Thursday, October 31, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Pumpkins Are A symbol Of Thanks"

Jean's Comment's: "Pumpkins Are A symbol Of Thanks":                     Don't take it lightly. Be grateful for Thanksgiving. 10-31-2019 Perryton, TX   Good-bye Halloween, hello Tha...

"Pumpkins Are A symbol Of Thanks"

                    Don't take it lightly. Be grateful for Thanksgiving. 10-31-2019 Perryton, TX  

Good-bye Halloween, hello Thanksgiving. Pumpkin pie sounds good to me. I love the Thanksgiving time of the year more than any other. It's all about food, and giving many thanks for it. Growing up I can't remember ever not having a big turkey stuffed with dressing, and lying in a huge pan with dressing up to it's wings. We children all loved turkey, and dressing, but we hated to see mom cut up the turkey. The day before Thanksgiving our mom spent hours cooking all kinds of good stuff for a big crowd that would be coming to our house to share Thanksgiving with us. There was never a better cook than my mom. She made home made yeast rolls that everyone ooed, and ayed over. Her pumpkin pies were the best ever. But she didn't just make pumpkin, she made coconut cream, and two or three other kind. Thanksgiving was a great time for getting together with a lot of family. I will always miss those good ole days. But most of all I miss my mom, and dad, and my brothers. My grandparents were always near by, not only just at Thanksgiving. I grew up in their home almost as much as my own home. I had aunts, and uncles, and cousins by the dozens that were all living in close proximity to us. It's hard to believe how much times has changed the family traditions. I have no plans as of now for Thanksgiving, but I have several options.

I have a big day planned for tomorrow. A good friend will be coming from Oklahoma City to attend her sister's funeral service. I will be having lunch at the Center, then plan to attend the service at 2 o'clock. I also have known the lady who will be having her last rights said tomorrow, for many years. She will be greatly missed. I hope my friend can spend some time with me in my home, but I doubt that will be possible. She will be with a daughter, and I'm sure they will be driving back to the City after the services. Slowly, but surely God is calling all my friends, and acquaintances home. This will be the second one this month to be buried. I can't comprehend why death comes to us all, when we have so much to be thankful here on this earth. Although, I do know God knows best, and I fully trust Him. It takes a lot of prayer, and a lot of faith to be able to keep smiling, and pressing on. Many, many tears are shed each day before we can claim victory. And we must deny fearful thoughts to overtake us. I have so many good times in my past till it makes the present more bearable. I certainly do know how to sympathize with all who are saying good-bye to a loved one. The love of God is with us during these hurting times.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Was There But You Weren't"

Jean's Comment's: "I Was There But You Weren't": My photographer didn't know how to use my camera.  Nothing showed up except my fat. 10-30-2019 Perryton, TX   Well, well, what ...

"I Was There But You Weren't"

My photographer didn't know how to use my camera.  Nothing showed up except my fat. 10-30-2019 Perryton, TX

Well, well, what a fun day we had. I got so many compliments I'm just bursting with pride. This picture I'm posting Isn't the one I wanted, but it is the only one that got on my camera. The weather was very cold, but several people still turned out. There would have been many more if it had of been nice. We had beriox, and everyone shows up when we have that. However, so many of our seniors won't take the risk of getting sick if they get out in bad weather. But over all it was a good day for fun, food, and fellowship. The Perryton web site will be putting more pictures on in a few days. Their address is www.perrytonseniors,org. The bake sale also was well funded. I am so happy for this great day of Halloween fun. We have some awesome people in our circle of friends.

I can't say I enjoy this cold, snowy weather since I too stay inside a lot, but I will not let it get me down. I will just be counting the days until spring. I must say here where I live is fairly mild compared to a lot of places. We seldom ever lose our electrical power, and our gas bills are moderately low. Almost never are we stranded inside our homes. We don't get a lot of snow, and the snow plows are out immediately when it snows much. Everyone just thinks it's nicer to stay inside. At least the seniors do. In two days I will be going to a big event called, “A Day For You.” It's an all day fellowship with sweet rolls and coffee for breakfast, and a very special lunch. A well known speaker will be inspiring us to do our best to serve God, and be a blessing to others. A balance of sincerity, and humor, makes these meetings a great event to remember. It's very possible it will be bad weather again, and since many of the ladies travel several miles to get here, we may have a bigger disappointment than we had today. Usually around three to four hundred women attend these meetings. It has always been a success, and they are always held about the same time of the year, but this year winter started early. The only thing that would keep me from not going is if they cancel it. I don't expect the weather to be that bad.

I will now post this blog, and start painting on my portrait. I neglect it too much because of other things I try to keep up with. At least it's not taking me four years like it did Michelangelo to paint “The Last Judgment.” He did have three hundred characters in his painting, compared to four in mine. Also his were far away figures that didn't have to show the color of their eyes, mine are not. More detail, and less illustrating. More personal and less famous.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Keeping My Promise"

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Keeping My Promise":       Getting ready for the big day. The back of my beauty contest dress, 10-29-2019 Perryton, TX   Tomorrow is the day. This is the b...

"I'm Keeping My Promise"

      Getting ready for the big day. The back of my beauty contest dress, 10-29-2019 Perryton, TX
Tomorrow is the day. This is the back of the formal dress I will be wearing for the Miss Senior USA contest. The best is yet to come. The weather man is predicting snow, and freezing rain, so I am concerned about the crowd we were expecting. It will be fun anyway even if it is a small crowd. There is always a bake sale held at the same time of the Halloween party, and I so hope it doesn't get hindered. This is the Seniors donation to a charity which always brings in a good amount of cash. The weather is not always good to us, but we somehow never fail. My bakery item is a fresh peach pie, but I can't buy anything because I started another diet three days ago. I have to drop ten pounds. I have seven more to go. So far it's been a pound a day. I am having to finagle with my dress to deceive the truth about my weight. What a challenge I will be attempting tomorrow.

