Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"It's Not Funny But Laugh Anyway"

“It's Not Funny But Laugh Anyway” I think my patience is being tried. Today has been almost unbearable. I have been forgetting things since yesterday that is almost impossible for me. If it continues then I'm going to say there is no hope for me. That brain of mine is not going to give into that thief for a long time yet. I have someone who will never let it happen. All they ask is that I trust Him. I will because I am a strong believer in this all powerful Spirit that gave me life in the first place. I have several friends and loved ones who have given up on their ability to overcome the downfalls of life, but I am not about to give up. If I can't find my medicine then I will just go and get another prescription like I did today. If I forget to put the apartment number on the envelope, but I'm not sure, I will just call my sister and tell her to meet the mailman like I did yesterday. It worked because my prompt nephew was there today to get the mail which I had forgotten to put the apartment number on. When you live in an apartment complex with over one hundred apartments, without the number the mailman has no way of knowing which box to put it in. This delivery had to be made today, because it was very important. So far I have managed to come up with a solution without much effort. But how long my brain is going to fight for me is the big question. Nothing more than aggravation has happened to me yet. I have an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow. I'm going to make sure I don't tell him everything I know about myself. I can handle my problem with the help of God better than the doctor can handle it. But I will always keep my appointments. God bless our doctors, and nurses. God bless our sweet children, and grandchildren, God bless those sweet friends who are always ready to share their help. Someday the rewards will be passed out, and I am sure a celebration of appreciation will be in place. Hallelujah to our King. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"I Walk By Faith And Not By Sight"

“I Walk By Faith And Not By Sight” I just returned from a nice vacation with two of my sisters. We did nothing exciting, but just being together was such a wonderful, relaxing time. So thankful that I can still enjoy being with them. My youngest sister is seventeen years younger than I, but I can still keep up with her. She is a lot of help to me in many ways, but so is the other sister who is twelve years younger than I. I am the oldest of the four of us. It's good to be home, but I am still missing being with them. My oldest sister lives in Albuquerque, and we don't get to see her very often. Today was her birthday so I called her to wish her a happy birthday. She was getting ready to make a wedding cake for some friends. She enjoys doing things for others more than gabbing about with the three of us. Every time my vacations ends it gets harder for me to settle down, and get back into the old grind. Yet I'm so thankful that I can still do all of my own work, and manage all of my complicated business. These changing times are very hard to follow, but so far I have been able to waltz on through them. I will never believe anything else but that the covid 19 virus has turned the world upside down. I can see the evidence of it more, and more every day. I won't say that God didn't have a hand in it, because the world had gotten so sinful till it is quite possible that God had had enough. He works in mysterious ways, but that does not excuse the evil inventors or the distributors, involved in this world wide destructive virus. I also believe that many who say they got the shots for the virus, actually did not. Just because we saw the needle being poked into the arm does not make it genuine. But I strongly believe that everyone who took the positive shot will be affected in some manner for the rest of their life. And I might add those who have refused to take the shot will be forced to before it's over. We are at the very beginning of a hell on earth struggle. God is still a Just God, and He will not forsake his people who have believed, and respected Him. But woe to those who have refused to worship Him, and turned to idols to worship. By the grace of God I will stay true to my God. He is the One and Only hope for the world. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"My Joy Remains Full Speed"

“My Joy Remains Full Speed” We all dread the possibility of becoming dementia before we die. I personally know many who have fallen to this awful disease. Being a caregiver I have cared for several who were victims to this awful change of life. It's very heartbreaking, but sometimes I think it must be somewhat nice not to remember so many bad times in one's life when we were crushed by someone we loved. Not to mention the many times someone we loved were taken from us by death. Recalling all these heartbreaking times has got to be almost unbearable at times. In fact I wonder if some ever remember the many times they have crushed a persons heart. If they don't recall now, they definitely will some day. I plead with God not to punish anyone who has beaten me up, because like Stephen in the bible when he was being stoned for loving Jesus, looking up to heaven crying. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” I wonder what the world would be like if we had more Stephen's. I'm sorry to have to say this, but I believe the bible to declare in the last days there will be more murders to people like Stephen than ever before. It's not a good thing to think about, but I am trying hard to become a “Christ Lover” as much as Stephen was. Then there was Jesus Himself who died a terrible death for loving sinners like you, and me. I personally think it is disrespectful to watch movies of Jesus pain, and death. I will never watch such shameful images of my Savior no matter how much publicity they get. It's bad enough to read the bible, and know what happened without watching some money seekers try and show me. So life goes on, and by God's mercy I believe I can withstand any criticism that is thrown at me. Those who suffer for Christ's sake will someday wear a Golden Crown. Those who wrongfully accuse others will wear a crown of thrones just like the one they help put upon Christ's head. I know I am of my own opinion, but it sounds pretty certain to me when I read my bible. However, I would say to my Heavenly Father, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


