Monday, December 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Day And The Day After"

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Day And The Day After":     The leaning candle is trying to tell us something needs attention. 12-26-2016 Perryton, Texas. The day after Christmas I am still bubb...

"Christmas Day And The Day After"

    The leaning candle is trying to tell us something needs attention. 12-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The day after Christmas I am still bubbling over with joy and happiness. Wait till I tell you about the Christmas day explosion and you will wonder why. I am wondering myself.

I had invited a friend over for Christmas dinner. She had just been home a few days from the hospital after having a heart attack. She had not been doing well after getting home, and she has no relatives within hundreds of miles from her. My son and I was going to be eating alone so I asked this friend to have dinner with us. I sparred no sweat in fixing the same Christmas dinner I had been cooking for many years. I made sure I fixed enough for this friend to take food home with her so she would not have to be cooking for awhile. I tried to make the house as tidy and clean as possible. I even cleaned the cook top after fixing the meal. It was in dire need of cleaning so I sparred no mercy. I mopped my kitchen floor clean enough to eat off of. I set the decorated table and lighted the candles. Everything was ready when the friend arrived.

I had left some of the food in the warm oven so it would be hot when served. I hate cold food that’s suppose to be served hot. Before I took it from the oven I turned on the electric cook top burners just long enough to get medium hot then turned them off before I took the food containers from the oven and placed them on the warm burners. I had taken special time and effort to make the best cornbread dressing ever. I had made enough for a thrashing crew because we love dressing. It could not have been more perfect. We decided to fill our plates from the cook top and bar. About the time we were ready for dessert a terrible explosion nearly busted our eardrums. The burner which the large, Pyrex dish with the dressing had been placed on had gotten too hot and exploded. The stove had malfunctioned and didn’t go off when I turned it off. I made sure the “off’ button was in proper place, and the red light was off, but it was not off. It had heated for about forty or fifty minutes before it got hot enough to explode. I had never seen so much broken glass scattered around a kitchen as this was. My friend and I cleaned glass and raked food in the garbage can till we were blue in the face. The burners on the stove were filled with dressing as well as glass. Luckily enough the pumpkin pie and chocolate cake had plastic wrap around them and didn’t have to be thrown away, but most of the other stuff was full of crushed glass.

We finished our dessert, but just before the friend had taken the last few bites she got up from the table and went to the living room. My back was to her and I didn’t see her sit down in a recliner. I thought she had gone to the bathroom. When I finally looked around she had taken her blood pressure device from her purse and was taking her pressure. I immediately went to her and asked what was wrong. She said she didn’t feel good. We were unable to get a true test on the device she was using so I got mine out, but still couldn’t get a result. I was concerned enough to talk her into going to the ER. She kept hesitating, but I kept insisting. Finally we went to the Hospital ER on Christmas day. After an hour or so, and after an EKG, and some blood work, the Dr. released her to come home. He thought she was over medicated, and told her to cut back half on her meds. We came back to my house. I fixed enough food that had been spared from glass, to last her a day or two. Then we sit and visited for most of the rest of the day. When she left to go home I felt completely relieved and knew all our worries were in vein. After all the commotion I woke up this morning feeling better than I have felt in some time. I too, had been visited by an angel who soothed my doubts and fears, and left me with peace and joy to the fullest. I had received the best Christmas gift ever. A new out-look on life, a new understanding of something other than a mere existence, and a dare-not- risk my intuition when I feel strongly about something. God will not let us make wrong choices if we ask Him for guidance. I am looking forward to a great and blessed New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Winter Christmas Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Winter Christmas Blessings":                 Our first snow for the winter. Very cold outside. 12-17-2016 Perryton, Texas. The weather caused me to have to cancel my...

"Winter Christmas Blessings"

                Our first snow for the winter. Very cold outside. 12-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The weather caused me to have to cancel my plans for this evening. I was invited to dinner with some ladies who were going to be driving seventeen miles to the restaurant of their choice. Due to the snow and cold freezing wind the event had to be canceled. This is the thing I have been dreading for awhile now. It will be hard to plan any trips because the weather is so unpredictable here in Perryton, Texas. However, I would rather be safe than sorry. I choose to stay home when its so cold and freezing rain. I have my television and telephone to occupy me. I’m so thankful for all the modern blessings I am privileged to enjoy. I have talked on the phone today with some friends and family members. It lifted my spirits, and gave me patience to wait for better weather to happen. When I hear that all is well and doing fine I am satisfied to lean back in my recliner and watch the news. I spend a lot of time day dreaming while relaxing in my recliner. I think I solve a lot of problems, but I still have to get out to finish the job. After all I am thrilled to be well, and of a sound mind. Christmas time is a season to be jolly regardless of the weather. I am fitting into that clause. This Saturday evening marks one week before Christmas eve. I remember as a child how hard it was to wait for that one week to pass. I haven’t grown out of that anxiety feeling much after all these years.

