Saturday, December 2, 2017

"More Than A Laughing Matter"

                        Sometimes it takes a moron to get my point across. 12-2 2017 Perryton, TX

Just when you think there is no way, then a moron pops up. I will take all the help I can get. Thank God for the magic of balance. I will try to clear this up a bit, but I must not be too concise. My blog has to have five hundred words to complete the complicated effort I make each day The saying goes like this. A picture is worth a thousand words. Well I have the picture, so I will write less than a thousand words.

When at times we feel so enraged at the evil attacks made on those we love, till we speak out knowing it will bring about more rage. I was raised to be a fighter of good sportsmanship, whether it be sports, religion, or stupidity. I may not be the perfect person that God expects of me, but I will always be on His team, and will give it all I’ve got. I am truly a competitor in the field of good, moral, and respectful behavior, verses the opposite end of the spectrum. The more opposition I arouse the more good I feel like I’m doing. With the help of morons, I can become the winner over the enemies attacks on my loved ones. I am excited to say I will keep on fighting for my Lord and Savior. The game is not over till all trophies are handed out.

This is one Saturday that I am not watching just a repeat of news. The tax bill passed early this morning making this week-end a most exciting one. I am also a player in this political game although I sit on the bleachers most of the time. I jump up and shout out a cheer pretty often. That makes me an important player just like the goal makers. This huge world-wide game between good and evil is getting more interesting every day. Satan’s team is not to be taken lightly. After all he used to be a star in heaven. He lost to my team manager, and got kicked out of the Holy, peaceful, creation of paradise. Now he fights against the earthly team of Christian players. He was a loser, and will be a loser when the last game has been played. I will be practicing daily to put this evil giant in his place in hell. I hope I can inspire other players to do the same. To those whom are on the opposite team, I have bad news for you. You are going to lose, and be awarded a place in that not-so-good, bottomless, pit. If you haven’t chosen to be on the Christian team yet, I urge you to keep trying. I would ask you to be frank about telling your weak team manager that you are changing teams. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31. KJV.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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