Thursday, October 24, 2019

"Cold War Predictiond"

                         First snow this year. Starting early ooch! 10-24-2019 Perryton, TX

Perryton, Texas first snow this year is falling now. October 24, 2019. It's cold and windy with perdictions of the snow continuing for several hours yet. I made it home safe, and sound after work today, but the visibility was bad. It is times like these that I am most thankful for my warm, cozy home. I just finished an early dinner, and am set now to watch an evening of news. The political battle is getting worse by the day. We may be in a bloody war before it's over. The entire world is heating up faster than we want to believe. (nothing to do with climate change.) God help us if we lose contact with what's going on, and are left in the dark. I am expecting that to happen most any day. All we need to have done for that to happen is for the long working power experts who have learned the trick of pulling one plug, and cutting off electric power everywhere to act. I do believe this is our most dangerous weapon. Even without our guns taken away, we still could lose America by loss of power. I can't stress enough how serious this country is being high-jacked. Our guns were not the worse thing to worry about. These evil demons have several other game plans to destroy America. We might as well face it, the end time is near. If we get to keep our President Trump things will brighten up for awhile, but never doubt the evil demons are not going away. It will take an act of God to conquer them, and that will be after many people have perished.

Remember the Jews how many were killed during the Holocaust. The Christian, European educated people did nothing to stop this mass murder. Hitler set out to annihilate the Jews. To this day the highest bible scholars cannot explain why this happened. In comparison the Christian Nation called America is under the same odds that the Christian Jews were. Nine million Jews were living in Europe, and just because of jealousy, and hate, the evil Nazis wanted them killed. Approximately three million is all that were left after the brutal killings by the Nazis.

This Christian American Nation has been hated also, because of it's great power, and wisdom that made it the greatest Nation on Earth. The evil enemies has set out to kill all Christians, because of the same jealousy and hate. Just as the Christian Europeans did not lift a finger to protect the Jews, so is the same thing happening in America by the natural born citizens of this Christian nation given by God. Emphasize, natural born citizens. Of all the illegals, we are dealing with today. The biggest problem yet are the legal, but non loyal Americans who wish to give our country away. War is bound to happen before the peace can be restored. We can keep hoping, and praying, but the situation looks very grim.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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