At this time of the year with snow on the ground, and cold north wind blowing, who could keep from thinking about our Savior, Jesus Christ, being born in a manger of the cattle barn? This is a true story that will never be understood by any earthly being. I hope not one soul this Christmas will fail to feel the pain and suffering Mary bore that night long ago when she gave birth to our Savior, and even worse pain she suffered when she watched that same son being nailed to a cruel cross for our sins. Can we ever feel worthy to claim the best of the best in everything we want? We look for perfection in all things, often refusing to settle for anything less.
God forgive us and help us to be thankful for what we have. Especially let us give thanks for the blood of Jesus Christ that cleansed us from all sin. Let us remember also that Christmas is about Jesus, and not about ourselves. My sincere blessings, and best wishes, go out to every living soul still on this earth. May the Light of the World shine on you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "One Christ And One American Flag"

Jean's Comment's: "One Christ And One American Flag": Christmas trees are the backdrop behind Donald Trump instead of flags. He is proving his point. Christmas will remain Christmas in America...

"One Christ And One American Flag"

Christmas trees are the backdrop behind Donald Trump instead of flags. He is proving his point. Christmas will remain Christmas in America. 12-16-2016 Perryton, Texas

What a switch from American flags to Christmas trees for the backdrop to President-elect, Donald Trump. Both high American priorities, our flag and Christmas,  were being threatened to be removed from our Great, freedom loving country. We have been seeing the American flag desecrated for several years. A few years ago the Supreme Court ruled that it was ok for people to burn, stomp, tear into shreds or destroy the great symbol of America, the flag. After that there was a ruling made that the Ten Commandments be taken down from all public places such as courthouses, schools and others. Also no more prayers could be made in school or no pledge to the flag. It went from that extreme to even more and worse extremes. Several years ago the court ruled that it was ok to murder unborn babies with tax payers money. Then they made a law, illegally, to allow same sex marriages. Now it is highly legal for sex gender surgeries even for minor children if at least one parent requests it, whether birth parent or adoptive.  In my opinion that is the worse cruelty any parent could cause to their children. I’ve seen children crying because they were being forced to have a sex gender surgery by at least one parent. The latest evil law that people are having to deal with is restrooms for both straight, and sex gender  people.

Yes, I was extremely thankful to see President elect, Donald Trump, standing in front of a line of Christmas trees giving a speech today instead of standing in front of flags. It is still accepted for highly elected government people to stand in front of the American flags, but for Mr. Trump to bravely switch to the Christmas tree tradition was a big surprise to me. He has told us that no more Happy Holidays would be required in public places anymore. He said keep saying, “Merry Christmas.” This man means what he says, and he says what he means. The fight for the right to keep President elect, Trump, as our next president  is getting more fierce every day. How far will we have to go, and how much more bloodshed will we have to see, before the war of good and evil can be totally won? I know that our new president will come through this dilemma victoriously, but like I asked, when will it ever stop? Few people ever realized just how far into hell our country had advanced. Many good people still don’t realize it, and probably never will. They have, because of their own will, been turned over to a reprobate mind. The definition of reprobate is, “A person rejected by God and beyond all hope of salvation.” We have won one battle, but the fight continues. We must never give up praying for our country, and praying for other countries who are in even more distress than America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "One More Step And I'm Out"

Jean's Comment's: "One More Step And I'm Out": Hurrah! I made it to the Center today. I am the one with dark hair wearing a red vest facing the camera. 12-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.    ...

"One More Step And I'm Out"

Hurrah! I made it to the Center today. I am the one with dark hair wearing a red vest facing the camera. 12-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.       Some of the beautiful Christmas decorations at the Center. 12-14-2016 Perryton Texas.

It was an exciting time today at the Christmas luncheon at Senior Citizen’s Center. The Christmas spirit was everywhere. Every face shined with sparkling eyes. What a joy to see so many old friends whom I hadn’t seen for so long. I think I have finally been lifted up above the shadows. This day was surly the beginning of a new world for me. I almost let the old doubter convince me that I should stay home and never go out again, but I fought back, and I’m so glad I did.  

