Sunday, December 10, 2017

"I Have My Cake And Am Eating It"

                                Having my cake and eating it too. 12-10-2017 Perryton, TX

My worse enemy this Christmas is this fruit cake I’m posting. The two pieces I ate yesterday put two pounds on me. I am not kidding. I weigh every morning, and this morning I weighed two pounds more than I did yesterday. I vowed not to make this cake this year, but temptations won again. I’m not looking forward to New Year’s this year as I will have to eat mostly eggs for at least two weeks. I can have bacon with them, and make a lot of different recipes using eggs, but I still will have to pout. I’m just happy to be healthy, and enjoy my life for what it is.

More important to me than gaining a few pounds is the fact that many of our loved ones, and many more of our own American citizens are suffering from deep depression of failure. Every day of their life seems to get worse, and requires more un prescribed  medicine to get them through the day. Time is quickly running out for them, but they still think they can beat the odds. I cannot stress this medicine enough. “Jesus” is the name to take a dose of every day. There is hope, but not without Him. I hear people say, ”I’ve tried that, but it didn’t work.” What a joke. They are trying to fool people into believing that they are doomed. They don’t want to accept the right way to straighten out their lives. They really don’t want to change, and that’s why they keep suffering from what ails them.  They refuse council because they really want to keep things in their life the way they are used to. They just don’t want to pay the price for being happy and secure.

I know this is not a cherry Christmas message, but it is a message of hope. I felt definitely compelled to write these words, and I trust they will arouse some to start seriously thinking about their mixed up lives before it’s too late. I personally know that when one admits that they cannot control their actions any longer, help is just a prayer away. The impossible will be made possible if the troubled one, is truly sincere with God. “The FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom,” Proverbs 9:10. Let me be positive. If you will get away from all physical beings, and kneel to the most Almighty God, in desperate sincerity, He will absolutely meet you in person. Yes, you will get the worse fear you have ever known in your life. You will become that no-good child that every father has to correct. But just remember, this Heavenly Father will forgive you, and lead you through His Word to change your life for the better. You will become a “born again”  person. John 3:1-21. Everyone has to be born twice if they want to make heaven their eternal home, Your Father will help you clean up the messy life you have left. This message is for you, and you know who your are. I do not.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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