“Home Is Where God Carries Us To Bed” I just hung up the phone from talking to my son, Kent, in Hawaii. They will be back home at 6:30 in the morning. He said they had had a wonderful time, but was ready to get back home. Outside of being fascinated with the sea turtles the next interesting thing he learned about Hawaii was how liberal the people are there. He was quite surprised that people could be so liberal. I already knew that about Hawaii and have no desire to go there. The good ole United States is fighting daily to keep our nation a more conservative place. By faith most of us believe we can win this war against evil. We still believe in God therefore, the battle belongs to Him. He will never lose. He even gives us more physical,. and spiritual strength to fight with Him. Every time we fall He picks us up. He wipes our tears away, and carries us in His arms till we can walk again. As long as my Heavenly Father needs me, that's how long I will keep declaring victory in His Holy Name. Someday we will understand everything that we do not understand now. It will be worth it all. You might have already guessed I have had a hard day. Nothing that really mattered, but one that everything seemed to be beating me up. One that if everything does not fall in place at the blink of the eye, then you think the sky is falling down on you. Most of the time everything was alright in the first place, it just seemed to be wrong. A little rest, and a call from your son moves the sky back in place. Thank You Jesus. Even Jesus had these kind of days. His Heavenly Father carried Him through those had times just like He carries us. We are blind as to why this happens, but no doubt it is for a reason. Let us Trust, and never doubt. Victory is not far from us, then we can shout for joy. I just now received a picture of pickled okra, and cucumbers from my grandson's garden. I have eaten those before, and they are delicious. At least he is still doing things right. I can't say that I canned anything. But I used to can a lot every year. I might can some green beans, and tomatoes a little later on. Arron just gave me a boost, and that is just what I needed. How he is telling me he used my recipe. Now I know they are as good as they look. I love my grandchildren God blessed me with. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Monday, June 21, 2021

"Some Of The Necessary Things In Life"

“Some Of The Necessary Things In Life” A nice cool day after a little rain this morning. I took advantage of it, and cleaned out my car. All the floor mats are now drying after I soaked them in a tub of hot, sudsy water. I'm getting ready for a trip to Oklahoma City this coming Friday. This is an important trip I have had planned for some time or I would reschedule it. I would liked to have attended something here at home this week-end, but felt like I needed to keep the already planned schedule. While I had my car out of the garage I swept, and cleaned the badly needed cleaning job I had been putting off for quite awhile. I took my blood pressure when I finished all of that hard work, and it was normal. So far I think I have not over done it today. I'm slowly learning that I'm getting older every day. My rest alarm goes off more often now. I head toward the bed to honor that warning signal. When I get up I usually can handle one more little job, then I'm through for the day. That's when the clock stops for me, and I have to struggle the rest of the day with anxiety. But how wonderful I feel when I wake up in the morning. I can relax for hours without doing anything but drinking coffee, and reading my I Phone. Thank God for built-in pleasure. If only I could go one day without hearing some gruesome news how wonderful that day would be. Without the love of God to comfort me I could not keep my sanity with so much wickedness happening every day. Especially when little children are used like snakes to be killed. Never does a day go by that this is not happening. I cannot watch any news or read on my I Phone but for a few minutes without hearing this horrible, unbelievable kind of news. It never gets easier for me to hear. By bedtime I am usually jerking all over from hearing these awful things. I refuse to take nerve pills, or any kind of anxiety medicine because I feel like God wants us to know how wicked the world really is. If more people would pay attention to the evil things that happen every day, I believe they would stop being happy-go-lucky, and plead for forgiveness. A day of awakening is coming, no matter how much people try to ignore the reality of innocent blood being shed every day. Of course I believe God wants us to fight off these kinds of depression, and helps us to relieve ourselves from them. But we must never forget the pain, and suffering that innocent, and Godly soldiers endure each day. Teach me Lord to be strong, and without selfish gain. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 20, 2021

"Remembering My Own Father"

“Remembering My Own Father” I am late getting this blog posted today, but a friend brought me over some delicious watermelon, and stayed and visited awhile. It's nice to have company when you aren't expecting it because it seldom ever happens. We had a lot to catch up on, and I enjoyed it so much. We are both widows, and since this is Father's Day we are both missing our husbands more than usual. I did go to church this morning, and listened to a very nice Father's Day message from our Pastor. Several fathers were present, so I know they felt blessed this morning to be a father. I think about my own father so much any more. He was one of the best, and I am proud to have been his daughter. My childhood life was more than being a spoiled child. I was taught from the bible as far back as I can remember. In our home everything revolved around God. I never had any trouble minding my dad, even though I might not of always agreed with him. I'm sure I kept a few secrets from him, but not too many. I can truly say I am proud of the way I was raised. I don't believe no one has ever missed their family more than I have. God has never failed to cheer me up when I am at my lowers time of mourning. This is one of the best lessons my dad taught me. I still know that everything I do is being recorded in “The Lambs Book of Life.” I always try to convince myself that all things are part of my Christian life. I believe that everything I do is done with good intentions. Many people won't agree with me on that, but when one lives a daily life of talking with God about their deeds, I have to believe God hears, and guides their every decision. We don't always understand, but by faith we trust our actions. The most important thing we can do is keep our spirits high. God does not want us being sad so much. Like our earthly fathers He wants us to be happy. I know when it's time to have a change of attitude about my daily life. I never want to get into a rut that is doing nothing but sinking me lower every time I try to get out. I will apply my favorite quote to this fact. “ An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Don't let it happen in the first place. It doesn't matter who disagrees with me, I am the one who matters in this situation. “The Lord is the joy of my salvation.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 19, 2021