The lunch was super delicious with ham or brisket. Mashed potatoes with cheese and chives, Green bean casserole, sweet pea salad, whipped cream, cherry salad, and crescent rolls. Apple cobbler was the dessert. Everyone was so pleased with the taste of everything. I was overwhelmed with all the hugs and merry Christmas wishes I received. I had not been to the Center since Mother’s Day. I was told that prayers had been going up for me, and the manager thanked God for bringing me back while she had her arms around me. What a great bunch of people to be a part of! I was invited to another group of widow’s and widower’s gatherings, who go out to eat every Saturday night. I have accepted the invitation for this coming Saturday night. This may be the answer to my prayer, which I didn’t see coming. I was leaning toward a different type of fellowship, but God always knows best.

To put it more clearly I have been made today to appreciate my blessings a thousand times more . Nothing about the environment, which I’ve been a part of for years, has changed, but something about the attitude of my being has changed a lot. I feel like I have found my way out of a deep hole which I had been placed in with no one but myself and God to pull me out. I climbed most of the way with the persistence of Jesus. It seemed like every night after I went to bed I just thought about my grave, and how awful it must be to be buried six feet under the ground. Many of times I wanted to go out to the cemetery and dig my husband up. Of course I knew this was insane, but I couldn’t seem to accept the reality of death. I was praying and reading my bible every night, but day after day more and more of my friends and loved ones were dying. After four years I am now beginning to climb out of that deep hole I fell into. Like David in the bible when his baby son was dying, I went into deep depression. When his son died David came forth quickly,  and grieved no more. He was asked how he could get over his loss so fast. He replied, “while there was life there was hope, but after death all hope is gone.” I have tried to be of the same spirit as David, but I just couldn’t bounce back. I haven’t completely recovered but I am a lot closer to the top today than I was yesterday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Venus At Christmas Time"

Jean's Comment's: "Venus At Christmas Time": This was Venus last night view from Perryton, Texas. It appeared much larger than what's on the picture. It was very close to earth. 1...

"Venus At Christmas Time"

This was Venus last night view from Perryton, Texas. It appeared much larger than what's on the picture. It was very close to earth. 12-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This small green spot is Venus. It looked like a huge star that had several points all which were sparkling. So unbelievable. The temperature on Venus was 900 degree last night. 12-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My son, Chuck, called me last night to take notice of the planet, Venus. It was large, and appeared to be a huge star with all the points sparkling. It seemed very close to earth. Chuck told me the heat from this Planet was 900 degree last night  12-12-2016. Chuck is very knowledgeable on the earth creation, and studies a lot on the science experiments that are still being practiced every day. He has a passion for nature, and earth creations. When he took the college exam he scored in the top ten of the science test. It is very interesting to listen to him explain all the details about what makes certain things happen, but unless one is educated on the subject they get lost quick. He has captured my interest to a pretty high degree. I have taken lots of pictures of earth-sky objects, and read a lot from the computer about them. I am at this time doing a painting of New York’s Central Park which was created in the area of where a glacier left huge rocks. Chuck has explained all about this glacier, but again I don’t fully understand all the facts of nature, although I do love the artifacts. Scientist are always trying to prove a theory, but so far many have not been proven to satisfy a majority of the people. Global warming is one of the most controversial studies of the times. I doubt that it will ever get any farther than its been for the past fifty years. Several people have gotten rich promoting the theory because of their greed for money, nothing more. This is my opinion. It’s like many prophets have, and still are acquiring thousands of followers who were subdued by their charm. Even after their prophecies failed to prove out. The gullible cravers of wanting to be right about their broadcast of a true prophet, doesn’t seem to stop with the false results. Some people just feed off fake news that keeps their heart beating. The story of the fairy never left them even after they were older. I might add, God gives those who have a true and honest heart the gift of discernment. No one can be right one hundred percent all the time, but it sure helps to have this gift.

As we enter a New Year of adventure let us be more positive of getting it straight before declaring that a lie is the truth. We can offer opinions, but never fail to let it be known that it is an opinion. Accusations are a hard sin to pay for if they are not true. You will find that statement in the word of God. I often am reminded of the scripture quoted by Jesus in Matthew 18:6, KJV. ”But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” We are all referred to by God as little ones.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Merry And Folly Equals Christmas"

Jean's Comment's: "Merry And Folly Equals Christmas": Santa just landed his helicopter in one of my neighbors yard. What a nice way to have your gifts delivered to you.  12-12-2016 Perryton, T...

