Friday, December 15, 2017

"Merry Christmas To My Husband"

Merry Christmas to my husband, Charles Sharp. First one on back row standing to the left. Police officer taken in 1976. 12-15-2017 Perryton, TX

Forty one years ago this was what my husband, Charles Sharp, looked like. He is the first person standing on back row to the left. At that time he had been on the Perryton Police Force for about ten years. He retired in 1981. He passed away January 19, 2013 at age 86. Every Christmas since he left us has been hard to enjoy, but I know his spirit is with us. He loved being a policeman, and made many friends through out the years he worked there. He and I together had four children, and they all are still living sharing the many precious memories we all had together. I am thankful that I didn’t lose him in the line of duty, because he did have some close calls. He seemed to have a way with would-be-killers to talk them out of it. He never once had to draw his pistol. I have asked God to give him a sweet place in heaven, because I think he deserves it, even though I know he was not perfect.

I had a nice time at the Citizen’s Center today. It’s always good to share a meal, and great fellowship with long-time friends. This place is for anyone who wants to come and eat with us no matter what their age. Many couples come together, then there is different clubs, and city committees who have their meetings there. Several businesses are having their Christmas parties there at this time of the year. Many widows, like myself, feel so blessed to have a place such as this to gather three times a week and eat wonderful food, and have a great time of visitation. There are about as many widowed men as women. We all share the loneliness of being left without our mate.

One of the best things I can say about most of our members at the Center is they all have a positive attitude. We all agree that God is a miracle-working God, and He will always take care of us. With that kind of faith no one is going down in defeat. Let come what may with the bad news, the fake news, or any other kind of news, we know that our God is in control. Therefore we can laugh, joke, or make merry in all kinds of ways. We do know the terrible mess our world is in, but we also know we are protected by God’s big hand. If anyone reading this blog, and you do not have victory, we invite you to come join us at the Citizen’ Center anytime. Unless you are determined to hang onto your old way of denying yourself of happiness, you will be made to see the beauty of Jesus in a totally different way than you’ve ever seen before. Faith, hope, and charity, all await you there.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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