"Our Country First"

“Our Country First” It's Saturday and 99 degrees in Perryton, Texas. Showing 10 percent chance of rain, and we sure need it. With no breeze at all it's too hot to wonder outside. I've spoken to my two sisters in Oklahoma City, and it's the same temperature there. My son called from Hawaii at 11:30 this morning, telling me it was 6:30 there, and 70 degree. He was at the beach watching the sea turtles go back into the water. They come to shore, and sleep on the sand at night then go back to the water early in the morning. He called me on face time, and I watched those huge things crawling back to the water. There must have been thousands of them. Kent estimated them to weigh about 200 to 300 pounds each. He and wife, Angela are having a great time, and declaring that Hawaii is nothing but a Paradise. Kent said the food was scrumptious. They just have a few more days then will have to head back to the hot climate of Texas. Back to where one's work never ends. But the Lord has been so good to both of them, they have a lot to be thankful for. It may be hot here in Texas, but I wouldn't trade it for all of Hawaii. Our Governor, and Lt. Governor along with the help of a few other states are working hard to control our borders. The liberal left has put us into the most terrible crisis that the U.S. has ever known. But we are confident that we will take our country back. Little by little we see the God of our Country defeating the evil left, and I believe before it's over, those who are guilty of cheating, and stealing the election will be punished. The bible says “vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord and I will repay.” We as Christians can stand up and Praise God, for He has never failed his people yet. While we would like for everyone to repent before it's too late, I'm sure it will never happen. We are not suppose to understand God's ways, but we are told to trust Him always. Those whom Satan has kept fooled for years, will no doubt, be left to suffer along with the wicked. A very sad, but true fact, in my way of understanding the bible. They have believed a lie, and did not budge from their warning from God. I'm so thankful for the strength, and courage God gives us when we've done all we could do to open the blind eyes. Our work will not be finished until God calls us home to Glory. We may not see the good we have done before we leave this world, but we will see it on that Great Rewarding Day. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 18, 2021

"Don't Lose Your Vision Of Jesus"

“Don't Lose Your Vision Of Jesus” While reading my bible last night, Psalms 84: 9 and 10 shook me up. The verse that said one day in God's Temple is better than a thousand anywhere else. I thought about the many, (once upon a time,) faithful attendants of God's house, but now are staying home. Lots of them are saying, but we watch the sermons on television. I'm sorry to say, but I believe the bible means what it says when it reads, “forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.” God's Temple as we know it is called the church, or the House of God. I have seen so many people these past few years who are going from one church to another trying to find one that pleases them. I can truly say I am not guilty of that although, I was a member of a church other than the one I called my church home, for several years. I feel no remorse for that, because I was in God's Temple. Recently God has called me back to my home church, and I feel like if I'm the last person attending, I will stay there. It makes no difference if I am not one of the main leaders, I thank God that He didn't call me for that purpose. I am in The Temple of The Lord, and that is all that matters. My feeling now is no other place would I feel like I was in God's Temple. Of course God has many Temples, and He is pleased with most of them. But I believe He does require us to be faithful to the one He chose for us, not the one we chose for ourselves. And staying home when there is no excuse except we can't find a church that suits us is totally unacceptable. If we as new attendants and do not fit the laws, and rules of the church's doctrine, unless we are told we are not welcome we should stay where God put us. We do not have to be members to be in the House of God in most instances. I don't find anywhere in the bible where we have to conform to any church rules. We have ministers who preach God's Word, but they cannot change a person's personal belief. That is The Holy Spirit's job. I may draw a difference of opinion here, but I don't believe any church representative has the right to judge the people who only want to be in The House of God. I would like to see some more interest shown by church members to those who are looking to find a friendly, Christ-like attitude, when they come to visit. I will admit that sometimes I am tempted to join the stay-at-home rejectors, so to speak, but I have been warned of the consequences if I do. It pays to be in The House of God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 17, 2021

"Today's Food Talk"

“Today's Food Talk” I just have to brag on Chuck's good neighbor again. She brought him over three small, individual loaves of Russian, home-made bread today. It was so good till I ate a half of loaf by myself with real butter. Nothing else. She is such a good cook,. and loves to share with others. She does these nice things for us many times. She is one of a kind, but the world needs many more just like her. Thank you Mary. Chuck, and I try to repay her with little gifts, but I'm looking for something special just for her. Chuck gave her a pink orchid once, and she loved that. I think it is still blooming. She has such creative talent, till I have to envy her. It got to 99 degree today in Perryton, and we had to keep watering the garden stuff to keep them from dying. We would run out every little while to see if anything had grown any more. Also the beans are coming up, but not all at once. I can still count the ones that have come through the ground. Sure helps not to be so bored. We have one little green tomato, and it's so exciting to see it grow. This garden thing is our entertainment instead of our workhouse. Chuck has 6 inch zinnia plants that he is fixing to set out soon. He says they are a very special species. They are suppose to get very large, and extra beautiful. He has got me anxious to see just what he has come up with. I have not done anything since I've come home from Chuck's house except eat a piece of pecan pie and drank a cup of coffee. Tomorrow I will have to do a lot to catch up. There is no way I'm going to work any more today. My bones are aching, and I need to recline the rest of the day. Thank You Lord for such a life of leisure. However, it was a long time in coming. I am set to relax for the rest of the week. This is Thursday, and I don't have to go back to Chuck's till next Tuesday. Looking forward to church Sunday, This is my bestist day of the week. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

