a great time at the Citizen’s Center today. The Christmas decorations were up, and the spirit was in full force. I am so thankful for this group of wonderful friends. Somehow they pull the best out of me, and that’s not an easy job. I’m looking forward to the next lunch coming Wednesday. I’ve decided to wait till after Christmas to worry about losing pounds.

I would like to share a mystery with you that was solved today, after two years of trying, but it would take 5,000 words instead of the 500 that I allow myself on each blog. Maybe I can narrow it down later, and reveal the unbelievable. I still have one more huge mystery of great importance to be solved. It is also about two years in the making. I have faith now to believe this important mystery can be solved also. There is a reason for all things, so I will not complain about the stress I have dealt with over these two significant,(not to be sneezed at,) issues. When the time is right, I will find the answer to the other mystery. Hopefully I won’t die first. If I do, then I’m sure several thousand dollars, plus a multitude of precious memories will be buried in the landfill. I believe God will spare me from that. I consider this as a time of “faith testing’ for me. Ha, ha, who knows what lies ahead.

I just finished eating some bacon wrapped, cheese filled jalapeno halves. I made them last night, and had some left over. I love them so much. They are not hot at all. I cook them till the bacon is crisp. I will be making a request for my appetite to vanish before long. I have found myself with too much of something I bought for a recipe, and have to think of a way to use it so I won’t have to trash it. That’s not hard for me to do, since I’ve been cooking for many years. Plus the Lord knows I have too much time on hand. I trust He will help me find a way to use it more wisely. My friend told me today at the luncheon she had skipped dessert, but she was going home and eat a piece of pecan pie. I didn’t skip dessert, and went home and ate stuffed jalapeno’s. I also plan to eat a big dish of heavenly fruit salad. I can never get enough of that. In just 21 more days I can start counting carb’s again.

I told a Trump, campaign worker a while ago when he called me, that I had taken off till after Christmas. I feel guilty, but it’s been to stressful around here the past two years. I need some time off to think about myself. I will be recharged after I gain a few more pounds, then lose them. It’s Christmas time for now, and I intend to enjoy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Challange For All"

Jean's Comment's: "A Challange For All": Charles and Jean Sharp with Charles receiving his 50 year certificate with the Kiva Shriners. on 9-21-2002. Perryton, TX 12-3-2017'A c...

"A Challange For All"

Charles and Jean Sharp with Charles receiving his 50 year certificate with the Kiva Shriners. on 9-21-2002. Perryton, TX 12-3-2017'A challenge for all

Can you un riddle this?

You can’t buy it, you can’t inherit it, you can’t own it. You can be blessed with it in terms of fortune sharing. Read on. Maybe at the end of this blog you will be able to solve this riddle.

A young couple got married with not much more than a love for each other. They both came from hard working parents whom had married in the exact same situation as they. Hard work, big family, (no birth control pills back then,) religious backgrounds, and faith in God. The young couple used their upbringing skills to raise a family they automatically were handed, but lovingly accepted. As the years went by, the work seemed to increase, and get harder every year. Child rearing responsibilities were part of the daily schedule. School, church, home-work, discipline, fun time, family gatherings, and the lists goes on. With both parents working outside the home in order to meet all these responsibilities, their children were deprived of things that seemingly other children had. Yet other children seemed to think the deprived children had more than they. The couple’s home was often filled with other children who seemed to need the simple, peaceful, happy, life their home provided. Wedged within the three good spiritual possessions the family shared was some bad, unwelcome, interference that the enemy has, and uses, to dismantle peaceful homes. The home place soon became a war front between good and evil. The had-been young, married couple had no knowledge of how to fight a battle against the recent law-breaking, and society rejectors, that invaded the nation as a whole. The war became an army of no gooder’s, against determined peace keepers. That no- good population has grown until this day, and continues to divide our great nation. The survivor’s of this, used-to-be young married couple, have become example products of this riddle. “You can’t buy it, you can’t own it, you can’t inherit it, but you can be blessed with it in terms of fortune sharing. The love of God and all His wealth.

I am a survivor also of parents with these kinds of qualities. I am at peace with my life, and feel like a millionaire because I know I am a child of the King of all kings. I have no desire to waste my father’s money on earthly goods. He taught me the skills of living on a budget. I feel like I have something that money can’t buy. To all you other millionaires, but don’t know it, dress up, and go out to celebrate with a happy face, and a two-step on the dance floor. Never allow those evil temptations such as alcohol or tobacco, or any un needed drug to enter your mind. Dance with the earthly angels or at least try to. There is such a thing, I believe. Happy, happy, happy, are those who walk by faith, and not by sight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "More Than A Laughing Matter"

Jean's Comment's: "More Than A Laughing Matter":                         Sometimes it takes a moron to get my point across. 12-2 2017 Perryton, TX Just when you think there is no way, t...

