Wednesday, October 16, 2019

"The Life Of A Midget Evergreen Tree"

This is a full grown evergreen tree, 12 inches tall, and 20 inches around. 10-16-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm posting again another picture of my amazing, midget, evergreen tree. It's the only thing still alive in my flower garden. It stays green the year round, but never grows an inch. I have had it 25 years, and I don't know how old it was when Chuck gave it to me to plant. It is the same size now as when I set it out. About 12 inches high, and approximately 20 inches round. I know nothing else about it, but I cherish it for it's continuous survival. I never water it, and it goes sometimes two or three months without any rainfall, yet it is always green, and lively. Perhaps my family will reset it at my grave site when I die, since it never grows or has to have extra moister. I have posted this midget tree before, and told about it's amazing life, but that has been several year ago, so I needed to up date my old post. Otherwise there is nothing else miraculous to say about it, except it is 25 plus years old, and has never grown an inch.

I had lunch today at the Center. I missed three or four of my friends who very seldom miss a luncheon all at the same time. We still had our table space filled except for one or two chairs that could have been squeezed in. We had a good meal, and as usual good fellowship time. The witches were still there waiting to feed the crowd some of their line. They will be there for another two weeks. They will be serving us witches brew before they leave. I don't know what they put in it, but it's always delicious. They are also allowing Thanksgiving foodstuff to be donated for that great meal coming up. Even the witches are nice when they visit our Senior Citizen Center.

I could write about a Doomsday painting by the Italian painter, Michelangelo, but I prefer everyone look it up on the internet and read about it first hand. It is called The Last Judgment, By Michelangelo. The painting was started in 1535 and was finished in 1541. This is such a good depiction till it almost makes you feel like you were living in the time of this artists day, and have never died. Anyone who could say this famous painting is a farce, and will never happen, is a fool in their own skin. The artist painted what he read in the bible, and made it very clear to understand. Everyone needs to pull up this painting, and study it over, and over. It is the real McCoy, and I do not doubt one thing Michelangelo said with his painting. Read the bible for yourself, and try to tell me it don't mean what it really says. The Holy Spirit is the teacher of this bible, and not so-called Bible Scholars. Time is going by fast, “Seek Him while He may still be found.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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