Thursday, December 7, 2017

"The Bethlehem Star Shines Again"

                           Busy putting out Christmas decorations. 12-7-2017 Perryton, TX

Jerusalem is now the empty tomb of Jesus Christ, made official yesterday by President Trump. What a victory for Israel! What a victory for America! That guiding star will continue to lead wise men, and women, to Christ, as long as they truly seek His presence.

Today, December 7, 2017, I am almost through with Christmas decorating. It’s been fun, but not going to any extravagance this year. Most of the things I’m putting out have been in storage for several years, and brings back old memories that are precious to me. After living alone for five years I have finally gotten my Christmas spirit back. Just when I thought it would never happen, it did happen. How thankful I am for the joy I share today with the rest of the world. A Savior came, and a Savior lives within our hearts.

I felt more joy at the Senior Citizen’s luncheon yesterday than I had in a long time. Something about the atmosphere seemed to block all bad memories, and emphasize the good things. This means Christmas to me delivered in the most beautiful package ever. There was no Christmas music playing, just the greeting, and laughter of loving people who were celebrating the season with friends and family. To the many people who are still tied to fake religion, you have my sympathy. You have no one to blame but yourself. You can be accepted by Jesus if you hold back no part of what you have been. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things you need to know, by reading His Word, and following it daily. His Word will not tell you that you can be nice sometimes, and act like the devil other times. If we want Jesus in our lives, then we must respect Him at all times, even in times of desperation. If we turn to others for help, then we are showing distrust in Jesus. I’m not saying we should not accept help from others, but only if they willingly offer it. Many times God is directing someone to help us. But the difference is we do not have the right to demand help from others. A true Christian would not do that.

Why do we bother to explain our knowledge of Jesus to others? Because He asked us to do so. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” Mark 16:15-16. What gospel? The gospel He has taught us. The Holy Bible. We cannot always chose the kind of ground we want to plant our gospel seeds in, but we must scatter seeds everywhere hoping some will fall on good ground and grow more good seeds. In my own opinion, God will finally not allow His good seed to fall on ground that has proven over, and over to be bad. What does that mean? It means He will not always deal with those whom have promised to be His followers, but always goes back on their word. Have they not stopped to think about who God really is? Or are they too foolish to believe it? Either case is a sad situation for these foolish mortals to be in.

Why not accept this Christmas to be the one that will change your lives forever? “Surely goodness and peace shall follow you all the days of your life.” Psalms 23:6.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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