Nothing could compare to the joy I feel about these two evil Isis leaders being killed. I understand many more of the satanic cult were killed along with them, but I believe the masters of that cult are still operating right here in our own America. We were under their leadership for eight years. They had no mercy for America;s brave men, and women who were risking their lives to save our country. Then by their own failure to protect them, and lives were lost, the remarks from those guilty of the deaths said, “So what.” We have the man in the Oval Office now that I believe will be able to do to them what was done to the ones in Syria. How could I be more happy when the evil is quickly coming to an end? This doesn't help the pain of those who saw their loved ones heads cut off, but it makes the rest of us feel more safe. I am not one of those that believe an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth, but I do believe we have to stop evil from killing God's people, with whatever it takes. My prayers are definitely against those who have brutally, and proudly, killed Godly people. I think they should be brought to justice. I also believe God is the one behind the discovery, and destroying of those evil demons. He uses His own soldiers to carry out the missions. What an awesome God we have! He is just, and He is Almighty. Never makes a mistake. It is us, His children, who makes mistakes, mostly because we would rather have our own way. But when children grow up, it is then that their punishment is greater, because they were taught not to disobey their Godly teachings. I am thankful for my parents who taught me right, Yes, I did think them partly wrong at the time, but when the going got rough, I remembered my teachings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Halloween Fun For Seniors"

Jean's Comment's: "Halloween Fun For Seniors":                                 The top part of my formal dress. 10-28-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the hat I will be wearing to the ...

"Halloween Fun For Seniors"

                                The top part of my formal dress. 10-28-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the hat I will be wearing to the Halloween party at the Senior Citizen's Center Wednesday. It will go good with the formal outfit I will be wearing when entering the Miss Senior USA pageant. I am excited about being a contestant in a beauty pageant since It took me seventy years to decide to be in one. My friends are all excited, and who knows I may just get elected as the first Halloween, Miss Senior USA beauty queen ever. Whether I'm a winner or not, I will be posting more pictures after the event. I should be the winner since I am the only one entered.

After I spent some extra time visiting with friends today at the luncheon, then went to the grocery store, plus finished my formal attire, I am running late writing this blog. Oh yes, I had to catch up on the news as that is more important right now than anything else. We are starting to see miracles working, and who can possible ignore that. The swamp our President set out to clean up is positively showing signs of clearer water. Hallelujah, what a miracle that is. I'm laughing my head off at the liberal left who thought they would never get caught up with. We had just a shred of America left after the traitors got themselves rich with selling our defensive goods, and secrets to our enemies. They are now on the defense 24-7 for fear of the outcome of what President Trump has uncovered on them. We are about to see the greatest victory this country has ever known since it's foundation. Nothing but the hand of Almighty God could have made this happen. Our President knows that, and he makes it clear that evil is being defeated only because of the faith millions of people have in God. America is 100 percent on the right track, and President Trump is here to stay. I encourage everyone to keep their prayers going up for him, because he has taken the worse beating ever happening since Jesus Christ.

I must cut this short since My time has run out for posting this today. I will be declaring more good news in the following days. In the mean time don't forget to laugh, and be merry while the band plays on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Days Are Behind"

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Days Are Behind":                       Ging dong, recess is over. Time to get busy. 10-27-2019 Perryton. TX I wish I had this bell in my yard instead o...

"The Best Days Are Behind"

                      Ging dong, recess is over. Time to get busy. 10-27-2019 Perryton. TX

I wish I had this bell in my yard instead of the neighbors having it in their yard. I have rang a bell like this one many times when I was in elementary school. The kids got to take turns ringing the bell when recess was up. I really like this old ding dong, and would like to buy it, however it is not for sale. It's funny how I never even thought about the times I rang a bell like this until I saw this one. I wonder how much more I have forgotten besides my math, and history along with spelling. I'm sure I was never paddled, but I did have to go to the the principles office a few times. I was just lucky with that. I look back on those old days now, and wish I could relive them. As poor as we were I feel like we had it so much easier than many kids do today who have rich parents. I'm sure I could not have passed a Yale University entrance test, but neither did my parents have to go to jail for cheating for me. If my parents had of been rich they would never have done that. How sad to know just how evil the world has become. I'm so glad I never had to go hungry, or without clothes, and was taught the Word of God. For that reason I am proud of my heritage.

I've been working today on my MISS USA Senior Beauty outfit. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. It has taken me most of the day to find the many scraps, and paints etc, I needed to make banners from. I'm excited, and just hope I don't chicken out. This is for a Halloween party the Senior Citizens are having next Wednesday. If it's anything like last year's party, it will be too funny. I probably will be the only beauty contestant, because everyone gets to chose what they want to come as. The men usually just do the least they have to do to get by, but those ladies, wow! they go all out. My sides hurt for a week last year after the party was over. It was just plain fun. The younger girls don't remember the long legged bloomers their mothers worn wit elastic in the legs, always worn under a dress, no jeans back then, but jeans did get accepted before I finished junior high. Well last year we had some younger seniors who dressed in bloomers, and a short dress. I laughed my head off, because I could remember so well. And of course when I dressed as Miss Cousin Minnie Pearl, wearing my hat with big flowers, and the price tag dangling, it made for a lot of laughs. I not only had to look like Minnie Pearl, I had to act like her. I'm not a good actress, but everyone remembered the story I talked about. Never forget the good ole days.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Showing Great Love For Our Country"

Jean's Comment's: "Showing Great Love For Our Country":                                                                   God bl...

"Showing Great Love For Our Country"

God bless America, and God bless our veterans. God bless our President. 10-26-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm so proud of my patriotic neighbors. They leave their flag up 24-7-52. This one is ready to retire, but it has been faithful for a long time. It still is the main attraction in the neighborhood. It reminds us of all the wounded vets who are still serving America, many with just one or two limbs left. Many who came home with all their body parts, but live with bad, memories. There's no doubt but that America is divided between the loyal, and the disloyal. Nothing could cause more anger than to know this is a fact. In the last presidential election. Several million of idol voters went to the poles to vote, many for the first time. The next presidential election coming up next year is expected to bring many more past non voters to the polls. People are very fearful of losing their land, their guns, and their freedom, among many other American values. This entire next year is going to be nip, and tuck. That is to say a very long year full of surprises. I have not lost my faith in our President, or our Christian warriors who are on their knees regularly praying for our country. God is definitely on our side, and He will get us through all this time of tribulation. Actually my faith grows stronger every day. I see the hand of God working all around us. Sometimes we may not understand, but we know for sure God is a just God, and He does all things well.

Don't ask me why I'm laughing, I will just tell you. I just saw a picture of my son-in-law that my daughter sent me. He had a skin cancer removed from his cheek last Wednesday. The picture was taken before the wound was even cleaned, and covered. I had to shed a tear, because I had one removed from my back a few years ago, and it was very painful. I clicked off my I phone, and turned around to look at the family portrait I am working on. I had to laugh at something I hadn't noticed before. It really was hilarious, because I had thought I was almost finished with it. It was like this is almost worth saving. My two children, and two grandchildren on this canvas probably would not agree with me, but they are funny to look at. It's their fault because they were anything but serious about an exciting plane ride they were taking while on a vacation in Belize. I'm not changing a thing, except this one cross eye I have put on my granddaughter. If they don't like my depiction of them, I will hang it on my living room wall. I love these kids so much, and I need to see them every day, hanging on my wall. .Any parent, or grand parent would be proud of them. “Thank you Lord for giving them to me.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp    

Friday, October 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Snow Was Mean To Me"

Jean's Comment's: "The Snow Was Mean To Me": Leaves, leaves, Hurry wind and start blowing. My neighbor said let nature take care of them. I hope it works. 10-25-2019 Perryton, TX   ...

