Wednesday, December 27, 2017

"Whatever Whereever Whenever I'm ready"

  See the snow along the edge of the driveway. 19 degree in Perryton, Texas  12-27-2017

It’s very cold today in Perryton, Texas, with just a trace of snow. You can see where snow has piled up along the edge of the driveway. It is 19 degree here. We were hoping for nice weather until after New Years. Still hoping, because we have a short trip, (150 miles,) planned for that time. We stayed home for Christmas and enjoyed it, but we do hope to spend New Year’s with family, and friends, in Clinton, Oklahoma. It is a much needed time to get me started off to a good New Year.

I’m having trouble writing this blog this morning. I have had several calls, involving important messages from family. It’s just one of those times when a lot has happened that needs to be addressed. I guess I’m clearing out the old year. I am thankful for the family members I still have left, and thankful for the good memories of those whom have passed on. This earth is one big mystery, and I don’t expect to ever solve it. One day at a time will do. Nothing seems to be getting me down, although there is plenty of reason for that to happen. That’s also called one of God’s mysteries. “Here I am Lord, send me that extra special blessing.” I’m still at the same place I’ve been for sixty years. In my bedroom on my knees. So glad to have known, and kept in touch with you all these years. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Thank You.

My chores are still waiting on me. I will do as much as I can, and ask the rest to wait for another day. They are used to that, and I don’t think they mind. According to the bible there is a time, and a reason for all things. I accept that wise, scriptural remark. The apostle Paul said I have learned to be content whatever state I am in. I don’t think he meant the states on the map, but his state of mind. I learned that same sentiment years ago, after I read Paul’s advise. I took it literally. I don’t have to be on a pedestal, or a rug under anyone’s feet to feel important. I already  know I am important to God whatever others may think.

I have now been trying to write this short blog for over four hours. Something just keeps interfering with my work. I take it that I’m suppose to stop and wait for another day. I might write something that I would be sorry for with this state of mind. I will just be content to close, and try something else.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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