"Flying The Friendly Skies"

“Flying The Friendly Skies” My son, Kent, just called me from Hawaii. He said they were having a great time in a Paradise. He, and his wife, and some others left yesterday to spent a week on that beautiful Island. I have never been there, but really have no desire to go. I have never been one to like traveling abroad. Kent, and his wife love traveling and have been in several different countries. I guess I am just prejudice of my own country, The United States. To me non other can compare. However, I do believe in exchanging friendship with all other countries. It is all God's creation, and He has no favorites. Hawaii is part of the United States, but I see a little less than proud of it from most Hawaiians. This world would not turn if it was one-sided. Let's keep the wheels balanced. I have felt so energetic today since getting the good news yesterday about my health issues. Sometimes nothing but worry is our greatest sickness. My doctor told me I was in good shape, so today I am celebrating. I just took a big pecan pie out of the oven. I spent more time, making this pie look perfect, than ever before. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. This new oven I got is the best for baking everything smooth, with no humps. It cooks to perfection. I use it every day I am home. I even use the broiler to make my toast. I will be oven frying some chicken thighs for Chuck's dinner tomorrow. I have to fix most everything the night before I go to his house because I leave early in the mornings. I just have to reheat before I leave. This week-end is Father's Day. I hope every father has a great day. My father is in heaven, but I still wish him a Happy Father's Day. I have a great nephew who became a father today for the first time. What a special gift that little daughter gave him. Happy Father's Day Zack. To every child who does not have their father with them for any reason, know that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you very much. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

"Tie Me Up Before I Fly Away"

“Tie Me Up Before I Fly Away” It's over friends, and family members. The decision has been made, but I didn't make it. It had already been made when I walked into the doctor's office. At first the nurse took my blood pressure, but had no luck doing so. The sphygmomanometer would not register, Another try measured the instrument reading 213/95. After a few minutes she tried again, but still no figures would appear on the screen. She just shook her head and left the room. I had taken my little blood pressure instrument so I used it, but got the same results. While I waited for the doctor to come in I was thinking that I would be admitted again to the hospital. No such thing. The doctor asked me how I was feeling. I said I was feeling fine until the nurse couldn't get a measurement of my blood pressure. He just smiled at me, and ignored my concern. Within five minutes I was told that I had a little blockage on both arteries in my neck, but not enough to worry about now. He listened to my heart, and lungs then said fine, I'm not doing anything at this time, but I want you to come back in four months and I will take another look at the neck blockage. I immediately felt my blood pressure go down. When I got home I took my blood pressure, and it read 137/65. I am ditching all my boyfriends but Dr. Langly. He looks to be about the age of my grandsons, but wiser than Methuselah. I had never met Dr. Langly, and I worried about what he may be like. I fell in love with him immediately. I had thought that the doctor would, without question, take my Cardiologist recommendation and schedule a date today for the procedure if I agreed. Not so. He looked at all my records, and made that decision without even asking me. But who directed the doctor to do that? Almighty God. There is not one doubt in my mind. Now I'm ready to get back in Chuck's garden tomorrow and plant some more green beans. If they don't hog-tie me Sunday I might dance a little jig at church. I do want to thank everyone who were praying for me to make the right decision. Those prayers were answered today. Say amen with me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 14, 2021

"I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eyes"

“I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eyes” The cloud gets heavier, and darker every day. I don't expect it to ever lift from my path as long as I live. I do expect God to follow me under that cloud, and give me strength, and faith to trust Him all the way to my eternal home. Tomorrow I will be making a decision on a very important matter to me in the form of surgery. If I choose to have it it may give me many more years of life if I have no trouble recovering. If something goes wrong, I could die quicker than if I chose not to have it. For a younger person this minor surgery would amount to nothing, but an older person like myself with past major surgeries, it could be very risky. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to discuss the pro's and con's of this simple procedure. I have ask God for a scripture to help me decide. This is what He gave. Psalms 32:8. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eyes.” I no longer need to dread this trip. I just need to go and find out what I should do according to my Heavenly Father. I do not believe I will know tomorrow with whatever decision I make if I will live longer, or die quicker, but I am sure of one thing I will be guided by my Lords own eyes. What more can we ask for? It has been twenty one years since I had open heart surgery, and I have been a workaholic every since. Only recently five hours after getting my second covid shot have I had any kind of health issues. I had a stint placed to my heart, but have had some trouble every since. Now I am told I need to have the blood vessels in my neck cleaned out. There is a 75 percent blockage which I'm told could lead to a stroke. I have not met with the doctor who would be doing the procedure yet, but my cardiologist made it clear that it would be up to me, but he would recommend it. Tomorrow will be the day for that big decision. Everyone faces a time in life that troubling decision have to be made, that is unless the Lord decides to make that decision Himself. When I had open heart surgery I made sure I had everything in order, My husband and I made a will, checked out burial spots, and a few other things. The Lord had given me the two words He wanted me to stand on. “ Trust Me, Trust Me.” I did just that, and when they wheeled me into the surgery room to prepare me my youngest son was with me. I don't know why, but for some reason every thing I said made my son laugh out loud. Finally a nurse came in to check on us. I said, are we making too much noise, He said no, go ahead and make all the noise you want. I was 21 years younger then than I am now. I never knew when I was taken in for the surgery. Sometime later a nurse was saying to me, wake up, wake up Mrs Sharp, it's all over. I said oh it can't be I haven't even counted to 10 yet. The recovery was short, and I never slacked off doing anything I wanted to do until now. I only went to see my doctor once a year for a check up. Never had to get another prescription for anything else. Just the blood pressure pill, and a cholesterol. I will let you know the decision I made when I write another blog. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 13, 2021

