Monday, October 21, 2019

"A Serious Thought For A Change"

Not my flowers, but I claim them since they are two doors down from me. 10-21-2019 Perryton, TX
Not my flowers, but a neighbor two doors down from me have these beautiful orchid mum's. I get to enjoy them every fall. They bloom at the same time the ghosts, and witches bloom. I usually take time to acknowledge both interesting spotlight attractions It takes the genuine, as well as the fake, to make life livable. They both have their place in this wonderful, troublesome, life. As the old saying goes, “God did not promise us a bed of roses when He created this entire world.” He gives us roses to help endure the pain, and hardship we must bare as we travel on the journey. I go to bed every night tired, and feeling as though it might be my last night on earth, If not tomorrow will probably be still worse than living on. It's strange how God answers our bedtime prayers, and in the mornings I awake with joy bells ringing in my heart. I'm either going to be crazy today, or serious, usually both. However, at the end of the day, as usual I am saying to myself I'm not going anywhere, or doing anything tomorrow. I suppose I don't realize just how much this old body has given way to age. I used to could work, and enjoy myself as mush as three of four days at a time without hardly any sleep. I have spent many such days as that. Now most of my time is spent sitting on my fanny, trying to solve the worlds problems by thoughts. It's no wonder I'm tired at night. My mind worked hard most of the day, until I decided to give it a break, and go crazy for awhile. I have some crazy friends who are always ready to join me. At this time we're trying to decide what famous, comical, celebrity we can impersonate for the Halloween party coming up. Last year I did Minnie Pearl. It was a hit, but I have no idea yet who I can be this year. I'm not worried because all at once it will hit me.

I enjoyed the luncheon at the Center today. The nurses were there taking all the vital signs of whoever wanted to partake. Mine were all good, so I can be mean for awhile yet. I do love all those wonderful people, and count it a blessing to be a part of them. Nothing could be more healing than to get a big hug, and to give a big hug to loving people. If one doesn't look for something negative to say or do, they won't find one. Our seniors are only looking for positive things to say, except for politics which is rarely

spoken of while there, even though most of us are all in agreement with each other. We love our God, and our country, and we want them to be left alone. Our flag stands proudly in our dinning room, and we salute it often. How long? We never know, but for sure we will be fighting if, and when, we have to remove it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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