Sunday, December 3, 2017

"A Challange For All"

Charles and Jean Sharp with Charles receiving his 50 year certificate with the Kiva Shriners. on 9-21-2002. Perryton, TX 12-3-2017'A challenge for all

Can you un riddle this?

You can’t buy it, you can’t inherit it, you can’t own it. You can be blessed with it in terms of fortune sharing. Read on. Maybe at the end of this blog you will be able to solve this riddle.

A young couple got married with not much more than a love for each other. They both came from hard working parents whom had married in the exact same situation as they. Hard work, big family, (no birth control pills back then,) religious backgrounds, and faith in God. The young couple used their upbringing skills to raise a family they automatically were handed, but lovingly accepted. As the years went by, the work seemed to increase, and get harder every year. Child rearing responsibilities were part of the daily schedule. School, church, home-work, discipline, fun time, family gatherings, and the lists goes on. With both parents working outside the home in order to meet all these responsibilities, their children were deprived of things that seemingly other children had. Yet other children seemed to think the deprived children had more than they. The couple’s home was often filled with other children who seemed to need the simple, peaceful, happy, life their home provided. Wedged within the three good spiritual possessions the family shared was some bad, unwelcome, interference that the enemy has, and uses, to dismantle peaceful homes. The home place soon became a war front between good and evil. The had-been young, married couple had no knowledge of how to fight a battle against the recent law-breaking, and society rejectors, that invaded the nation as a whole. The war became an army of no gooder’s, against determined peace keepers. That no- good population has grown until this day, and continues to divide our great nation. The survivor’s of this, used-to-be young married couple, have become example products of this riddle. “You can’t buy it, you can’t own it, you can’t inherit it, but you can be blessed with it in terms of fortune sharing. The love of God and all His wealth.

I am a survivor also of parents with these kinds of qualities. I am at peace with my life, and feel like a millionaire because I know I am a child of the King of all kings. I have no desire to waste my father’s money on earthly goods. He taught me the skills of living on a budget. I feel like I have something that money can’t buy. To all you other millionaires, but don’t know it, dress up, and go out to celebrate with a happy face, and a two-step on the dance floor. Never allow those evil temptations such as alcohol or tobacco, or any un needed drug to enter your mind. Dance with the earthly angels or at least try to. There is such a thing, I believe. Happy, happy, happy, are those who walk by faith, and not by sight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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