"And Then It Happened"

“And Then It Happened” I was expecting a nice, surprising, but a great blessing this morning at church. It didn't happen; but after church was over and people started leaving I found it. A couple, and their daughter were already seated when I arrived at church, and I had never seen them there before. I thought they were off, and on attendants that I had never met before. I just waved at them as I walked up the isle to my seat. I knew I was going to acknowledge them when church was over. But, while I was asking someone who the folks were, they had already exited the church, and by the time I learned that no one there knew who they were, I had to run outside to catch them before they got to their car. I introduced myself to them, and started talking as fast as I could to get more acquainted. They were more than eager to let me know they were trying to find a church where the minister still preached God's Word. They added, this minister is one of those few still left. He did a great job, they said. Then the gentleman began to preach me a little sermon. I almost started shouting standing outside while people were going to their cars to leave. My surprise blessing happened outside of the church, but it did happen. I said to them, I hope God will move on you to come back, and help us fill these pews. Then I went back inside, and shared my blessing with the few whom had not left yet. The sermon this morning was again on, “don't give up.” I thought to myself, surly pastor you can't still keep believing that this church is ever going to be the same as long ago. He had used the bible scripture about Lazarus who had died, and was buried, when Jesus told his sister to remove the stone, and bring Lazarus out of the cave where he was buried. But the people told Jesus, by now he will be stinking. They did what Jesus told them to do, and unwrapped the burial cloth from him. Jesus said to Lazarus, “ rise up and walk, and Lazarus did just that. I had heard this sermon so many times till I was not touched by it. But when I chased the strangers down this morning, the sermon started having an effect on me. I knew then that I was never going to give up. I'm in a shouting mood again, and feeling a little ashamed at my doubt. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 12, 2021

"I Stand On My Speech"

“I Stand On My Speech” Saturday afternoon rush for me. Only about half through with my housework, and then have to work on my beauty effort. My hair is getting so thin it takes me hours to hide the bald. I could let the hair dressers do it, but I don't like their style on me. My husband used to say the beauty operators makes me look like I'm wearing a wig. He is not with me any longer, but I still like to pretend he is. For years my hair was the least of my worry, but old age has changed that a lot. My hair is just one of the things I'm fighting with about change. The awful, disgraceful, tattoos, and body piercings are more than I can accept. I cannot have any sympathy for those who have chosen to make their God-given bodies into a hell-like symbol mocking God's Holy Temple. “The Word says our bodies are the Temple of The Lord.” I feel like many have made it into a welcome sign to hell. I am overdue with my frank, rebuke for tattoos, but my soft, talk concerning tattoos just got me deleted. It didn't do any good at all, so I'm not sugar coating my thoughts any longer. Of course I will get repercussions, but I can no longer be a dummy on a stick. Judge me, you will be judged. Your judgment cannot hurt me, because I know the difference between true judges, and fake ones. My sentence will be from not speaking out much sooner. I do not believe in judging people about every little mistake they make, but when it is so bad that nothing evil can be felt by Christian born mortals in America, it's time for Frank to start preaching. At my age I never thought I would ever be called upon to speak out on God-forbidding sin, but if I must die a martyr, that shall I be. I do believe that God is already judging this world. Very few are aware of it. If they were they would become more concerned about the troubles they are in. They seem to brush it off as if it's nothing new. What a trick the evil one has played on so many. It's very disturbing to me because I feel like too many luke worm Christians are never going to see the light. I do believe that before the end of time every knee shall bow before the Lord, but I'm not sure it won't be too late. This message is one big surprise to me. I never intended to condemn anyone because I strongly am against that, but for some reason this is what proceeded out of my heart. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 11, 2021

"Without Pain We Are Dead"

