Tuesday, October 15, 2019

"A Great Morning For Relaxing"

Here it is, my sunshine for today. A real beauty, and a source of faith always. 10-15-2019 Perryton, TX
So this is what I saw when I first woke up this morning. Another beautiful sight belonging to God. No one ever shared with us like God, and His son Jesus. How sad that the majority of His people are not aware of it. They refuse to accept God for the Almighty Creator He is. They think of Jesus as a scam, and not the Son of God. They compare God to a fairy tale. No truth in the bible at all. I can never thank God enough for proving His reality to me. For many, many years He has continued to prove Himself to me. It would be better for the atheist to keep their mouth shut than to make a mockery out of God. There are doubters, and then there are devils. I was never a doubter I thought, I was just a dummy. I believed, but I wanted proof. I was one of the lucky ones whom God didn't turn a deaf ear to when I questioned Him. He showed me proof right on the spot. What an experience, and what a miracle I received. From that day forward I learned to love the sun, the moon, and the flowers in a way that never meant anything to me before. I learned to love, and appreciate everything God created. At this time I feel like I am living in a world that a big majority of the people are making a mockery out of God. They will be held accountable, and that is when I don't want to be here to see it. I truly believe my God will not allow me to see the vilest, and the most wicked people suffer their consequences. I look at it as suffering myself because I love even the vilest sinner. That is a love God gave me, and He knows when I have to be removed from bloody battles where people are paying for their unrighteousness.

I am in wonder today how anyone can deny that wicked, corrupt, and evil actions are enforcing our Great God to take action very soon. I do not believe it will get better, I believe it will get worse until God takes over. I believe the best thing for the Christian to do is trust God, and let Him have His way. He will move us to safe grounds if we truly trust Him. I have been a fighter for the good of our land every since this evil war began, but if, and when the battle becomes too furious for me to continue, God will move me elsewhere. Until that time I will continue to pray for our Christian leaders, and speak up against Satan. My joy is still with me, and somehow I feel safely by Jesus side. I am aware that good people all over the world are dying unmercifully, and I grieve for them, but only God can understand, and He is in control. Our President Trump is doing what God is leading him to do. I am 100 percent positive of this. God bless our President.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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