"The Snow Was Mean To Me"

Leaves, leaves, Hurry wind and start blowing. My neighbor said let nature take care of them. I hope it works. 10-25-2019 Perryton, TX
The snow melted off my driveway today, but look what it left behind. If the wind don't start blowing quickly I will have a heap of leaves to rake, and haul to the dumpster. I knew this was coming, but I wasn't looking forward to it. At least the sun came out today, and melted most of the snow. We did get a pretty big snow, and I was so surprised to see it all gone so quickly. The farmers in our area are all smiling. They had a good crop this year, and it looks promising for next years crop.

I have done well with my time so far today. I painted for two hours, then went shopping for groceries, and other things I needed. I found the Halloween costume I will wear next Wednesday to the party at the Center. I will not be impersonating anyone in particular, but I sure will pretend to be the Miss Universe for girls in my age group. I will be wearing leggings instead of showing my bare legs, because the dress I picked out is above the knees. The hat I will wear was given to me by a friend, so I will proudly be wearing it. I chose to be sophisticated this year instead of funny however, it will be funny because I do not know how to act sophisticated. It will be like the country gal went to town, and bought a short dress, and entered a Miss Universe Talent Show. I had wanted to be Dolly Pardon this year, but our small town doesn't have a wig to be found. My short, black hair did not see any way to change it to long, blond curls. So the only other way to participate with the party fun, was to go sophisticated. I had been told I had to dress for the party. I try to be a good sport, so here I went all out and spent $9.00. The purse cost five of that. Everything else I had.

I still have to wash dishes, and mop my kitchen floor before I can call it a day. But it has been an interesting, worth while day. I have just caught bits, and pieces of the news, but I will be settled in my recliner the rest of the evening after I finish the other two chores. I have snacks for the evening hunger, so I won't be cooking anything at all, except for popping a bag of corn in my microwave. This is good Friday for me, and tomorrow will be good Saturday, It's all up to me to make all the days good ones. I will put forth every effort to do just that. In just eight more days I will be privileged to attend a great fellowship day at a large church here. It's called “A Day For You,” which is an all day meeting with a well known speaker, and a wonderful lunch at noon. I attend these meetings every year, and they are very uplifting. 300 to 400 women attend these meetings from all around. Some travel several miles to come. It's on my calendar, so I hope nothing hinders me from going.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Cold War Predictiond"

Jean's Comment's: "Cold War Predictiond":                          First snow this year. Starting early ooch! 10-24-2019 Perryton, TX Perryton, Texas first snow this year is fal...

"Cold War Predictiond"

                         First snow this year. Starting early ooch! 10-24-2019 Perryton, TX

Perryton, Texas first snow this year is falling now. October 24, 2019. It's cold and windy with perdictions of the snow continuing for several hours yet. I made it home safe, and sound after work today, but the visibility was bad. It is times like these that I am most thankful for my warm, cozy home. I just finished an early dinner, and am set now to watch an evening of news. The political battle is getting worse by the day. We may be in a bloody war before it's over. The entire world is heating up faster than we want to believe. (nothing to do with climate change.) God help us if we lose contact with what's going on, and are left in the dark. I am expecting that to happen most any day. All we need to have done for that to happen is for the long working power experts who have learned the trick of pulling one plug, and cutting off electric power everywhere to act. I do believe this is our most dangerous weapon. Even without our guns taken away, we still could lose America by loss of power. I can't stress enough how serious this country is being high-jacked. Our guns were not the worse thing to worry about. These evil demons have several other game plans to destroy America. We might as well face it, the end time is near. If we get to keep our President Trump things will brighten up for awhile, but never doubt the evil demons are not going away. It will take an act of God to conquer them, and that will be after many people have perished.

Remember the Jews how many were killed during the Holocaust. The Christian, European educated people did nothing to stop this mass murder. Hitler set out to annihilate the Jews. To this day the highest bible scholars cannot explain why this happened. In comparison the Christian Nation called America is under the same odds that the Christian Jews were. Nine million Jews were living in Europe, and just because of jealousy, and hate, the evil Nazis wanted them killed. Approximately three million is all that were left after the brutal killings by the Nazis.

This Christian American Nation has been hated also, because of it's great power, and wisdom that made it the greatest Nation on Earth. The evil enemies has set out to kill all Christians, because of the same jealousy and hate. Just as the Christian Europeans did not lift a finger to protect the Jews, so is the same thing happening in America by the natural born citizens of this Christian nation given by God. Emphasize, natural born citizens. Of all the illegals, we are dealing with today. The biggest problem yet are the legal, but non loyal Americans who wish to give our country away. War is bound to happen before the peace can be restored. We can keep hoping, and praying, but the situation looks very grim.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "An Old Old Story Never Grows Old"

Jean's Comment's: "An Old Old Story Never Grows Old":                                   The story of the Prodigal Son. 10-23-2019 Perryton, TX I have chosen to post two paintings from my H...

"An Old Old Story Never Grows Old"

                                  The story of the Prodigal Son. 10-23-2019 Perryton, TX

I have chosen to post two paintings from my Holy Bible. One is the return of the Prodigal son, the other is a tax payer questioning Jesus of what was Caesar's and what was Gods. Somehow the pictures makes the story seem more real. The story about the Prodigal Son is a parable given by Jesus to the Pharisees, and scribes attempting to resolve their differences about having fellowship with sinners. The parable of the Prodigal Son is found in Luke 15:11-32. “And he said, A certain man had two sons; And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat; and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, how many hired servants of my father's have bread enough to to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, And am no more worthy to be called thy son; make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; And bring hither the fated calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

This parable doesn't end there, but the point is the father was glad to see his son, and forgave him, and even honored him with a robe, and a feast. The main lesson of this story is not only forgiveness, but the father didn't go looking for his son, but was ready to forgive him when his son came and asked for forgiveness. Who of us are the guilty ones who turn away from our inheritance for a show of “smarter than thou attitude.? Who of us will return when the chips are down, and ask for forgiveness? Many will die in their un confessed sin, rather than admit their fault. I pray I have left nothing un said when I stand before God on judgment day. However, there is many times I can think of that I wish now I could confess to my departed loved ones. Not that I had to suffer hunger for the mistake I made, but for the love that I failed to show enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Show Me The Proof"

Jean's Comment's: "Show Me The Proof": The Word of God is a light unto my path. Only one God, only one bible. 10-23-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the most treasured book in ...

