Sunday, October 6, 2019

"Blowing My Trumpet Loud And Clear"

This Perryton Ranger football stadium is the target of a war starting up about taking down America. 10-6-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm writing today about a matter that concerns me a lot. This past Friday was the Perryton Ranger's football team's Homecoming. I live across the street from the football field. Perryton was playing Pampa in this game. Homecoming games always draws a big crowd, but never have I seen a crowd this great. I feel safe in saying there were twice as many fans at this game than any game before. I didn't see the game, but I had to drive through the unbelievable traffic going to my son's house. I committed to Chuck about such a large crowd, without any reason for it other than homecoming.

The following day I was to hear some news that along with many others, gave us reason to understand. A pre-game pep rally was held, and several large Mexican flags were carried in that rally. I'm writing what I heard, not seen, but it was news on several news television stations, and radio stations. I read that the American flag along with the flag pole had been removed and replaced with the Mexican flag. Some of us think this might explain why so many people were at this game. This was a pre-planned rally with much announcement having been given to surrounding areas, and many Mexican supporters came to support. Here is the shocking news. The high school Superintend had previously, overwhelmingly, encouraged the students to carry out this demonstration. He is not Hispanic, therefore it is hard to understand why he would do this. The Superintend said the Mexican students were celebrating their KAMR, and had a right to do so. He said they did nothing wrong. On the contrary many respectable American Perrytonites were up in arms. One radio announcer here said it was dis respectable to America to allow something like this. He also said he was being called a racist now, but said “give me a break, I nave three children who are one-half Mexican. It's not about race, but respect.” I agree with this radio announcer 100 percent. The school statistics show that 75 percent of the students are Hispanics.

Our President Trump is fighting day, and night to keep America the greatest nation in the world, but unless you and I who agree with him decides to do more to help him, it is a done deal. America is lost forever. The odds are very much against us. Although we do believe that God is on our side, and with His help we shall recapture America. I am calling all prayer warriors to answer the plea from God to trust, and never doubt his Word. No weakling has a good enough excuse not to vote. If you are handicapped all you need to do is call a precinct worker, and someone will pick you up, otherwise you will have played right into the hands of the evil demons. Yes, your vote is important. God is keeping a record.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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