Wednesday, October 2, 2019

"An Artists Vision"

Awesome painting by the Master Artist. Taken from my back yard last evening.  10-3-2019 Perryton, TX
I saw this beautiful painting last evening in the sky shown by the Master Artist Himself. I am inspired today to compete with this Spiritual Artist by listening more carefully to his instructions. All I need to do is listen, and follow the lines, not my own lines. I have three unfinished portraits that have been put on hold long enough. I'm coming to grips with myself, and will not turn lose again till I have finished these portraits. I know my instructor is here, I just can't see Him. I think my problem mostly is I feel too connected to my television to fully consecrate on anything else. I don't want to miss the blows our President are throwing back to all those bully fighters who are challenging him. I just want to help him, but I'm convinced he doesn't need my help. He is doing a good job knocking them out. I will get back to my painting, and listen to the President while I paint. I have a T V just a few feet between me and my easel. However, I'm not sure my instructor will be tolerate of that. I'm listening now to President Trump respond to House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman, Adam Schiff, after their press conference this morning. The President is slugging with both fists, and is knocking both of them down. Oh! How I love fights like this, because it is all about God, and evil. I stayed home from lunch at the Center this morning just so I could watch all this excitement. Now I have to eat left-over beans, and sour kraut, with sausage. But it was worth it. I'll take the evening off tomorrow to attend a meeting at the College with a friend, listening to a speaker who is widely known for her motivational remarks on “Creating Brilliance.” I could use some of that, but today I will stay home, and hopefully accomplish something worth talking about.

I have enjoyed most of my life living in peace, with a God given talent of feeling like a peacemaker. But if it comes to the point of putting God before Satan by taking a stand, I am bound to do it. I truly believe we have come to that war zone, and must now fight our way through. No one is happy to do that, but we are forced to if we refuse to accept other God's beside the only one true God. We've been taught all of our lives that this time would come, but we hoped it would be after we were taken out of this life. I may not live to see the worst of this war, but I've already seen more than I wanted. We must now embrace the sad good-byes to many of our friends, and loved ones, who have not accepted the true God, and will be caught up in Satan's deceit. In other words the time has come for all of us to be challenged like never before.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                                

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