Saturday, December 9, 2017

"Better Things Are Coming"

One last view of my "welcome Christmas" atmosphere for 2017.  12-9-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been busy doing Christmas for about a week now. It is time to relax and enjoy all my effort. This is the last picture I will post of Christmas this year. I will put a picture of my fruit cake on tomorrow. I did have a piece of it for breakfast this morning. Very bad for my diet, but after all I want to enjoy this special Christmas. The angels have visited me, and brought me great joy, after grieving for the past five Christmas seasons. This will be the first time in so many years that I put up a tree. At least I have progressed a tiny bit. As long as my heart is merry, I will be pleased with little things. A little of this, and a little of that. A little tree, and a little fat. God bless you all on this ninth day before Christmas.

In a world that is filled with evil, and sorrow, I do find it hard to push out of my mind the grief some of my friends are dealing with. I will not lie and tell you I do not grieve with others, even though it be the Christmas season. I had to stop writing for a few minutes, and go to my knees asking God to help me write encouraging words instead of emphasizing all the bad. It is a known fact that Christmas is the hardest month of the year to keep from remembering our loved ones who have passed on. But we can claim victory if we trust God, and deny that lying spirit that tells us we will never see them again. In this past week I have had a dear friend to pass away from an injury from a fall. I just read this morning in the obituary that another friend is burying her 42 year old son next Monday. She had already lost a teenage daughter a few years ago in an automobile accident. I hurt for this mother who somehow trusts God through it all. I talked awhile ago to a friend who has had surgery three weeks ago, and is still too weak to hardly walk. She did have cancer, and she also, is trusting God for her full recovery. These are just a few things that are going on right now. Yet the angels visited me, and gave me peace that I can’t explain.

The angels have strengthened my faith so much till I see even the worst misfortunes as being just a prayer away from great victory. I believe God when He said, “all things are possible.” I will claim this promise as long as I live. We all have a duty to live a life that is pleasing to God, and if we do that we can all claim this promise. Even in death and the grave, we can trust Him. With that hope in us, let us wipe away our tears, and start praising the Lord to the highest heavens. Have a piece of my delicious fruit cake in the spirit of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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