"Show Me The Proof"

The Word of God is a light unto my path. Only one God, only one bible. 10-23-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the most treasured book in my house among the many. This Holy Bible is my strength for every day I live. It is my daily bread that spiritually I could not live without. I cannot put enough emphasis on how important this book should be to every human being. Yet according to statistics a small percent of all people have a bible in their home. Many who say they believe in God, and Jesus Christ, cannot offer one proof of it. If they have a bible it would probably be stored somewhere so as not to be found without some time of searching. I can't think of anything sadder than this.

Today, October 23, 2019 is the day our bibles are in serious trouble of becoming extinct. I was taught this all the years of my growing up by my parents, and the church we belonged to. This teaching is plainly spoken of in the bible, although many do not believe it. I believe it because everything else I was taught has already come to pass, or is happening at this time. Christians will be persecuted severely, and I do believe a law will be passed that will require all people to destroy their bibles, or be imprisoned if they are caught with one. For some time now we have known that Christians have been beheaded, and is still happening. We cannot always hide behind negativity. The time is coming when we will either say we are for Christ, or against Him.

I truly believe the time is at hand for negativity to be put out of our lives. A Civil War is brewing, and whether you accept it or not, you will be discarded from the Christian faith if you refuse to stand up for God. You cannot be on both sides at the same time. If anyone at this time is unaware of the danger we as Americans are facing, please without delay start digging into the different ways of finding out. The best way is to listen to our President Trump, like millions are already doing. He is the man God has chosen to lead us through these difficult times. If anyone doubts that these are serious times, start listening to the news. The world is near the time period of being destroyed by fire. Every human being will be judged according to their deeds. And to say that God will not judge everyone justly is a lie. He is a just God, but that means He has no favorites, Money nor education will not make a difference, but all sin and wrong doings will be judged whether rich or poor. Yes, our sins have been forgive if we repented, and accepted Jesus Christ, but there is still a judgment day coming. Jesus didn't forgive us to do nothing, but to work for Him till we die. Let nothing stop you from working for Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Serious Thought For A Change"

Jean's Comment's: "A Serious Thought For A Change": Not my flowers, but I claim them since they are two doors down from me. 10-21-2019 Perryton, TX Not my flowers, but a neighbor two door...

"A Serious Thought For A Change"

Not my flowers, but I claim them since they are two doors down from me. 10-21-2019 Perryton, TX
Not my flowers, but a neighbor two doors down from me have these beautiful orchid mum's. I get to enjoy them every fall. They bloom at the same time the ghosts, and witches bloom. I usually take time to acknowledge both interesting spotlight attractions It takes the genuine, as well as the fake, to make life livable. They both have their place in this wonderful, troublesome, life. As the old saying goes, “God did not promise us a bed of roses when He created this entire world.” He gives us roses to help endure the pain, and hardship we must bare as we travel on the journey. I go to bed every night tired, and feeling as though it might be my last night on earth, If not tomorrow will probably be still worse than living on. It's strange how God answers our bedtime prayers, and in the mornings I awake with joy bells ringing in my heart. I'm either going to be crazy today, or serious, usually both. However, at the end of the day, as usual I am saying to myself I'm not going anywhere, or doing anything tomorrow. I suppose I don't realize just how much this old body has given way to age. I used to could work, and enjoy myself as mush as three of four days at a time without hardly any sleep. I have spent many such days as that. Now most of my time is spent sitting on my fanny, trying to solve the worlds problems by thoughts. It's no wonder I'm tired at night. My mind worked hard most of the day, until I decided to give it a break, and go crazy for awhile. I have some crazy friends who are always ready to join me. At this time we're trying to decide what famous, comical, celebrity we can impersonate for the Halloween party coming up. Last year I did Minnie Pearl. It was a hit, but I have no idea yet who I can be this year. I'm not worried because all at once it will hit me.

I enjoyed the luncheon at the Center today. The nurses were there taking all the vital signs of whoever wanted to partake. Mine were all good, so I can be mean for awhile yet. I do love all those wonderful people, and count it a blessing to be a part of them. Nothing could be more healing than to get a big hug, and to give a big hug to loving people. If one doesn't look for something negative to say or do, they won't find one. Our seniors are only looking for positive things to say, except for politics which is rarely

spoken of while there, even though most of us are all in agreement with each other. We love our God, and our country, and we want them to be left alone. Our flag stands proudly in our dinning room, and we salute it often. How long? We never know, but for sure we will be fighting if, and when, we have to remove it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Laughed A Lot But Fear Is Real"

Jean's Comment's: "I Laughed A Lot But Fear Is Real": Don't go to this place after dark. Only a dim red string of lights encase this scary spooky place. 10-20-2019 Perryton, TX   I&#39...

"I Laughed A Lot But Fear Is Real"

Don't go to this place after dark. Only a dim red string of lights encase this scary spooky place. 10-20-2019 Perryton, TX
I'm so lucky to have a small Disneyland just two blocks from me. My wonderful neighbor is a Disneyland Artist, and she decorates her large yard every holiday with the most interesting characters, and any such symbol or real life items or mistletoe etc. I have posted one of her many Halloween characters, but there must be at least two or three hundred awesome figures like witches, ghosts, devils, animals, with every kind of action being shown by them. That place is so scary till I almost feel threatened when I stop to check it out. I was so involved looking at the mean, and knife wielding demon till I almost jumped out of my skin when one of the friendly cats rubbed against my leg. This neighbor lady loves cats, and she has many living there. I have never seen more friendlier, or wanting to be loved, cats than this person has. I hardly ever see one when I drive by, but if you stop within seconds you are surrounded by cats. Another interesting eye catcher is a flag pole with both the American flag, and the Texas flag always flying high. Nothing could make me prouder. The very thought of having this kind of Americanism come to a halt, makes me cry, because it sure looks like it might happen, and soon. I feel like there are enough American citizens who feel the way I do about our God, and country, till I am sure a Civil War will break out if it gets much worse.

