Saturday, December 23, 2017

"Helping A Little Bird To Escape"

                         Pitiful little bird locked inside the patio. 12-23-2017 Perryton, TX

As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee this morning I saw this little bird trapped inside my screened in patio. It had gotten inside somehow, and couldn’t get out. Flying from one wall to the other it had almost become motionless.  I walked out and opened wide the door of the patio. Leaving it open I went back inside the house. The bird was so weak I didn’t try to shoo it toward the open door. About an hour later I checked, and the little bird had found it’s way out. I felt so good about helping even a little bird find a way out of fear, and desperation.

Sometimes I feel locked inside my home without a way out. Unlike the little bird I know I can open the door and walk out, but for some reason I don’t feel released from my fear and desperation. The body is free, but the mind is not. Whether I’m inside my house, or outside of it, I feel trapped by uncertainty. I spent an hour on the phone this morning with a friend talking about just such a situation as this. It’s funny how we both, being widows, feel the same undesirable qualities. Yet we both realize that we are some of the most blessed children God has. God knows our child-like attitudes, and accepts them like any loving father would. He does make us feel ashamed sometimes for our mistakes, but never fails to forgive us. It is so clear to me that God’s big family are all my brothers and sisters. Like when I was at home in my earthly father’s house, my brothers, and sisters, and I, had disagreements. Like a speck of magic, the anger quickly was forgotten. That same trait is still within us. We will never be perfect until we leave these old earthly bodies, and receive a new spiritual body. Neither will that brother or sister be forgiven until they quit thinking they have no faults. A stubborn child always gets punished the most.

I was given a book this Christmas written by Max Lucado.  Titled “Anxious For Nothing.” This book is amazing. I finished the first chapter last night. Everything I read is what I’ve heard probably a thousand times before, but not in the same words. Words can mean the same, but written in a hundred different, mind-grabbing, ways. The author has written many books, and is an inspiring, heart-touching, humorous, and effective book seller. I had read one of his books before, and was greatly impressed with it. Max Lucado is a reformed Church of Christ minister, and is now receiving great success in the renaming of  The Oak Hill Church of Christ San Antonio,  to The Oak Hills Church. He uses musical instruments in the church, and believes baptism is not required for going to heaven. He openly declares that gays and lesbians will not go to heaven. He has retired from full time ministry for health reasons related to atrial fibrillation. After writing over 100 Christian books one would greatly be blessed to start reading, and learn more about this gifted, talented minister/author.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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