Friday, December 8, 2017

"Little Christmas Tree You Make Me Proud"

My little Christmas tree feels important this year. Big enough for a 7 room house. Amen. 12-8-2017 Perryton, TX

With just seventeen days left before Christmas, I am ahead of schedule with my plans. I am actually proud of myself for being excited about Christmas this year. I don’t know the reason for the switch, but I accept it as an additional blessing. After I finish this blog I will have my traditional, delicious, fruit cake in the oven shortly. I decided I could share it with some of my friends at the Widowed Group’s party. The ingredients for this cake cost about $20.00 so you can guess it is rich, and loaded with calories. I have been making this cake for many years, and will never get tired of it’s delicious flavor.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. Friends just have a way of bringing  out the best of me. The laughs we share are better than presents. It’s always good also to eat a meal that we didn’t have to cook ourselves. When we sit at our tables, and look around the dinning room, it makes us feel so good to see some who are greatly handicapped, but make it to the Center in spite of it. It also makes us ashamed that we have complained about trivial matters. God help us to be more thankful. May He also help us to show more love, and appreciation, for these precious souls. They truly do have a special place in my heart.

I had been hoping for a high wind to blow the piled up dead leaves out of my yard. It finally came today. I’m so glad some of the dead leaves are going to visit other people. I’ve had them long enough. When I was a child my brothers and I used to cover each other up with leaves. It was fun then, but not so now. Nothing can make me more disgusted than a yard full of dead leaves. I used to try to keep them raked up, but that got too big of a job for an old woman. At least the trees are bare now, and will not be shedding any more this fall. As the old leaves blow from yard to yard, I cannot accept them in my yard again. I think they know that, because they usually don’t stop here. While the wind is doing it’s job, I stay out of it’s way. I rush from the car to the house, and let it blow to high heaven. I get a few tangles in my hair during the rush, but that is easy to fix.

I am waiting for that call to be invited to a Senior Citizen’s dance tonight. If I don’t get it, then it was not God’s will for me to go. I will be glad and make merry anyway. I will have my cake and eat it by myself. There is always a way to have peace, joy, and happiness. I hope everyone has discovered that secret just as I have.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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