I stayed home from church today because I was in a slow mode this morning. I just wanted to drink coffee, and think about these crucial times we are now in. My television is always on, and needless to say some breaking news is coming on every few minutes. I feel well posted on what's happening around the world now. I tell Jesus about it every night, and although He already knows, He still listens to me. I'm just so happy to know I have a savior whom I can depend upon. I heard yesterday where some airline will no longer be saying “Ladies, and gentleman.” Do people really realize what this means? If they did I believe we would already be in a Civil War. I have read the bible through more than once, and I can't remember one place where it says men would be changed into women, and visa versa. I had always thought the bible covered everything from the beginning to the end. Where am I missing this prophesy? I do not want to live when this law has fully taken effect. We can no longer say he, or she, or man or lady. We can no longer know if it is a transsexual, or a natural male, or female. I am not making this up. It is actually happening today. I am shocked. I don't remember my parents every telling us that this would be a reality, and my father knew the bible well. Are we now living in another world, and time, beyond what the Holy Bible contained? Where do we go from here?

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging In By A Thread"

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging In By A Thread":                         The Perryton, Texas Ranger Football Team. 10-19-2019 Perryton TX   It's a nice crispy morning, and the P...

"Hanging In By A Thread"

                        The Perryton, Texas Ranger Football Team. 10-19-2019 Perryton TX

It's a nice crispy morning, and the Perryton High School Marching Band is practicing on the playing field across the street from my yard. I watched them awhile, till I got too cool, and had to come back in. Sorry to say our football boys have not down well this year, and I really haven't heard much about the cause for it. I do know that politics has been having a lot to do with the school system this year, which personally I think has sapped the energy right out of everything Perryton has been proud of for many years. I also believe there will be no come back for not only Perryton, Texas, but for all schools as well as everything else America has proudly boasted of. The demon spirit has managed to enter the minds of millions of Americas most intelligent, and talented younger citizens. They entered college to learn, What? Everything but what the colleges used to teach. I understand the conflicting teaching includes the lack of freedom of speech. Many of our universities are hell bent on censuring speeches that don't comply with the idea of a one world order. The student has a choice of conforming, or dropping out. The same rules are now being tried in our elementary, and high schools. It can be called nothing else but politics in general.

The scientific minded are learning, and developing outrageous methods for taking away the privacy that rightly belonged to people for centuries. The science students are given the ideas, and expected to materialize them into a factual operation. The constitution is being by-passed in many ways, because the smarter get smarter every day, and the honest gets practical joked every day. We must remember the good will win out in the end, but not until a ferocious battle has been fought. I see no way around this happening because the bible prophesy is being fulfilled. However, “the older will get wiser, and the younger will get weaker.” That is not to say this will happen quickly, and don't be surprised if many of our own children, and grandchildren turn against we who have not given into false teaching. My understanding of the bible is that blood will stand in the streets up to the horses hoofs. People have never wanted to talk about this part of the bible, and I agree it is not a good thought, but it is truth, because the bible don't lie, or mean it differently than what it plainly says. I can almost hear my dad speaking from the grave now saying, “I told you what was going to happen.” I will answer back and say, “yes, and I never forgot it.”

I trust that all my friends, and loved ones have their names written down in the Book of Life. Only those will enter heaven. Philippians 4- 3. “it is not by works, but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Post-Mature Birth"

Jean's Comment's: "The Post-Mature Birth": Never too late to bloom. Just need to be lifted up, so it can breath. 10-18-2019 Perryton, TX   I learned a lesson yesterday from a me...

"The Post-Mature Birth"

Never too late to bloom. Just need to be lifted up, so it can breath. 10-18-2019 Perryton, TX
I learned a lesson yesterday from a measly little post-mature flower. I am known to be a person of curiosity so I have a story to tell about one of my projects. I had planted some seeds of a gorgeous, colorful leaf plant late in the summer. I planted them in a small flower bed where nothing had grown all summer, not even a weed was there when I covered the seeds with a light bit of dirt. I watered the ground daily, and watched for any kind of sign of a sprout. Weeks went by, but nothing ever showed up. I wanted that plant to come up so badly till I just kept watering the ground. Thinking if it did make it up before cold weather I would transplant it to a pot and bring it inside. Finally I saw a tiny speck of green, and I was so excited I hand watered it every day. It grew so slowly, and I thought it was too green to be that colorful leaf plant that I was expecting. All things have a surprise somewhere within so I kept watching for a bit of color to appear. It never happened. Finally I realized the green stem which now was leafing out, was another wild plant that had made it's way into that little spot. Oh well, I thought, it won't ever bloom because it's far to late, but I kept watering it anyway. Weeks went by, and then a bud appeared. It looked sick, and was just a tiny form. I quit watering it, then it laid down on the ground for like of moister. I am not stretching it. I never watered that plant again, then yesterday I was shocked to see this post-mature flower lying on the ground face down. A few of the pedals were missing, but it was a perfect flower otherwise. Being it's a flower it can't survive long. Lesson learned, Patience bringeth forth tribulations, but for what reason when it's just a worthless flower. “Curiosity killed the cat” so I've heard. I hope I don't go that far.

The luncheon at the Center has now begun, but I simply could not miss telling this story. Now I will get started on my painting, which I should have finished by now, but again I am waiting for that miracle, that probably will not happen. “Help me Lord to accept what I am not, and be thankful for what I am.” I hope I am honest in saying that, but I know the bible says, “strive for perfection.” WOW! I guess I won't give up, and learn to like what I now am not satisfied with. I need more originality, and less someone else. It's me that I have to please, so what makes me try to please others? I do believe the bible says, “put others before yourself.” What a challenge for us all. If I have to lie on the ground to mature, I can do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Is Shinning On Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Is Shinning On Me": Moving fast to the other side of the world. See you in the morning sunshine. 10-17-2019 Perryton ,TX   The sun is very bright late thi...

"Happiness Is Shinning On Me"

Moving fast to the other side of the world. See you in the morning sunshine. 10-17-2019 Perryton ,TX
The sun is very bright late this evening. The wind has blown hard all day, and it's been cool, but no fault of the sun. I had to take this picture of the sun with my eyes closed. No doubt it's the fall of the year, and I am taking advantage of every speck of summer-like feature I can still see. I will be posting a picture of a tiny yellow flower that I happen to see today. I had given up on it blooming out since it was such a late, wild, plant that popped through the ground after all the other flowers were almost dead. However, today I was surprised to see this tiny, partly pedaled, yellow flower. Then there was the still very lively asparagus which I am going to hate when frost kills it, and I have to cut it down. Today is October the 17, and I have been using my heater for several weeks. Good-bye summer hello autumn.

I haven't made any plans for Thanksgiving yet, but it is time to start thinking about it. Since Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close together I probably will be spending one of them at home. I can't remember ever spending both holidays away from home except when my parents were still alive, and my children were small. That has been a long time ago, but I still miss those good ole days. My own children have their children coming to their house for the holidays now, and unless I travel to their home hundreds of miles away, I spend the holidays with my oldest son here at my home. He has no family but me, so I try to be with him as much as possible. I am very blessed to have many wonderful friends within a few minutes away. I have to wear a happy face most of the time.

