Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"Back In My Political Seat"

Myrtle Jean Sharp. A political, motivator of theory without any educational basis. 12-13-2017 Perryton, TX

I missed the Senior Citizen luncheon today because I was deeply involved in watching a House Committee meeting with U. S. Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. I will not allow myself to go to the bathroom when something of this importance is on. I needed to hear every word that was said this morning to form my own opinion. I have been reading tons of internet calls for President Trump to fire FBI Director, Robert Mueller. So many bias facts have been exposed on Mueller till it seemed like it was a total effort to upset a Presidential election. At this time I am not ready to fully agree with that accusation, as far as our Justice System is concerned, but in all other areas, I say yes, there is an extremely great effort to impeach our President. This President was elected by a large majority of the people, and only by the help of God was it possible. In spite of the battles he has fought daily ever since he has been inaugurated, he has accomplished so many great things for our country. The liberals can’t deny that, but they don’t want that to happen. They were working toward a Global One World  Country without any of the constitutional rights we now have. To make it clear, Hell was fighting Heaven with it’s brimstone and fire. The God of the Universe said “no, I am still the One in control.” Eleven months have now passed since our President took control of this great America, and the fight is still raging, and probably will till the end of time.

After hearing most of the questions and answers this morning in this heated environment called, a Congressional Meeting, I am leaning toward the fact that the end of this investigation will bring conviction to hundreds of evil liberals, and bring us back to a Christian Nation. If otherwise, I will be one of the most disappointed people in the world. I just won’t give into the idea that God will no longer hear the cries of His people. He has been too good to me to ever think He won’t hear me again. He hears me every night, and I am made to know that the following day when my prayers get answered. I do believe the bible, and I know very troublesome times are coming. A bible prophesy declares that 1/3 of the world will be destroyed by fire at one time. Revelation 8:1-13. This bible prophesy was so impressed upon my mind a few months ago till I painted the image of what I saw in the reading. My painting hangs on my wall to remind me of the truth that God impressed upon me. Millions of people are anxious, and even horrified that we Americans are being treated like animals, and will be slaughtered by the thousands. It does look that way, but when we believe in God, there is no need to fear. Those who have stayed true to our Lord will be exempted from all the bloody bodies in the streets. Sound morbid? Yes, but a bible fact. Check it out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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