Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"I'm Keeping My Promise"

      Getting ready for the big day. The back of my beauty contest dress, 10-29-2019 Perryton, TX
Tomorrow is the day. This is the back of the formal dress I will be wearing for the Miss Senior USA contest. The best is yet to come. The weather man is predicting snow, and freezing rain, so I am concerned about the crowd we were expecting. It will be fun anyway even if it is a small crowd. There is always a bake sale held at the same time of the Halloween party, and I so hope it doesn't get hindered. This is the Seniors donation to a charity which always brings in a good amount of cash. The weather is not always good to us, but we somehow never fail. My bakery item is a fresh peach pie, but I can't buy anything because I started another diet three days ago. I have to drop ten pounds. I have seven more to go. So far it's been a pound a day. I am having to finagle with my dress to deceive the truth about my weight. What a challenge I will be attempting tomorrow.

Nothing could compare to the joy I feel about these two evil Isis leaders being killed. I understand many more of the satanic cult were killed along with them, but I believe the masters of that cult are still operating right here in our own America. We were under their leadership for eight years. They had no mercy for America;s brave men, and women who were risking their lives to save our country. Then by their own failure to protect them, and lives were lost, the remarks from those guilty of the deaths said, “So what.” We have the man in the Oval Office now that I believe will be able to do to them what was done to the ones in Syria. How could I be more happy when the evil is quickly coming to an end? This doesn't help the pain of those who saw their loved ones heads cut off, but it makes the rest of us feel more safe. I am not one of those that believe an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth, but I do believe we have to stop evil from killing God's people, with whatever it takes. My prayers are definitely against those who have brutally, and proudly, killed Godly people. I think they should be brought to justice. I also believe God is the one behind the discovery, and destroying of those evil demons. He uses His own soldiers to carry out the missions. What an awesome God we have! He is just, and He is Almighty. Never makes a mistake. It is us, His children, who makes mistakes, mostly because we would rather have our own way. But when children grow up, it is then that their punishment is greater, because they were taught not to disobey their Godly teachings. I am thankful for my parents who taught me right, Yes, I did think them partly wrong at the time, but when the going got rough, I remembered my teachings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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