Tomorrow is lunch day at the Center, and even though I have things I need to do at home, I think I will be attending the luncheon anyway. Since my body has slowed down so much, I have to pick and chose which things I will do today. There are always things left undone, until another time. It really doesn't bother me that much, because I am free to do whatever I please, and not feel guilty. I took a break today and had a good visit with a friend at the coffee shop. I learned from her that I am not the only one who puts things off that needs to be done. She has to go to the the laundry mat to wash her cloths, and said I think I will put it off till Monday. I guess I am normal for my age after all. It really is a blessing that our hard working days are over, because all of us has had our share. God is repaying us for all those years of hard work. “Thank You Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Life Of A Midget Evergreen Tree"

Jean's Comment's: "The Life Of A Midget Evergreen Tree": This is a full grown evergreen tree, 12 inches tall, and 20 inches around. 10-16-2019 Perryton, TX   I'm posting again another p...

"The Life Of A Midget Evergreen Tree"

This is a full grown evergreen tree, 12 inches tall, and 20 inches around. 10-16-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm posting again another picture of my amazing, midget, evergreen tree. It's the only thing still alive in my flower garden. It stays green the year round, but never grows an inch. I have had it 25 years, and I don't know how old it was when Chuck gave it to me to plant. It is the same size now as when I set it out. About 12 inches high, and approximately 20 inches round. I know nothing else about it, but I cherish it for it's continuous survival. I never water it, and it goes sometimes two or three months without any rainfall, yet it is always green, and lively. Perhaps my family will reset it at my grave site when I die, since it never grows or has to have extra moister. I have posted this midget tree before, and told about it's amazing life, but that has been several year ago, so I needed to up date my old post. Otherwise there is nothing else miraculous to say about it, except it is 25 plus years old, and has never grown an inch.

I had lunch today at the Center. I missed three or four of my friends who very seldom miss a luncheon all at the same time. We still had our table space filled except for one or two chairs that could have been squeezed in. We had a good meal, and as usual good fellowship time. The witches were still there waiting to feed the crowd some of their line. They will be there for another two weeks. They will be serving us witches brew before they leave. I don't know what they put in it, but it's always delicious. They are also allowing Thanksgiving foodstuff to be donated for that great meal coming up. Even the witches are nice when they visit our Senior Citizen Center.

I could write about a Doomsday painting by the Italian painter, Michelangelo, but I prefer everyone look it up on the internet and read about it first hand. It is called The Last Judgment, By Michelangelo. The painting was started in 1535 and was finished in 1541. This is such a good depiction till it almost makes you feel like you were living in the time of this artists day, and have never died. Anyone who could say this famous painting is a farce, and will never happen, is a fool in their own skin. The artist painted what he read in the bible, and made it very clear to understand. Everyone needs to pull up this painting, and study it over, and over. It is the real McCoy, and I do not doubt one thing Michelangelo said with his painting. Read the bible for yourself, and try to tell me it don't mean what it really says. The Holy Spirit is the teacher of this bible, and not so-called Bible Scholars. Time is going by fast, “Seek Him while He may still be found.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Morning For Relaxing"

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Morning For Relaxing": Here it is, my sunshine for today. A real beauty, and a source of faith always. 10-15-2019 Perryton, TX   So this is what I saw when I...

"A Great Morning For Relaxing"

Here it is, my sunshine for today. A real beauty, and a source of faith always. 10-15-2019 Perryton, TX
So this is what I saw when I first woke up this morning. Another beautiful sight belonging to God. No one ever shared with us like God, and His son Jesus. How sad that the majority of His people are not aware of it. They refuse to accept God for the Almighty Creator He is. They think of Jesus as a scam, and not the Son of God. They compare God to a fairy tale. No truth in the bible at all. I can never thank God enough for proving His reality to me. For many, many years He has continued to prove Himself to me. It would be better for the atheist to keep their mouth shut than to make a mockery out of God. There are doubters, and then there are devils. I was never a doubter I thought, I was just a dummy. I believed, but I wanted proof. I was one of the lucky ones whom God didn't turn a deaf ear to when I questioned Him. He showed me proof right on the spot. What an experience, and what a miracle I received. From that day forward I learned to love the sun, the moon, and the flowers in a way that never meant anything to me before. I learned to love, and appreciate everything God created. At this time I feel like I am living in a world that a big majority of the people are making a mockery out of God. They will be held accountable, and that is when I don't want to be here to see it. I truly believe my God will not allow me to see the vilest, and the most wicked people suffer their consequences. I look at it as suffering myself because I love even the vilest sinner. That is a love God gave me, and He knows when I have to be removed from bloody battles where people are paying for their unrighteousness.

I am in wonder today how anyone can deny that wicked, corrupt, and evil actions are enforcing our Great God to take action very soon. I do not believe it will get better, I believe it will get worse until God takes over. I believe the best thing for the Christian to do is trust God, and let Him have His way. He will move us to safe grounds if we truly trust Him. I have been a fighter for the good of our land every since this evil war began, but if, and when the battle becomes too furious for me to continue, God will move me elsewhere. Until that time I will continue to pray for our Christian leaders, and speak up against Satan. My joy is still with me, and somehow I feel safely by Jesus side. I am aware that good people all over the world are dying unmercifully, and I grieve for them, but only God can understand, and He is in control. Our President Trump is doing what God is leading him to do. I am 100 percent positive of this. God bless our President.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Needs To Be Looked ...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Needs To Be Looked ...: Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Needs To Be Looked Up To" : The Hunter's Moon last night was awesome beautiful. See aga...

Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Needs To Be Looked Up To"

Jean's Comment's: "Some Things Needs To Be Looked Up To": The Hunter's Moon last night was awesome beautiful. See again tonight. 10-14-2019 Perryton, TX   I took this picture last night,...

"Some Things Needs To Be Looked Up To"

The Hunter's Moon last night was awesome beautiful. See again tonight. 10-14-2019 Perryton, TX

I took this picture last night, October 13, 2019 at about 11 o'clock. It is the Hunter's Moon. It was so beautiful, but the gorgeous colors didn't show up in my shot. I think I did not know how to set my camera for the long distant picture. However, you can see the red objects crossing the moon. I do not know what they were, and so far haven't been able to find much information about it on the computer. What I did read was this. The Hunters Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon in September. The deer, and other game come out to feast upon left-over grain from the harvest. The bright light from the full moon lets the game see the grain on the ground. They start to fatten up, and the hunters start getting ready to hunt. That is why it's called the Hunter's Moon. For all of you who saw it I think you can say it was an awesome beauty. This Hunters Moon is suppose to be shinning again for the next two days. Monday, and Tuesday nights, The 14, and 15 of October 2019. Don't forget to be watching for it. The later on in the night the prettier it gets.

My husband was a big game hunter, mostly Deer, and Elk. It was a passion with him. He has been deceased for nearly seven years, but a large 10 point mounted Elk head still hangs in my garage. Also the large antlers of a deer hangs beside it. I have learned that these trophies mean almost nothing to anyone except the hunters who weathered the cold, long climbs up the mountains, slept in a tent, and cooked wild game for food. Then quartering their kill bringing each piece down the mountain on a horse, plus the head if it was a proud possession of the winning hunter. When the meat arrived home, it was processed, and divided among friends who liked elk, and deer meat. In centuries past men had to depend on wild game to feed their families. I'm thankful I didn't live in those days, because I never learned to like the taste of any wild meat. I like fish, but no other sea food. I think that is because the bible talks so much about fish, and fisherman. If Jesus said fish were clean, I would never question. About the only meat my parents fed us was beef, pork, and chicken. I pretty mush stick to those same meats today. My children didn't follow my custom of meat choices, and went all out for shrimp, lobster, oysters, and I don't know what else they tried. Their dad didn't eat much of any kind of meat, but not because he thought it was unclean. He was raised mostly on beans, potatoes, and home grown vegetables, and fruits. In his days most of their hunting was done for sport, or to kill the prowling animals that killed their chickens. Coyotes, wolves, and hawk to name a few. Their kill of these creatures were fed to the cats, and dogs who were family watchers. The cats caught the mice, and the dogs barked at strangers, also killed snakes when they came close to the house. Time does change everything, even me. Mostly just my looks, and movement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Owners Take Notice For Repairs"

Jean's Comment's: "Owners Take Notice For Repairs":               Help before the rest of the apartments are destroyed. 10-13-2019 Perryton, TX   One of the bird apartments got some wi...

"Owners Take Notice For Repairs"

              Help before the rest of the apartments are destroyed. 10-13-2019 Perryton, TX

One of the bird apartments got some wind damage during a recent high wind in our area. The owners have not been in any hurry to repair it, and I know all my little birdies need a place to live. These bird apartments are just two doors down from where I live. The birds living there visit me every day. Maybe I can construct a few bird apartments myself , but not till after winter is over. I do have two upscale bird houses hanging in a tree in my front yard. I enjoy them a lot. So far they are still in good shape, and don't need painting. Most of my neighbors are proud of their yards, and allies, and keep them looking interesting all the time. My lawn man just finished mowing my yards today. Beings it's the middle of October I hope it won't be needed to be mowed any more this year. However, after frost I will have to get busy, and do a lot of cleaning up, and raking leaves. I'm hoping all the snakes will have bedded down for the winter before I have to start cleaning my yard. I did see one little snake about 12 inches long on my patio this summer. I am terrified of snakes even if they are garden snakes, like my son says.

I enjoyed a good church service this morning, and a wonderful dinner afterwards. Once a month we have pot luck in our big beautiful dinning room, and it is always a happy time to look forward to. The close fellowship makes the food taste even better. There is always a nice crowd who stay for the church dinner. I'm glad to report that my God has given me a new appreciation for my church, and I wonder now why I had lost some interest in past weeks. Nothing has changed, as far as I can see, except me. I do believe God is with us even in times of discouragement. I believe every human being is tempted sometimes to make a change in their life as they get older. Not of necessity, but because of boredom. The fact is God knows what's best for us, and will not agree with our feeling of changing something that He blessed us with. In due time if we faint not we will be back to joy, peace, and happiness, It just comes with everlasting endurance. The Apostle Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever state I am in.” I'm beginning to learn that same lesson. I have friends who have moved away from Perryton, and after a shot time have said they wished they would never have left. For some reason most never make it back even though they wish daily to be back. For those of us who have our comfort places established let us hold onto it. For those who have lost that comfort place for some reason, but are still in your long lived area, pray for another place to call home, and be determined not to lose it, or leave it for something better. The grass is never greener on the other side, the enemy just tells you it is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Alley With Original Art"

Jean's Comment's: "The Alley With Original Art": Not bad art for a grass grown up alley. Someone still loves our country. 10-12-2019 Perryton, TX   I have a very patriotic, artistic...

"The Alley With Original Art"

Not bad art for a grass grown up alley. Someone still loves our country. 10-12-2019 Perryton, TX

I have a very patriotic, artistic neighbor living across the alley from me. She has the alley behind her fence decorated among other things, with an American flag painted on discarded pallets. There is also a wooden stand with a large wreath of flowers. A Halloween pallet is also painted with humors designs, and writings, and I didn't especially look for other art works. I haven't met this lady, but I would like to sometimes since I am an artists, and an American Patriotic. I've also seen a pallet with the Denver Bronco's emblem painted on it. It stands on the front porch of my son's neighbor. I have a grandson who is very creative with video commercials, that I am proud of. He is also very humorous, and I trust he will be able to hit the jackpot with his impressive, humorous, advertising videos. Nothing can be more rewarding than doing something with our lives than creating something interesting that makes others see the first time object that was created within us. For retired people such as I, it's a great hobby to say the least. I never want for an idea for something to paint. It's just that I never seem to think I have finished the piece. That is one of my artist faults. The longer I work on something, the worse I make it look. There is an art in knowing when to sign the work. It's called a problem of perfectionist, which it's up to the individual artist to decide when it's perfect, and no one else. The flag I've posted painted on the pallet is weather worn, has damage places, and does not have fifty stars or thirteen strips, but it is speaking to the alley cats, or dumpster visitors, or whoever else needs to enter the alley. I think we should always find a place to display our art, even if it doesn't seem interesting. It is speaking of how many hours, days, months, years, and backbreaking effort someone made to create it.

Every billionaire had an idea before they became one. Although not all billionaires had an honest idea, many did. It takes an idea, an honest mind, a positive determination, and a lot of other gifts that you do not know you have, to make that dollar turn into a billion. I missed the chance because my life is almost finished, but I hope others will not wait too late to take the challenge. It's not about money, but about who you are. Life is too short to accept defeat. Never give into the lie that you are a nobody. Enjoy yourself and whistle while you work. If you need constructive criticism contact me. I can take it, and I can give it. No guarantee, but anything is worth a try. Most of all have faith in yourself since you are a child of the King.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Witch Way Will You Chose"

Jean's Comment's: "Witch Way Will You Chose":            The best of the rest. This one was crowned queen of all. 10-11-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the prettiest witch visiting ou...

"Witch Way Will You Chose"

           The best of the rest. This one was crowned queen of all. 10-11-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the prettiest witch visiting our Senior Citizen's Center this month. She is wearing a lovely formal dress, and has lost a lot of weight before she came to see us. I really think she loves us. At least we have been nice to the candy witch, and this one who is greeting guest as they enter the Center. They were both busy last evening trying to make the Board Appreciation Dinner a success. All members ate free, and it was a time when the board members prepared all the food themselves. They also did all the cleaning up after the meeting was over. Thank you to all board members.

I'm staying home, and missing the luncheon at the Center today. There is just too much news happening for me to miss. I'm a fighter in this war against evil, I just don't fit on the front lines. I am more of a prayer warrior, and I am determined to know the truth about everything even though I depend upon God to do the firing. I know He hears the Christians prayers, and is showing proof of it every day. Otherwise our President Trump would have been killed before now. Only by God's miracles is he still alive. I believe I can extend that Godly miracle to all of the President's supporters. He giveth, and giveth more wisdom to all who trust Him. I cannot understand how any normal person with a good mind could go on with their la-di-da attitude, and still feel important. Everyone can be a warrior, and sit in their recliner every day. Most have access to televisions, and telephones, but if not using them to be informed about their own welfare, they are ready to receive a dishonorable discharge. The voting polls are also available, but many do not even use them. They do not know who to vote for, because they have not stayed tuned in. Even worse is the attitude “let someone else do it.” Yet even worse is those who have the same attitude about asking God to help us. A wasted life is a life of no reward in the end.

So with a bit of humor, and a lot of good sense, let us be more alert to the need of taking part in God's battle against evil. Of course we know He told us the battle was His, but He still needs our respect. Who will this day stand up, and say I'm joining the forces against evil, and will speak out against it even if I might offend someone, whoever it may be. At least we can look forward to a better place to live after this life. I dare to say that about some. This free advice is not free for serious people. There is always a price to pay for anything worth having. We will be blessed more if we make a commitment to God to start living better lives.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Remembering Good Times"

Jean's Comment's: "Remembering Good Times":                             Shirt, hat, and boots. Where's the dance? 10-10-2019 Perryton, TX   It's been a long time since ...

"Remembering Good Times"

                            Shirt, hat, and boots. Where's the dance? 10-10-2019 Perryton, TX

It's been a long time since I rode my horse and dressed in my cowgirl cloths, and went dancing, but I am waiting for the chance once more. I was born, and raised on a farm where horses, and cattle were the main source of pleasure. When I got married I left the farm life, but it never left me. I have tried for years to reform to city life, and act like it was in my blood, but it never made a hit with my true feelings. There are things that I would not want to relive while growing up on the farm, but some things I still love to remember. I loved riding with my brothers on our horses, and going to the pasture to round up the cattle for coming in to be milked. I loved boots and hats, although I never owned many. I was not allowed to go to dances because my dad thought they were a bad place to go. It wasn't until after I married that I learned to dance. To this day the only music I like is country western. I love the old hymns that we always sang at church with a piano, and organ music. I probably can sing by memory part of hundreds of hymns. I silently sing myself to sleep every night. I believe the writer, and publisher of those old songs were inspired by the Holy Spirit contrary to the noise of what most churches use today, and call worship service.

I am writing this blog as a result of what I read on face book yesterday. I had not thought of it like this before. A person wrote, “ It is impossible to raise your children today like we were raised because we are living in a totally different world.” Our children would be sent to a councilor at school if they were acting like their parents, and grandparents did when they were in school. If you stop and think about it, I probably would do the same thing if I were a teacher today even though it would be for a reason that I myself did, or didn't do, when I was a student. If I were to be driving a model T car, and having to use a crank to start it, like my dad did, I would be sent to a mental institution today. So where do we stand on accepting the constant changes in life.

When I was growing up, I actually can't remember hearing of anyone committing suicide. Today I was reading statistics that stated every forty seconds someone in the world was committing suicide. That sounds like a future that I don't look forward to since it increases daily. To most people today a western style dance is a joke. A hymnal in the church pews is a bigger joke, but to those past sixty, it is nothing but mere endurance to attend a dance of modern style, or sit through a church service. What genus is living that can explain this to me?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Witch Can Make You Wonder"

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Witch Can Make You Wonder":                             This witch says My candy is pure??? 10-9-2019 Perryton TX   What a fun time we had at the Senior Citizen&...

"Even A Witch Can Make You Wonder"

                            This witch says My candy is pure??? 10-9-2019 Perryton TX

What a fun time we had at the Senior Citizen' s luncheon today. Ghosts, and witches were giving us a hard time all over the place, and even outside. Except this witch I have posted was handing out candy. I wonder what she had up her sleeve. The second childhood all of us seem to have was really having fun today. If anyone came to the luncheon carrying problems today they didn't get through the door without they disappeared, except for one very sad happening to two of our members. So sorry to hear that a younger son of a special couple who have been offering Chiropractor service to our community for many years, had lost a son in a car wreck. Our hearts go out to them. It's just another thing we all have to face from time to time, just not knowing why. Every time we see them we shall feel bereavement. It's just a natural thing, and it's just another reason we all need each other. Life can be hard at the very best, but we must bear our problems like Jesus bore his.

I was feeling so happy when I got up this morning. I had to take a minute and thank God for blessing me with peace, and joy. I hurried and did my dishes so I could get ready to go to the luncheon. When I got there I was so excited about all the Halloween decorations, and so many friends already there laughing it up. Within a few minutes a friend asked me If I had heard about the death of the Chiropractor's son. I had not, and of course they were not there since it just happened yesterday, but I was immediately sharing their grief. I tried to remain normal, and join in with the fun, but the expression on my face showed my sorrow. It does take time to adjust to such terrible loss such as these parents are feeling. My joy that I felt this morning could have been preparing me for the bad news I was about to hear however, I will not let it keep me down. All things happen for a reason, and I accept that as a Godly reason.

With the posting of this blog I will turn my thoughts upon resuming my painting, and trust that I will be more than happy about the improvements I make today. I am almost ready to frame this family portrait, and I am excited about what I saw, and was able to brush my feelings on canvas. This portrait is an original, although I used an actual photo to inspire my own feelings. Nothing could be more pleasing than to have one's own creation forever to admire. It's like the goose that laid the golden egg. If you kill the goose there will not be another golden egg, so I hope this golden egg will be kept forever, for the goose that laid it will be gone before long.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp