Friday, December 29, 2017

"All But The Blackeyed Peas"

Leaving Chuck enough prepared food to last till I get back. Fried chicken, potato salad. cold slaw, and beans. 12-29-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m glad to have my Christmas decorations all down and put up. Things are beginning to look normal again. I will be leaving in the morning for a New Year’s get-together with my sisters and some friends. I fixed food to leave for my son, Chuck. I made him potato salad, cold slaw, brown beans, fried chicken, and a lot of other goodies. I will just be gone two days. I also had my tires checked, and filled up with gas. If the weather permits I will soon be on my way. There was ice on the trees this morning, and it was very cold. But at 2 o’clock this afternoon the temperature is in the fifties. Just hoping it holds out till I get back. I will not be putting on a blog for the next two days, but will resume as soon as I get back. I hope I can bring back something exciting to write about. Like winning the jackpot. All I really want to do is relax, and enjoy my sisters, friends, and a great change of atmosphere. I am blessed beyond describing.

I have several things that I’m looking forward to watching  on the 3rd  of January on television after I get back. It is all to do with politics, and I won‘t even try to explain it. It does look like we are coming to a showdown with Congress, and our Justice Department. Something big is suppose to happen on the 3rd, if not before. That is the deal line for a very serious matter to be answered to. Again I will say that I feel real comfortable, and safe with our President Trump in control of our country. If it were not for he, I would be drawn up in a shell afraid to stick my head out. I definitely feel like our country is in this bad of a condition.

I have two grandchildren, ages 20 and 24,  going to New York City for the New Year’s eve celebration. I will be worried about them, but again I feel pretty comfortable with President Trump calling the shots. I know this will be a great experience for my grandchildren, and I am glad they are going. I think they are expecting to see the ball drop at midnight. I have been hearing that lots of extra security measures have been taken to keep the big event safe. There has been threats made, and  in these times of deep troubles, they have to be taken very seriously. My grandchildren are shaping their future at this time in their lives. They are being met with many challenges. I am very proud of both of them, brother, and sister, for all the accomplishments they have made. No one can deny all the hard work they have done most of their lives to get to where they are today. They both are seeking ever greater challenges, and I hope and pray they find the job God has waiting for them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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