“Without Pain We Are Dead” How nice to have special friends you can talk to for hours if you wish. I just hung up the phone from talking to a super nice person, that keeps me updated on everyone else. Before that call I had talked to my sister in Oklahoma City for quite some time. It is friends, and family like those that keep me feeling necessary to stay on the sunny side. God bless my sunshiny faces that brightens my days. I am very much aware that without daily contact with people one will lose their desire to function. I am also aware that it becomes a daily struggle to remain positive about the blessing we receive in life. This is just part of the retired life all of us have to face in time. It sounds good at first, but the older bones just don't move as fast as the young ones did. Somehow the brains want more rest also. So it goes like this. “Be kind one to another, and love your neighbor as yourself.” It took me one hour today to do the two things that I thought might take all day today. My mind must have been resting a lot yesterday. The old saying goes like this, “ you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.” At least I am still getting things done. I do know that is because the Good Lord is always there to help me. I pray I will never get to the place I expect Him to do it all. I will patiently wait for things to happen that I know is going to happen in God's time. I can be happy and content until such time. The things we dread the most will turn into a joyful experience. Come walk with me down that dark road then we both can share the rising sunshine. Just have to say, Glory, Glory to the Lamb of God.” He is my all, and all. And I love to tell His story. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 10, 2021

"A Dirt Digger I Am"

“A Dirt Digger I Am” I helped Chuck plant some garden today. We set out eight tomato plants, and planted a row of green beans. The cantaloupe plants are in full bloom already, and some of the tomato plants were blooming before we got them put out. Chuck has a passion for raising garden, but he, and I both are almost beyond garden work anymore. Those garden tools just won't let us put them away. The spake, rake, and hoe are always nearby. Now that I'm home, I am doing what I enjoy most, typing whatever comes to my mind, so I can see what the Lord has for me to do next. I believe my messages are more for me than anyone else; but what would life be like if we couldn't share? I also enjoy reading others messages. Wish more people would write more. I visited with Chuck's next door neighbor today. We both were in our back yards at the same time so it was a good time to stand under the shade of some trees, and talk our heads off. I do love this precious little lady. She is so talented, and we both have so many things in common. It was lunch time, and she offered to share some chicken salad sandwiches with Chuck, and I, but I had made a large meatloaf earlier, and made scalloped potatoes, and collard greens. This special lady cannot be beat so far as making you feel important. She was in her late fifties when she married the first time, but that guy could not have found a more loving, and caring wife. He realizes that too. They have been married now just over eight years. A lovely couple totally in love. The best thing this friend and I have going together is we both love our Lord, and talk about Him a lot. I haven't had time to rest since I've been home so I will hurry and finish this little gabby story, and find my recliner. How thankful I am to be blessed so much with both material, and spiritual things. God knows exactly what I need, and He always supplies it. Sometimes I tell Him what I need, and He also gives that. I wasn't raised to be a spoiled child, so I know not to ask for more than I really need. However, He tells us in His Word to ask, and we shall receive. I believe He wants us to tell him what we need. Usually I ask for peace, and guidance. I do often ask Him for strength to endure grief, which I have experienced a lot. He is my comforter. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

"An Opinion Only"

“An Opinion Only” Once again I feel the need to use God's Word to deliver my heart today. There are several writers who make up the book of Psalms, but I believe King David wrote the 65th chapter. I chose to use the first 8 verses of that chapter to try and explain my own thoughts. Although King David was by God's own Words, His greatest king, he made many mistakes ( by the bible scholars of today's own interpretation.) he was an Old Testament character, and lived by Moses law. Some modern bible teachers calls him a murderer, not just because he killed the evil Giant, but because he stole the wife of a soldier who was away at war. He wanted to marry that beautiful woman so King David ordered that her husband be put on the front firing line so he would be killed then he married Bathsheba. This part of King David's life is so frustrating that an unlearned person like me, and most other bible readers, are left to leave well enough alone. Now to get to my bible scripture. Psalms 65: 1-8 O God, it is right for us to praise you in Zion and keep our promises to you, because you answer prayers. People everywhere will come to you on account of their sins. Our faults defeat us. But you forgive them. Happy are those whom you choose, whom you bring to live in your sanctuary. We shall be satisfied with the good things of your house, the blessings of your sacred Temple. You answer us by giving us victory, and you do wonderful things to save us. People all over the world and across the distant seas trust in you. You set the mountains in place by your strength, showing your mighty power. You calm the roar of the seas and the noise of the waves; You calm the uproar of the peoples. The whole world stands in awe of the great things you have done. Your deeds brings shouts of joy from one end of the earth to the other. What would you do? I sat in a Sunday school class one morning listening to the teacher talk about King David's mistakes. Naturally several men came to his rescue saying the woman was also at fault. I spoke up and said, David was the King. Can we simple wives of a man at war tell the King we will not obey him? What a terrible spot to be in. I do not believe Bathsheba willingly gave in to King David, but out of fear, she obeyed his command. Now for a really mind blogger, Bathsheba became the mother of King David's wisest son on earth, King Solomon. Does this not make you appreciate our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, even more? Friends I feel like we are all bible illiterate so much that the most important thing that matters is Trust in Jesus with all our hearts. Live by the ten commandants, and pray every day for wisdom. Thank you. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

"It Takes All Kinds"

