Saturday, October 5, 2019

"The Light Of The World"

          So glad to see the sun today after several days of only clouds. 10-5-2019 Perryton, TX

The sun is showing it's face early this morning, although it is already hiding behind the clouds. We have had rain every day this week. I had to go to Liberal, Kansas on some business yesterday, and drove through heavy fog all the way. Since I had missed the trip with the seniors to check out the new Casino in Guymon, Oklahoma the day before, because of having to work, I swung back by there yesterday on my way home from Liberal. It was later on in the evening when I got home, although I did enjoy my short time spent there. I met friends from several surrounding areas, and was pleased to see everyone having such a good time. The place is very nice with so many modern conveniences till the time can quickly slip away. I had planned to be home before dark, but didn't quite make it. I wasn't tired, and had a good night's sleep.

I see so many different kind of people who have retired, and are living out the rest of their life, some in agonizing distress, others in pure pleasure. I know some who have made a lot of money in life, but are now so bent in keeping every penny of it. As a result they have lost most of their mind except enough to keep themselves depressed, and have no friends. I have a good, personal friend in this condition, but we cannot be of any good to each other anymore. I still see her occasionally, and she asks me the same questions sometimes five or six times within an hour. She has lots of money, yet she eats like she is penniless when she goes to the hamburger place to eat. She always orders something less expensive than a hamburger. This person used to dress fashionable, keep her hair looking like a star, and never met a stranger. Now she wears the same cloths for weeks at a time, although I'm sure she washes them, and never does anything to her hair but let it grow. She has been a Christian for years, but I feel like she doesn't even remember God now. I look at her and say, Lord help me to never become like that. I see other people who have retired on a small pension, and are as happy as a lark. They never fail to look for some kind of pleasure they can afford. I meet just such kind of people at the Casino's a lot. They are not the kind who take their bill money and risk it to make more money. Their main idea is to get out of the house, and meet other people who are equal to them. Anyone can say that life can be hard for all, and there is always a battle that has to be fought, but we must accept that, and trust God for support. He will never fail. He has brought me through many, and I know He will continue to do so.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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