Thursday, December 21, 2017

"A Day Of Blahs"

This is what my beautiful flower garden looks like today. Only Oriental grass is left. 12-21-2017 Perryton, TX

A cold, windy, sunless, day. Very little life left anywhere outside. This post of Oriental grass with a few blades of green is the only life I see anywhere except for a very few birds. My back yard is not a pleasant place to be today. The oriental grass multiplied so much this past summer till I’m afraid I will mostly have grass next summer with only a few flowers that manage to squeeze in between. If so it would create a whole new look for my flower garden. I will anxiously be waiting for the new effect. As for now the cold temperature is not a welcome visitor at my house. The sun is completely hidden, and the grey clouds aren’t pretty. Even the birds are not visible. They are not in the trees because you can see clear through the leafless trees. On this 21st day of December snow hasn’t made it to our house yet, except for a trace about a week ago. I hope it waits now till after New Year as I plan to be traveling on New Year’s eve. It’s hard to make plans in the winter here because the weather is so unpredictable. We often have blizzards when it was least expected. Needless to say I am ready for spring anytime now.

It’s funny how in three days I can lose three pounds, and in three days I can gain three pounds. What an unfair life we have to live, but I would rather be healthy, than happy about my figure. I had lost all but one pound of the five  I gained over Thanksgiving. Now I have gained three of those lost pounds back. But the ham and eggs with toast sure was good this morning. A half of an orange seemed to be what I needed for a balanced meal. I haven’t had a piece of fruit cake in four days, and now I am thinking I have to have a piece today. This roll-a-coaster life has got to stop. I like my freedom too much to keep being tied to a diet. I’m waiting for my appetite to vanish like it’s done before. Until then pass the goodies in my direction. The two or three garments I bought that I haven’t been able to get into yet, will still be there when I get serious again. The big box of Christmas goodies my church friends brought me yesterday will not be ignored. I was happier than a child with a new toy. Home-made candy and cookies. Cheese roll with crackers. Hot chocolate mix. Party mix, and Carmel popcorn. That’s just some of the good stuff they brought me. I appreciate it so much even though I was trying hard to loose another pound. These ladies are the best cooks in town. Anything they touch is good. And the way they have about serving it is half of the pleasure of eating it. God bless these sweet ladies and keep them safe in His arms.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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