“It Takes All Kinds” Why does God allow us to recall so many sad memories, or maybe I should say sweet memories that become sad when we recall them? It is not always deceased ones who make you sad at some remembering of certain instances. Things that happened years ago that now have become haunting because of the mistake that you made when you thought you were doing what was right can be the hardest to endure. Even though that person may still be alive there is no way you can ever relieve yourself of the guilt. These are the memories that take all the joy from us when we should be praising God for His constant blessings. Then there are the wonderful memories when you loved so much being around precious loved ones who have now left us forever. Life can be like a roller coaster no matter how much God blesses you. Laughter, and tears at the same time. It can get so bad till everything seems worthless. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, experienced the same miseries that I speak of now. Satan never left Jesus alone for long. Can we understand better now why we too must spend much of our time being miserable? Not really, but we know if Jesus had the same struggles in life as we, then we cannot expect to be less troubled. The difference is Jesus was the perfect One. He knew no sin. We are the sinners who deserve most of what we struggle with. What we chose to do with our lives daily can make a big difference in how much we feel sad. However, there is no complete freedom from guilt, and grievousness, until we either lose our minds completely, or lose our mortal life to the new one. I believe this is one of the reasons the bible tells us to bear one another s burdens. Confess our sins to one another, only with God's direction. He knows what is best for us. Satan would have us go overboard with confessing. There is often great confusion when past sins becomes an identity for us. I for one. have always felt like Jesus is the only one who needs to know all about our personal life. I would never have written a message like this one today if I had of had my own way. It took me an hour or so to finally start not knowing what I was going to say. Yesterday I was so enthused while writing my blog, then today nothing would come to me but distressful thoughts. I could never be that person who talks from a script, or follows an outlined message. It takes all kinds to do God's work. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 7, 2021

"We Are Soldiers Not Deadbeats"

“We Are Soldiers Not Deadbeats” People when do we stop turning the other cheek? The Liberal Party has caused us so much more cost of living till we just must hit back. I just got back from renewing my home insurance policy, and was told by the agent to wait till they could check for another company who had not raised their rates so much. My policy had gone up $238,00 in one year, and I had not used it once. Every bill I paid had increased a lot. Gasoline, groceries, hospital, and doctor bills, going through the roof. The evil leadership we now have in the White House, has got to be stopped. God is big enough to do it, and I for one am going to sincerely ask Him to take over how. We do not have to take all these beatings by such ungodly people. I think we have been patient long enough. We need to act now in self defense. Our defense is God, and He will help us if we truly believe. In just over a year we have seen the worst economic crisis since in the early thirties, when the Great Depression hit. If we don't act now the end is not near in sight. We can have faith, but faith without legs is dead. We Christians are God's hands, and feet. Our voices must go up to Heaven. Silence is a broken weapon. I'm not saying we should act like idiots. I'm saying we should be “as wise as a serpent, and as harmless as doves.” We can only be like that by staying focused on God. Some people may not know this, but I believe if we are not exercising our faith then it will dry up to nothing. The best way to exercise our faith is by start praising God daily for His love, and mercy. Thank Him daily for the prayers He answered for us that day. Thank Him, Thank Him. I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I thought I saw Jesus walking on the water to rescue us from shipwreck. I still believe that, but He hasn't reached us yet. Unless we keep our eyes on Him we might sink before He gets to us. I am very sincere. I believe we have to stay close to our Savior at all times in order to be protected. Like a little child we may feel lost from our Heavenly Father sometimes, but like that earthy father He always has an eye on us. Trust Him, Trust Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 6, 2021

"A Shipwrecked Country"

“A Shipwrecked Country” I could never have had a happier day in a thousand years than I've had today. Church was such a blessing to be part of, and the crowd was overwhelmed. The Holy Spirit was there pouring out His glory on everyone. What a day, and so many precious comments given to me personally was extraordinary. The sermon was nothing but a God Sent. And the messenger was prompted by The Holy Spirit, Himself. The three words I kept hearing the most were, “never give up.” It was most fitting to everyone there. In this day and time the world seems to be shipwrecked. People are having a hard time to keep from drowning. But Jesus walked on the water to save us today. There will continue to be ragging storms, but our faith was certainly strengthened today. I am looking forward to next Sunday. The past two Sundays have both handed me a big surprise, I am expecting another next Sunday. I really don't want to surprise everyone myself, but I will not refuse if the Lord wants to use me for something. “Unto whom much has been given much will be expected.” I am far from being a completely yielded servant, but I have been in the past. That's where we all need to be again today. It's better to yield than to be forced. God's way is always best. My roses are blooming so beautifully I take pride in showing them off. When nothing much seems pretty, the roses always make up the difference. There are all colors, and sizes for me to enjoy. Some are cluttered together to make a bouquet, others are spread all over the bushes. I have not been well enough to prune, and take care of them, but they are pretty anyway. I have my yards mowed, but don't attempt to hire someone to work my flower garden. It's too much, and there comes a time to settle for roses only. I am thankful for the good health I still have, and I will take good care of it first. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 5, 2021

"Time To Fess Up"

