Saturday, October 19, 2019

"Hanging In By A Thread"

                        The Perryton, Texas Ranger Football Team. 10-19-2019 Perryton TX

It's a nice crispy morning, and the Perryton High School Marching Band is practicing on the playing field across the street from my yard. I watched them awhile, till I got too cool, and had to come back in. Sorry to say our football boys have not down well this year, and I really haven't heard much about the cause for it. I do know that politics has been having a lot to do with the school system this year, which personally I think has sapped the energy right out of everything Perryton has been proud of for many years. I also believe there will be no come back for not only Perryton, Texas, but for all schools as well as everything else America has proudly boasted of. The demon spirit has managed to enter the minds of millions of Americas most intelligent, and talented younger citizens. They entered college to learn, What? Everything but what the colleges used to teach. I understand the conflicting teaching includes the lack of freedom of speech. Many of our universities are hell bent on censuring speeches that don't comply with the idea of a one world order. The student has a choice of conforming, or dropping out. The same rules are now being tried in our elementary, and high schools. It can be called nothing else but politics in general.

The scientific minded are learning, and developing outrageous methods for taking away the privacy that rightly belonged to people for centuries. The science students are given the ideas, and expected to materialize them into a factual operation. The constitution is being by-passed in many ways, because the smarter get smarter every day, and the honest gets practical joked every day. We must remember the good will win out in the end, but not until a ferocious battle has been fought. I see no way around this happening because the bible prophesy is being fulfilled. However, “the older will get wiser, and the younger will get weaker.” That is not to say this will happen quickly, and don't be surprised if many of our own children, and grandchildren turn against we who have not given into false teaching. My understanding of the bible is that blood will stand in the streets up to the horses hoofs. People have never wanted to talk about this part of the bible, and I agree it is not a good thought, but it is truth, because the bible don't lie, or mean it differently than what it plainly says. I can almost hear my dad speaking from the grave now saying, “I told you what was going to happen.” I will answer back and say, “yes, and I never forgot it.”

I trust that all my friends, and loved ones have their names written down in the Book of Life. Only those will enter heaven. Philippians 4- 3. “it is not by works, but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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