Monday, December 4, 2017

"Welcome Santa To Our Center"

                     Christmas spirit at the Citizen's Center today. 12-4-2017 Perryton, TX

I had a great time at the Citizen’s Center today. The Christmas decorations were up, and the spirit was in full force. I am so thankful for this group of wonderful friends. Somehow they pull the best out of me, and that’s not an easy job. I’m looking forward to the next lunch coming Wednesday. I’ve decided to wait till after Christmas to worry about losing pounds.

I would like to share a mystery with you that was solved today, after two years of trying, but it would take 5,000 words instead of the 500 that I allow myself on each blog. Maybe I can narrow it down later, and reveal the unbelievable. I still have one more huge mystery of great importance to be solved. It is also about two years in the making. I have faith now to believe this important mystery can be solved also. There is a reason for all things, so I will not complain about the stress I have dealt with over these two significant,(not to be sneezed at,) issues. When the time is right, I will find the answer to the other mystery. Hopefully I won’t die first. If I do, then I’m sure several thousand dollars, plus a multitude of precious memories will be buried in the landfill. I believe God will spare me from that. I consider this as a time of “faith testing’ for me. Ha, ha, who knows what lies ahead.

I just finished eating some bacon wrapped, cheese filled jalapeno halves. I made them last night, and had some left over. I love them so much. They are not hot at all. I cook them till the bacon is crisp. I will be making a request for my appetite to vanish before long. I have found myself with too much of something I bought for a recipe, and have to think of a way to use it so I won’t have to trash it. That’s not hard for me to do, since I’ve been cooking for many years. Plus the Lord knows I have too much time on hand. I trust He will help me find a way to use it more wisely. My friend told me today at the luncheon she had skipped dessert, but she was going home and eat a piece of pecan pie. I didn’t skip dessert, and went home and ate stuffed jalapeno’s. I also plan to eat a big dish of heavenly fruit salad. I can never get enough of that. In just 21 more days I can start counting carb’s again.

I told a Trump, campaign worker a while ago when he called me, that I had taken off till after Christmas. I feel guilty, but it’s been to stressful around here the past two years. I need some time off to think about myself. I will be recharged after I gain a few more pounds, then lose them. It’s Christmas time for now, and I intend to enjoy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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