Wednesday, October 9, 2019

"Even A Witch Can Make You Wonder"

                            This witch says My candy is pure??? 10-9-2019 Perryton TX

What a fun time we had at the Senior Citizen' s luncheon today. Ghosts, and witches were giving us a hard time all over the place, and even outside. Except this witch I have posted was handing out candy. I wonder what she had up her sleeve. The second childhood all of us seem to have was really having fun today. If anyone came to the luncheon carrying problems today they didn't get through the door without they disappeared, except for one very sad happening to two of our members. So sorry to hear that a younger son of a special couple who have been offering Chiropractor service to our community for many years, had lost a son in a car wreck. Our hearts go out to them. It's just another thing we all have to face from time to time, just not knowing why. Every time we see them we shall feel bereavement. It's just a natural thing, and it's just another reason we all need each other. Life can be hard at the very best, but we must bear our problems like Jesus bore his.

I was feeling so happy when I got up this morning. I had to take a minute and thank God for blessing me with peace, and joy. I hurried and did my dishes so I could get ready to go to the luncheon. When I got there I was so excited about all the Halloween decorations, and so many friends already there laughing it up. Within a few minutes a friend asked me If I had heard about the death of the Chiropractor's son. I had not, and of course they were not there since it just happened yesterday, but I was immediately sharing their grief. I tried to remain normal, and join in with the fun, but the expression on my face showed my sorrow. It does take time to adjust to such terrible loss such as these parents are feeling. My joy that I felt this morning could have been preparing me for the bad news I was about to hear however, I will not let it keep me down. All things happen for a reason, and I accept that as a Godly reason.

With the posting of this blog I will turn my thoughts upon resuming my painting, and trust that I will be more than happy about the improvements I make today. I am almost ready to frame this family portrait, and I am excited about what I saw, and was able to brush my feelings on canvas. This portrait is an original, although I used an actual photo to inspire my own feelings. Nothing could be more pleasing than to have one's own creation forever to admire. It's like the goose that laid the golden egg. If you kill the goose there will not be another golden egg, so I hope this golden egg will be kept forever, for the goose that laid it will be gone before long.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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