Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Show Me The Proof"

The Word of God is a light unto my path. Only one God, only one bible. 10-23-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the most treasured book in my house among the many. This Holy Bible is my strength for every day I live. It is my daily bread that spiritually I could not live without. I cannot put enough emphasis on how important this book should be to every human being. Yet according to statistics a small percent of all people have a bible in their home. Many who say they believe in God, and Jesus Christ, cannot offer one proof of it. If they have a bible it would probably be stored somewhere so as not to be found without some time of searching. I can't think of anything sadder than this.

Today, October 23, 2019 is the day our bibles are in serious trouble of becoming extinct. I was taught this all the years of my growing up by my parents, and the church we belonged to. This teaching is plainly spoken of in the bible, although many do not believe it. I believe it because everything else I was taught has already come to pass, or is happening at this time. Christians will be persecuted severely, and I do believe a law will be passed that will require all people to destroy their bibles, or be imprisoned if they are caught with one. For some time now we have known that Christians have been beheaded, and is still happening. We cannot always hide behind negativity. The time is coming when we will either say we are for Christ, or against Him.

I truly believe the time is at hand for negativity to be put out of our lives. A Civil War is brewing, and whether you accept it or not, you will be discarded from the Christian faith if you refuse to stand up for God. You cannot be on both sides at the same time. If anyone at this time is unaware of the danger we as Americans are facing, please without delay start digging into the different ways of finding out. The best way is to listen to our President Trump, like millions are already doing. He is the man God has chosen to lead us through these difficult times. If anyone doubts that these are serious times, start listening to the news. The world is near the time period of being destroyed by fire. Every human being will be judged according to their deeds. And to say that God will not judge everyone justly is a lie. He is a just God, but that means He has no favorites, Money nor education will not make a difference, but all sin and wrong doings will be judged whether rich or poor. Yes, our sins have been forgive if we repented, and accepted Jesus Christ, but there is still a judgment day coming. Jesus didn't forgive us to do nothing, but to work for Him till we die. Let nothing stop you from working for Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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