"Merry And Folly Equals Christmas"

Santa just landed his helicopter in one of my neighbors yard. What a nice way to have your gifts delivered to you.  12-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I had to do some more shopping today so I’m running behind on my schedule. I needed to let the paint dry more on my canvases anyway. Even then, I did accomplish a good bit of work today. I bought groceries at two different stores, went to the bank, got calendars, bought Christmas cards, and came home and made a huge pot of beef and vegetable stew. I’m still on the up side and wishing I could spend more time with my family. The Christmas spirit is definitely strong around here. So many of the yards are decorated so nicely. I enjoy just driving around and looking at them. Just two days left before my Christmas party at the Citizen’s Center, and I have to get my hair done, and decide what I’m going to wear. The paint on the canvases may be very dry before I get back to them. I hadn’t planned to do anything extra for Christmas, but something changed my mind. I’m hopping around like a bunny rabbit looking for something to eat. “Please Lord, don’t let me start cooking all those goodies I have always cooked at Christmas.” I’ve been faithful to my diet all year long, and I sure don’t want to blow it now. The million dollar fudge is such a temptation, the three gallon plastic canister that I always fill with delicious party mix is so inviting, and the best fruit cake ever created has never missed a Christmas in many years at our house. Yes, its hard not to dive in and cook all these traditional goodies, but I will not give in.

I have stayed away from all the business Christmas parties so far. It seems like every business has had Christmas goodies and drinks this year. The hostess keeps the tables filled with candy, nuts, cookies, cheese and crackers, and about anything else one might want. The fear has been so long that Christmas might be taken from us, and replaced with a religious worship that left Christ out of our lives. I believe we were over half-way there when at last we managed, with God’s help, to get a leader elected to the White House who is all about God and country. He will bring back morality and integrity, and hopefully abandon all tax payer money for abortion and transgender surgery. There is so much change that needs to be made in order to get America back to her glorious existence like we used to know it. There are a few Supreme Court laws that need to be repealed also. This highest court in America decided to make laws in this last President’s term of office. Instead of interpreting the law they made a law, which barely passed, allowing same sex marriage. God forbid!  They are judges, not law makers. The fight will continue for a long time yet. We are not finished just by electing Mr. Trump. The evil army is still fighting to destroy America, but the victory call has been made and soon I think we will see them all slain by the spirit of the Holy One.

Merry Christmas to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Oh You Beautiful Moon"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh You Beautiful Moon":  At 5:30 this evening the sky looked like this in the wast. Then in the east at the same time this big moon was shinning so bright. 12-1...

"Oh You Beautiful Moon"

 At 5:30 this evening the sky looked like this in the wast. Then in the east at the same time this big moon was shinning so bright. 12-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
What a thrill when I see such a big shinny moon just above my head. If I live long enough I might go to see it someday. 12-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I finished my painting assignment for today then wondered what picture I would post to begin my blog. I hadn’t been outside all day so I walked out back and saw these interesting clouds. That was it just waiting for me to discover them. I snapped the picture then walked around front and there as big and bold as a mountain lion was this huge bright moon. “Hello moon, I want your picture.” When I finish writing this blog my day will have been complete. I have accomplished all that I assigned myself to do. This makes the fourth straight day I have finished my goal for a day. I didn’t wait till New Years to turn over a new leaf. I have to say I am very proud of myself. I’m actually anxious for tomorrow so I can do the same routine I have been doing for four days. I think I am already reaping the blessings that our new President is laying out for us. I feel so positive that God is smiling down on us. My aches and pains don’t bother me nearly as much as before the election. I worked hard with my computer for a year and a half to help Donald Trump get elected. I can’t say my effort helped much, but I did try with all my heart. I communicated with a lot of people who were working as hard as I. Some even much harder. I heard my God say “faith without works is dead.” I put feet to my prayers, and now I am rejoicing, to say the least. Everything looks beautiful even the skies and the moon.

I don’t intend to stop working and praying because we have just touched the tip of the iceberg. I know I will see many more great and mighty things happen if I keep myself committed. No more wasting of my time. I am not privileged to travel a lot to be part of some exciting things I have been invited to, but I am thankful for being thought of just the same. It makes me know that I am loved by many. Nothing can be more wonderful than knowing that you are loved. Of course, I like many others have our enemies, but who cares? We know we have our Lord to help us win every battle. We are suppose to love our enemies, but we are not suppose to let them ruin our lives. Pray for them and stay far away from them. Until they decide to love us we must consider them a risk. Many of our enemies are captives from their own choosing. They do not realize that, but it is so often true. They stay locked up in their own skin while not knowing how to be set free. They are waiting in vain to see the ones they hate to be put to death. Nothing but a miracle can release them from their torture. How thankful we all should be to know Jesus Christ as our savior. .