"More Than A Laughing Matter"

                        Sometimes it takes a moron to get my point across. 12-2 2017 Perryton, TX

Just when you think there is no way, then a moron pops up. I will take all the help I can get. Thank God for the magic of balance. I will try to clear this up a bit, but I must not be too concise. My blog has to have five hundred words to complete the complicated effort I make each day The saying goes like this. A picture is worth a thousand words. Well I have the picture, so I will write less than a thousand words.

When at times we feel so enraged at the evil attacks made on those we love, till we speak out knowing it will bring about more rage. I was raised to be a fighter of good sportsmanship, whether it be sports, religion, or stupidity. I may not be the perfect person that God expects of me, but I will always be on His team, and will give it all I’ve got. I am truly a competitor in the field of good, moral, and respectful behavior, verses the opposite end of the spectrum. The more opposition I arouse the more good I feel like I’m doing. With the help of morons, I can become the winner over the enemies attacks on my loved ones. I am excited to say I will keep on fighting for my Lord and Savior. The game is not over till all trophies are handed out.

This is one Saturday that I am not watching just a repeat of news. The tax bill passed early this morning making this week-end a most exciting one. I am also a player in this political game although I sit on the bleachers most of the time. I jump up and shout out a cheer pretty often. That makes me an important player just like the goal makers. This huge world-wide game between good and evil is getting more interesting every day. Satan’s team is not to be taken lightly. After all he used to be a star in heaven. He lost to my team manager, and got kicked out of the Holy, peaceful, creation of paradise. Now he fights against the earthly team of Christian players. He was a loser, and will be a loser when the last game has been played. I will be practicing daily to put this evil giant in his place in hell. I hope I can inspire other players to do the same. To those whom are on the opposite team, I have bad news for you. You are going to lose, and be awarded a place in that not-so-good, bottomless, pit. If you haven’t chosen to be on the Christian team yet, I urge you to keep trying. I would ask you to be frank about telling your weak team manager that you are changing teams. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31. KJV.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 1, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Thanksgiving Day Is Over But Thanksgiving Days Ar...

Jean's Comment's: "Thanksgiving Day Is Over But Thanksgiving Days Ar...:                     Catfish lunch at Senior Citizen's Center today. 12=1=20117 Perryton, TX Catfish was the specialty today at Senio...

"Thanksgiving Day Is Over But Thanksgiving Days Are Never Over"

                    Catfish lunch at Senior Citizen's Center today. 12=1=20117 Perryton, TX

Catfish was the specialty today at Senior Citizen’s Center. I had never tasted better fish anywhere before. It was served with fried potatoes, salad, and brown beans. Hush puppies just hit the spot. Pineapple custard pie was the dessert, and it was delicious. I’m so thankful for this nice place to eat and enjoy friendship. Every time I go I hear some local news that I wouldn’t have heard had I not gone to eat lunch there. I learned today about the friend which I posted about two days ago who had fallen and broken her neck. She had passed away, and I was shocked to hear that, although I knew it was bad. The accident she had by falling happened last Wednesday, and I heard about it at the Center right after it happened. I wouldn’t have heard that news at least until Sunday when our local paper comes out. Today is Friday. The paper never lists the cause of death. Our Senior Citizen’s Center is a heaven of love, and concern, for all who live in our community. We all work hard to keep up the expense so we can continue to bask, and be blessed in this lovely building of outreached wings. May God bless the laborers  and the donors to this special place.

I think I was a little depressed about the bad news, because I can’t think of any other reason I would have laid around after coming home, and doing nothing. I am late with this blog like other things I intended to do. I do have the sweet fellowship I enjoyed at the Center, keeping me strong, and remembering the sorrowful faces of those who sat at my table. We will all stick together through thick and thin. Tomorrow will bring back rejoicing in His name, and we will be forever grateful for His wisdom and guidance. Tomorrow evening I plan to be meeting with another group of friends to share a meal, and a time of late news concerning the members of this party. I can report on two or three, in case some may not have heard the latest. I may hear something more that I hadn’t heard. Our interest, and prayers for each other means a lot to those who are struggling with a difficult time.

The beautiful sun has just sank in the east, and I am alone in the darkness of night. Yet I am not alone. I have that constant Spirit reminding me that I am not alone. He will protect me through the night, and give me new excitement tomorrow. Before I go to bed I will ask God to give all my family and friends, and even those whom I’ve never met, that same wonderful assurance that He gives me. When I was a young child I had to say a bible verse by memory every Sunday I went to church. The part of a verse I learned is still with me today. “Be ye kind one to another.” I will always treasure this short verse.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp