Monday, October 28, 2019

"Halloween Fun For Seniors"

                                The top part of my formal dress. 10-28-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the hat I will be wearing to the Halloween party at the Senior Citizen's Center Wednesday. It will go good with the formal outfit I will be wearing when entering the Miss Senior USA pageant. I am excited about being a contestant in a beauty pageant since It took me seventy years to decide to be in one. My friends are all excited, and who knows I may just get elected as the first Halloween, Miss Senior USA beauty queen ever. Whether I'm a winner or not, I will be posting more pictures after the event. I should be the winner since I am the only one entered.

After I spent some extra time visiting with friends today at the luncheon, then went to the grocery store, plus finished my formal attire, I am running late writing this blog. Oh yes, I had to catch up on the news as that is more important right now than anything else. We are starting to see miracles working, and who can possible ignore that. The swamp our President set out to clean up is positively showing signs of clearer water. Hallelujah, what a miracle that is. I'm laughing my head off at the liberal left who thought they would never get caught up with. We had just a shred of America left after the traitors got themselves rich with selling our defensive goods, and secrets to our enemies. They are now on the defense 24-7 for fear of the outcome of what President Trump has uncovered on them. We are about to see the greatest victory this country has ever known since it's foundation. Nothing but the hand of Almighty God could have made this happen. Our President knows that, and he makes it clear that evil is being defeated only because of the faith millions of people have in God. America is 100 percent on the right track, and President Trump is here to stay. I encourage everyone to keep their prayers going up for him, because he has taken the worse beating ever happening since Jesus Christ.

I must cut this short since My time has run out for posting this today. I will be declaring more good news in the following days. In the mean time don't forget to laugh, and be merry while the band plays on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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