Monday, October 14, 2019

"Some Things Needs To Be Looked Up To"

The Hunter's Moon last night was awesome beautiful. See again tonight. 10-14-2019 Perryton, TX

I took this picture last night, October 13, 2019 at about 11 o'clock. It is the Hunter's Moon. It was so beautiful, but the gorgeous colors didn't show up in my shot. I think I did not know how to set my camera for the long distant picture. However, you can see the red objects crossing the moon. I do not know what they were, and so far haven't been able to find much information about it on the computer. What I did read was this. The Hunters Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon in September. The deer, and other game come out to feast upon left-over grain from the harvest. The bright light from the full moon lets the game see the grain on the ground. They start to fatten up, and the hunters start getting ready to hunt. That is why it's called the Hunter's Moon. For all of you who saw it I think you can say it was an awesome beauty. This Hunters Moon is suppose to be shinning again for the next two days. Monday, and Tuesday nights, The 14, and 15 of October 2019. Don't forget to be watching for it. The later on in the night the prettier it gets.

My husband was a big game hunter, mostly Deer, and Elk. It was a passion with him. He has been deceased for nearly seven years, but a large 10 point mounted Elk head still hangs in my garage. Also the large antlers of a deer hangs beside it. I have learned that these trophies mean almost nothing to anyone except the hunters who weathered the cold, long climbs up the mountains, slept in a tent, and cooked wild game for food. Then quartering their kill bringing each piece down the mountain on a horse, plus the head if it was a proud possession of the winning hunter. When the meat arrived home, it was processed, and divided among friends who liked elk, and deer meat. In centuries past men had to depend on wild game to feed their families. I'm thankful I didn't live in those days, because I never learned to like the taste of any wild meat. I like fish, but no other sea food. I think that is because the bible talks so much about fish, and fisherman. If Jesus said fish were clean, I would never question. About the only meat my parents fed us was beef, pork, and chicken. I pretty mush stick to those same meats today. My children didn't follow my custom of meat choices, and went all out for shrimp, lobster, oysters, and I don't know what else they tried. Their dad didn't eat much of any kind of meat, but not because he thought it was unclean. He was raised mostly on beans, potatoes, and home grown vegetables, and fruits. In his days most of their hunting was done for sport, or to kill the prowling animals that killed their chickens. Coyotes, wolves, and hawk to name a few. Their kill of these creatures were fed to the cats, and dogs who were family watchers. The cats caught the mice, and the dogs barked at strangers, also killed snakes when they came close to the house. Time does change everything, even me. Mostly just my looks, and movement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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