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Dear Santa You Light Up My Life"

Jean's Comment's: "Dear Santa You Light Up My Life": Santa Clause has come to visit us a few days. He smokes his pipe and looks over his Christmas list that he holds in his lap. This is an ol...

"Dear Santa You Light Up My Life"

Santa Clause has come to visit us a few days. He smokes his pipe and looks over his Christmas list that he holds in his lap. This is an old family favorite. 12-10-2016  Perryton, Texas.

Old Santa Clause has come to visit us for a few days. When he knocks on our door I begin to get the Christmas spirit. He sits on his stool smoking his pipe and reading his Christmas list that he holds in his lap. This old guy has been visiting us for many years. He may have gotten arthritis over the years, but when he gets plugged into electricity he never misses a move. After Christmas is over we burry him in the same box he came in. He does not live again till the next Christmas. This is a story I like to tell all the little children. I like to see their little eyes light up like the Christmas lights. My own arthritis hinders me from going Christmas shopping so I have learned to make do with the more simple and easiest things possible. My greatest thrill about Christmas any more is hearing about the wonderful times everyone else had. That means everything to me.

 I do plan to go to the Senior Citizens Christmas party again this year. It is always so nice and many gifts are given to the lucky ones who get their names drawn out of the hopper. Two years ago my name was drawn. I received a scented candle that gives off a wonderful fragrance without being lighted. I still enjoy it every day. The Christmas dinner is great with so many different goodies available. Of course the decorations are top notch. Its always nice to see so many old friends and acquaintances there. Most usually there are over 100 people who attend.  I believe this community social club is a plus for Perryton. I appreciate all the hard work that so many do to make this place enjoyable.

I also have plans made to spend New Years Eve away from home with my two sisters. We are all looking forward to that date. The biggest worry is the weather. My sisters and I both will be traveling over a hundred miles. We have been blessed with two nights free rooms by a special person. Our buffet breakfast will be furnished with the room reservations. Can anyone start the New Year off with any better pleasure than that? I am thankful for the gift of the rooms. It may just be that this New Year is the one that will make me happy just like before I lost my husband, four years ago. I had thought it was impossible, but something tells me now I am going to live happy again. I am giving all his cloths away finally, for someone to have a good Christmas who couldn’t afford one otherwise. There are several nice suits and shirts, and also a pair of eel hide boots that my husband loved. He only wore them on special occasions. It has taken me four years to give his nice cloths away. My closets are going to be missing something that can never be replaced. I guess its taken me that long to decide he is never coming back. I know this sounds crazy, but I wish him a Merry Christmas in heaven where he will never have to die again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Juat A Few More Sunsets Before It Happens"

Jean's Comment's: "Juat A Few More Sunsets Before It Happens":           Gorgeous sunset this evening coming home from the store. 12-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. It looks like two or three suns. Very unus...

"Juat A Few More Sunsets Before It Happens"

          Gorgeous sunset this evening coming home from the store. 12-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
It looks like two or three suns. Very unusual. It was so beautiful. 12-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The weather is cold here at Perryton, Texas, but the sun shined bright all day. I managed to get a shot of it coming back from the grocery store. It was about to set, so I stopped and took the picture. Days like this make up for the cloudy, sunless days we have so often. We are suppose to have a week or so of really cold weather next week. I stocked up on groceries today, because I don’t plan to get out in the cold, windy, weather. A lot of people must have had the same idea because the store was crowded with shoppers.

