Sunday, October 13, 2019

"Owners Take Notice For Repairs"

              Help before the rest of the apartments are destroyed. 10-13-2019 Perryton, TX

One of the bird apartments got some wind damage during a recent high wind in our area. The owners have not been in any hurry to repair it, and I know all my little birdies need a place to live. These bird apartments are just two doors down from where I live. The birds living there visit me every day. Maybe I can construct a few bird apartments myself , but not till after winter is over. I do have two upscale bird houses hanging in a tree in my front yard. I enjoy them a lot. So far they are still in good shape, and don't need painting. Most of my neighbors are proud of their yards, and allies, and keep them looking interesting all the time. My lawn man just finished mowing my yards today. Beings it's the middle of October I hope it won't be needed to be mowed any more this year. However, after frost I will have to get busy, and do a lot of cleaning up, and raking leaves. I'm hoping all the snakes will have bedded down for the winter before I have to start cleaning my yard. I did see one little snake about 12 inches long on my patio this summer. I am terrified of snakes even if they are garden snakes, like my son says.

I enjoyed a good church service this morning, and a wonderful dinner afterwards. Once a month we have pot luck in our big beautiful dinning room, and it is always a happy time to look forward to. The close fellowship makes the food taste even better. There is always a nice crowd who stay for the church dinner. I'm glad to report that my God has given me a new appreciation for my church, and I wonder now why I had lost some interest in past weeks. Nothing has changed, as far as I can see, except me. I do believe God is with us even in times of discouragement. I believe every human being is tempted sometimes to make a change in their life as they get older. Not of necessity, but because of boredom. The fact is God knows what's best for us, and will not agree with our feeling of changing something that He blessed us with. In due time if we faint not we will be back to joy, peace, and happiness, It just comes with everlasting endurance. The Apostle Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever state I am in.” I'm beginning to learn that same lesson. I have friends who have moved away from Perryton, and after a shot time have said they wished they would never have left. For some reason most never make it back even though they wish daily to be back. For those of us who have our comfort places established let us hold onto it. For those who have lost that comfort place for some reason, but are still in your long lived area, pray for another place to call home, and be determined not to lose it, or leave it for something better. The grass is never greener on the other side, the enemy just tells you it is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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