Friday, December 22, 2017

"Freezing In The Fear Of Loathsome Times"

           A freezing 32 degree today at noon. Windy also. Blurr. 12-22-2017 Perryton, TX

We’re in the dead cold of winter on this 22nd day of December, 2017 in Perryton, Texas. All desire to get out and go somewhere disappears quickly when it’s this cold. I missed the Senior luncheon today, because it seemed better to stay home. I believe several others missed for the same reason. It makes me glad that I’m not one of the several million who are flying during the holidays. I will spend Christmas safe at home in peace and quietness with my son.

I just talked to my daughter in West Texas. They will be doing some traveling by vehicle which will cause me to worry till they get back home. I heard on the news that the highways are going to be very busy also with Christmas travelers. I realize one doesn’t necessarily have to travel to be injured. I have a friend who was putting up Christmas decorations in her home this past week. She fell off a ladder and broke a hip, and some ribs. A busy, exciting time does bring about accidents more often than not. I still take a few chances, but not like I used to.

On a different note I heard a man on television a few minutes ago saying he’s tired of hearing people say “The Divided States,’ instead of “The United States.” It dawned on me just how serious that statement might become. Everyone will agree that the United States if definitely divided at this time. It doesn’t seem to be getting any better. If anything it’s getting worse. How would it sound to you if you had to change your countries name from The United States to The Divided States?” I do not see much peace, and unity within our country any way soon. I feel like we have to brace ourselves for the worse kind of change our country has ever known. Actually it would just be a continuation from what we’ve been doing for the last several years. Changes in unbelievable ways have been in the process for at least twenty years. We as a nation are now reaping that ungodly change, and few people realize it. How do you change something that’s already grown from the root, to something that you wish would have been a better root. The tree is there, and it will bear it’s likeness in fruit. A fruit that can’t be enjoyed because of it’s sour taste. I pray for God to undo the unbelievable, and make the believable happen again. It would have to occur by a miracle only. We need lots of miracles in this day and time. We, as Christians are fighting the giant of giants trying to defend our Lord and Savior’s reason for coming to earth to live, and die, for forgiveness of sin. Almost everything He taught in His short time on earth has been tromped on, and ignored like an idiot person would do. Most of us have to first pray that our own anger over this will be forgiven before we can pray for those idiots. He does forgive all who sincerely ask.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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