“Time To Fess Up” I am beginning to see God's great big hand reaching down to punish the evil humans who have gone over their limits of mocking God. I had never lost faith, but I just thought He should have started sooner. Doesn't that say I am human also. I have to apologize to God daily for my human-like mistakes. I have know for years that God does all things well, and has never failed His faithful followers. Neither has He failed to punish those who are against Him. His own words, “vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I truly believe there are many who think they are in God's will even when they are showing to be enemies of some of God's chosen ones. It is very sad for me to say this, but I am aware of it happening in my past. I did not intend to let politics be a part of my blog today, but how can I say I believe God has started to punish those who are against Him without it becoming partly political? We are ruled in this world by Governments. The people make up the government. How can we have differences of opinions without having disagreements? Differences of opinions often brings about hate that leads into more hate, and finally a killing of both bad, and good people. I believe that evil demons of hungry power is what we are experiencing in our governments today. It has gotten out of hand, now God has to take over. At one time I used to speak against what I believed the bible declared sin. I did that for years until I heard the Lord say to me, no one is without sin. Those who think they are is sinning already. It is up to me to do unto others what I would want them to do unto me. Think about this. Would I want others to always be using me for trouble maker? Do I want others to deliberately take part of my comments, and use them to portray me as a trouble maker? God help us all to never be guilty of such. I have always believed since my “born again experience,” that only God can say who is going to heaven, and who is going to hell. In fact I believe only God knows what will happen to us after death. I did not say there is no heaven, and there is no hell. Please don't quote me as saying that. I just said only God knows our destiny. I feel much pity for those who have declared possessing Christians hypocrites. I have made the remark that some don't live up to their teaching like they declare others have to do. I still can say that with all due respect. That is not saying they are going to hell, God forbid. The bible teaches that Love is the greatest of all commandants. I firmly believe that, and without it I would be worried about my eternal life. In this day and time we all better be seeking God for guidance, and stop accusing others of trivial sin. I believe we can, and I will, preach against hate. Never let it become part of you. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 4, 2021

"A Thanksgiving Message"

“A Thanksgiving Message” After buying groceries today, then making a quick trip to Liberal, Kansas to get a few items, I am very tired. I rested about an hour before coming to the computer to write my blog. Nothing interesting has happened the past few days, but I did meet up with an old friend at the grocery store. She had moved away from Perryton about thirteen years ago. I didn't know she and her husband had moved back. It was so nice to see her, and hopefully will be seeing her a lot more. I invited her to the Senior Citizens Center for lunch, and fellowship three times a week. She seemed interested, and maybe she will be the boost I needed to get started back after the long absence because of the Corina Virus. There is nothing any of us need more than each other to share our joys, and concerns with. The Center is where you will find those kind of friends, always. We can never thank the few who labored long, and faithfully to keep that place open, and coming back to full capacity. Then there were those behind the scene who gave more than their share to meet the expenses, while the tables were almost empty. God bless these loving people who have already been blessed, and was able to pay the Center's bills. I think I was one of those who got lost during the shuffle, but have slowly found my way back. It was a scary time, but with God's help we are feeling safe again. Our red, white, and blue flag is still standing, and it will take a lot more than the Corona Virus to take it down. We have lost a few of our special members since this virus broke out, but only God knows why they were taken. They were true, and loyal servants to our Center, and they will always be missed, and never forgotten. If we will just keep talking positive, I believe the doubts will soon completely disappear. It still looks like the odds are against us, but little, by little the evil is coming to light. Our prayer is that God will punish every person who took part in this evil, destructive, deadly crisis, and shine His glory on us all. I think I made an effort today to stay positive, although it is going to take an effort every day, I am sure. I am on my way. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"My Own Recipe"

“My Own Recipe” Yesterday I made jalapeno cornbread. It was so good I ate a large piece with real butter. After I finished eating it I remembered my healthy diet. It's not a low calorie diet, it's a cholesterol diet. This morning I put the rest of the pan of jalapeno cornbread in the freezer. If I don't eat it before, I will take the rest of it to my sisters in Oklahoma City at the end of this month. As if that wasn't bad enough this morning I chose to have a big home-made biscuit with two strips of bacon, an egg and orange juice. This won't happen long because I still do have disciplinary rule. Thank God for that. This week I have lost two friends who were regular attenders to our Widows Dinner Club, before the Corona Virus shut us down. The enemy of darkness just won't let us have joyful hearts for long. We have to be fighters every day to keep that enemy away. The Holy Spirit has been so good to comfort me. He never leaves me in doubt. Some may try to change my direction, but I know when I am trusting God, I have to follow His advice. “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” My future depends upon God's guidance. I know I am a mystery to some, but I am only one of God's many mysteries. “Some glad morning when this life is ore, I'll fly away to that beautiful shore.” The Apostle Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever state I am in.” He did not mean whether he was in Texas or Oklahoma, ( which is what I have been trying to decide on,} Paul meant whatever state of mind he was in. Whether in jail, in a shipwreck, or blind. Paul always came out on top of all his tragedies. I was born, and raised in Oklahoma. I have lived in Perryton, Texas for sixty-five years, but it has never seemed like home. Two of my sisters live in Oklahoma City, and I would love to be closer to them. But for some reason God has not let it happen. I have a hard time being content since Oklahoma City is the closest city I live to of blood kin. Except one son who is disabled and lives here close to me. Two hundred and seventy-five miles is a long way to drive to spend a few hours with my sisters. All the other of my family members live farther away than Oklahoma City. I believe growing older is a natural feeling of missing the loving family one has been blessed with. But moving back home would not make me miss them any less. I must learn to be more content until, and if, God wants me to say till I leave for my eternal home. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp