Friday, October 25, 2019

"The Snow Was Mean To Me"

Leaves, leaves, Hurry wind and start blowing. My neighbor said let nature take care of them. I hope it works. 10-25-2019 Perryton, TX
The snow melted off my driveway today, but look what it left behind. If the wind don't start blowing quickly I will have a heap of leaves to rake, and haul to the dumpster. I knew this was coming, but I wasn't looking forward to it. At least the sun came out today, and melted most of the snow. We did get a pretty big snow, and I was so surprised to see it all gone so quickly. The farmers in our area are all smiling. They had a good crop this year, and it looks promising for next years crop.

I have done well with my time so far today. I painted for two hours, then went shopping for groceries, and other things I needed. I found the Halloween costume I will wear next Wednesday to the party at the Center. I will not be impersonating anyone in particular, but I sure will pretend to be the Miss Universe for girls in my age group. I will be wearing leggings instead of showing my bare legs, because the dress I picked out is above the knees. The hat I will wear was given to me by a friend, so I will proudly be wearing it. I chose to be sophisticated this year instead of funny however, it will be funny because I do not know how to act sophisticated. It will be like the country gal went to town, and bought a short dress, and entered a Miss Universe Talent Show. I had wanted to be Dolly Pardon this year, but our small town doesn't have a wig to be found. My short, black hair did not see any way to change it to long, blond curls. So the only other way to participate with the party fun, was to go sophisticated. I had been told I had to dress for the party. I try to be a good sport, so here I went all out and spent $9.00. The purse cost five of that. Everything else I had.

I still have to wash dishes, and mop my kitchen floor before I can call it a day. But it has been an interesting, worth while day. I have just caught bits, and pieces of the news, but I will be settled in my recliner the rest of the evening after I finish the other two chores. I have snacks for the evening hunger, so I won't be cooking anything at all, except for popping a bag of corn in my microwave. This is good Friday for me, and tomorrow will be good Saturday, It's all up to me to make all the days good ones. I will put forth every effort to do just that. In just eight more days I will be privileged to attend a great fellowship day at a large church here. It's called “A Day For You,” which is an all day meeting with a well known speaker, and a wonderful lunch at noon. I attend these meetings every year, and they are very uplifting. 300 to 400 women attend these meetings from all around. Some travel several miles to come. It's on my calendar, so I hope nothing hinders me from going.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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