Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"Sharing Some Christmas Joy"

See who helps me celebrate Christmas all through the season. This is just part of them. 12-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m late with posting my blog today, but it has been a full day of varied activity. Christmas party, grocery shopping, cooking, visiting with friend from church who brought me a very nice basket of goodies. Then I had to take a rest from it all. The day went by too fast, but I did enjoy it. My house still smells of ham that I baked for several hours real slowly. I will be spending Christmas at home with my son, Chuck. We will have a good dinner, and watch television in peace and quite. I’m saving my energy for a big New Year’s bash. I’m really excited, and anxious for the time to arrive.

I think the best thing that happened to me today was getting a call early this morning informing me of something great that had happened. I had been praying so seriously about this need for over a month. Then the call came this morning. I was too overjoyed to do much the rest of the day. This need was for someone else, so I won’t go into detail. God does still answer prayer. How thankful I am to him. I don’t know how many more blessing I can contain without showing off too much praise, and admiration. It could be taken as losing my insanity, you know. How can one be calm when the windows of heaven are opened up, and the blessings are flowing? Sometimes these good things happen just before a bad thing happens. I do pray that is not the case now. That was the case for my sister last year, and I can’t forget it. But we have to take whatever God gives us without asking questions.

I had a nice time at the Senior Citizen’s Christmas dinner today. A big crowd was present, and the Christmas spirit was sparkling. A delicious meal was served, and many beautiful Christmas sweaters were being worn with awesome artistic ideas. It was suppose to be an “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day,” but I did not see one ugly sweater. I didn’t see who won the prize for that decision, but it must have been hard for the judges to come up with a winner. We have a lot of awesome men, and women who make this place an enjoyable reality of love, and understanding.

Tomorrow will be house cleaning day for me. I have put it off long enough. Too many other interesting things to do, but the house must be clean in order to enjoy the Christmas spirit. Hope I can hold true to my promise. I still have a lot of kid left in me. I have paintings of my parents hanging in my living room as well as many other family, and friend members. I can hear my dad saying it’s time to clean house. Then I have the President, Donald Trump, and First Lady, Melania, watching every move I make. This helps the lazy person I can be sometimes, to get with the business.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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