Sunday, December 17, 2017

"This Poinsettia Is A Pot Of Joy"

                Christmas blessings to all from my house to yours. 12-17-2017 Perryton, TX

Feeling great this Sunday morning. So thankful for the switch from the last couple of days. I don’t know what changed my attitude, but it’s ok I don’t need to know. It could be that God has an attitude changer, and He used it on me. I’m sure I will need it used on me many more times in the future. But as for now I see a bright future my myself and my family. I am shouting out the victory chatter this morning. I really think I had forgotten to put on my spiritual glasses. I do have a pair if I will just use them. Hallelujah, for the love of God from whom all blessings flow. I cannot say that my deep feelings of certain opinions have changed, it’s just that I’m better equipped to deal with the differences. I believe God calls it wisdom that He always gives when we realize we need more. James 1:5. If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of God. Sadly so many people think they have built-in wisdom, and they don’t need any more. This is one of my opinions that I differ with. Job 5:12. He thwarts the plans of the crafty so that their hands achieve no success. This bible scripture insures me that all those scheming liberals against our President, Donald Trump, and the majority of the people who elected him, are not going to succeed in their craftiness. This ought to be enough to make anyone shout.

I feel so positive about our country, and the nation of Israel. I am on my feet, and until I get knocked down again I will shout out the victory for our President. Let me stress, I have not been knocked down by any one individual. It’s just what I see and hear on television that sometimes knocks me down. This is the times when I need to put on my spiritual glasses and read my bible. Friends, and will be friends, let us all form a coalition of determined citizens to stick together until the Special Council leader, Robert Mueller, is removed from that position. I have just recently made that decision a positive. He is a sure case of bias. I heard a very smart ex-CIA member the other day on the Tucker Carlson show say this. The only way we can get rid of Robert Mueller is for the people to put enough pressure on the DOJ to make it happen. I also agreed with him when he said that Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is too weak for that job, and needs to go also. My God! Can’t people see the hand writing on the wall? It’s been over a year, and they still can’t find any sign of collision between Trump and Russia. That’s what the investigation was suppose to be for. So they keep lying, bullying, doing all kinds of illegal stuff, and are still getting away with it. I’m sorry to say, but our justice system has bee robbed from us. We must take it back, regardless of the cost. Please pass this letter on to all your friends who stand behind President Trump in trying to make America great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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