Thursday, October 17, 2019

"Happiness Is Shinning On Me"

Moving fast to the other side of the world. See you in the morning sunshine. 10-17-2019 Perryton ,TX
The sun is very bright late this evening. The wind has blown hard all day, and it's been cool, but no fault of the sun. I had to take this picture of the sun with my eyes closed. No doubt it's the fall of the year, and I am taking advantage of every speck of summer-like feature I can still see. I will be posting a picture of a tiny yellow flower that I happen to see today. I had given up on it blooming out since it was such a late, wild, plant that popped through the ground after all the other flowers were almost dead. However, today I was surprised to see this tiny, partly pedaled, yellow flower. Then there was the still very lively asparagus which I am going to hate when frost kills it, and I have to cut it down. Today is October the 17, and I have been using my heater for several weeks. Good-bye summer hello autumn.

I haven't made any plans for Thanksgiving yet, but it is time to start thinking about it. Since Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close together I probably will be spending one of them at home. I can't remember ever spending both holidays away from home except when my parents were still alive, and my children were small. That has been a long time ago, but I still miss those good ole days. My own children have their children coming to their house for the holidays now, and unless I travel to their home hundreds of miles away, I spend the holidays with my oldest son here at my home. He has no family but me, so I try to be with him as much as possible. I am very blessed to have many wonderful friends within a few minutes away. I have to wear a happy face most of the time.

Tomorrow is lunch day at the Center, and even though I have things I need to do at home, I think I will be attending the luncheon anyway. Since my body has slowed down so much, I have to pick and chose which things I will do today. There are always things left undone, until another time. It really doesn't bother me that much, because I am free to do whatever I please, and not feel guilty. I took a break today and had a good visit with a friend at the coffee shop. I learned from her that I am not the only one who puts things off that needs to be done. She has to go to the the laundry mat to wash her cloths, and said I think I will put it off till Monday. I guess I am normal for my age after all. It really is a blessing that our hard working days are over, because all of us has had our share. God is repaying us for all those years of hard work. “Thank You Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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