I have enjoyed my day so far. Before going to the store I spent almost four hours painting. I am beginning to get the results I ached for with the two pieces I am working with. During rest periods I watched the news, and got burned out listening to the same old news that’s been repeated over and over. I am too anxious for President elect, Donald Trump, to complete his cabinet pick and get things going that needs to be done. I will never make it to inauguration day if Mr. Trump don’t quit keeping us in suspense. I sometimes lack the patience to coast along, “lets get it over and done with.” I am still sure that we have the man of God’s choice who knows exactly what he is doing. For sure he is keeping every ones attention focused on him. Could anything be better for him to do than that? I believe if a pin drops anywhere anytime he hears it. I just need to let him go, as he certainly isn’t even aware that I exist. He don’t need me, but I need him to help save our country. I am completely at ease with what this President elect is doing. Soon it will be a reality, and not a dream, that he is sitting in the Oval Office of America’s highest honor. We keep hearing that it will never happen that people have more than one plan to stop him from taking over this position. I think that’s why so many people are on edge, and wanting everything to hurry up. Anything is possible, but surly God didn’t lead us to the water and refuse to let us drink. I believe far too many people were sleeping while the evil forces were stealing our country lock, stock, and barrel. They woke up too late, or are some still asleep? I am one to believe that even Mr. Trump knows that this battle against Muslin control is greater than anyone imagined. He just wants to play big daddy and keep the children from panicking. I also believe big daddy knows best, and will eventually bring us to victory. So we need to all stay cool, and keep trusting our God for He needs us to help Mr. Trump  win this war with ISIS. President Obama, you tried but you lost after a long battle against America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Too High For My Round Trip Ticket"

Jean's Comment's: "Too High For My Round Trip Ticket": John Glen the first astronant to orbit earth in 1962 passed away today at age 95. 12-8-2016 Perryton, Texas. One of my favorite hero&#39...

"Too High For My Round Trip Ticket"

John Glen the first astronant to orbit earth in 1962 passed away today at age 95. 12-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.
One of my favorite hero's, John Glenn, passed away today at age 95. I remember the day so well when he landed on earth after orbiting the globe. 12-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It was a sad day today after hearing about the death of one of the greatest hero’s that America has even known. John Glen was the first astronaut to orbit the earth in 1962. It was a risky decision to make, but John Glen took  the challenge. I can remember that day so well. Most people thought Glenn would never make it back to earth, but when his space ship came cruising down it was an unmistakable shouting time in the streets. Since that day many space ships  have been successfully launched and some astronauts live for extended periods of time in space. I think I have seen about all the extraordinary advancements I am going to see, but there is no telling what my grandchildren are going to be spectacles of. They may become residents in outer space before they die. I want God to bless America, but I want Him to keep America, America. Whatever happens in the future has already been planned by God. I will not complain about His ways for He created all things. He tells us all through His Word to just trust Him. I am doing that with the encouragement of my family and friends. When fear comes upon us we walk by faith and not by sight. I have taken that walk many of times. It is at these times when one has to say, “not my will but Thine be done.” Live or die, we will be rewarded in the end. John Glenn was not forced to take that mission around the earth, but he chose to help make America great. He came back safe and sound and has reaped a long life of rich blessings. I believe another great reward is waiting for him when he gets to heaven.

I do consider myself a servant of God who takes insults very personally. I never try to pay back, but I do ask God to go easy on the offenders. They need sympathy much more than I, because God will not let them go unpunished. I make no excuses for calling out a few faults of others, because I think it is necessary in order to maintain a friendly relationship. I can take criticism if it is offered in a constructive way, but when it is rudely, spoken by a controlling spirit, I am not your candidate. Actions are often as offensive as words. Either can be devastating if delivered by an non- contrite spirit. We believers, and followers, of Christ have a lot of up-hill battles to fight, but not without blessing if we let God be our commander-in-chief. My dad used to tell me that hard work never hurt anyone. It just hurts our feelings. I didn’t believe him then, but I do now. I truly believe each and everyone of us deserves respect, but that is to say we must show respect in return. Love cannot be bought with money, but money can sell a lot of love. Let us all be diligent in our love for one another.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "What A Blessing To Be Alive"

Jean's Comment's: "What A Blessing To Be Alive": At 4:30 p.m. today Wednesday 12-7-2016 the temperature has not been any higher than shown on the thermometer stationed on my front porch. ...

"What A Blessing To Be Alive"

At 4:30 p.m. today Wednesday 12-7-2016 the temperature has not been any higher than shown on the thermometer stationed on my front porch. 24 degree. 12-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The cold spell has hit Perryton, Texas now. I took a picture of the thermometer on my front porch at 4:30 p.m. today showing the temperature at 24 degree. The wind is strong which makes it seem much colder. Thank God for a warm home and food to eat. My prayers go out to all the homeless people, and especially to all the vets who are defending us in terrible cold places. I believe prayer can remove mountains, and I definitely am asking God to do that for our great America. I feel so encouraged even with this “shut-in-type weather.” I have no doubt but what God is giving us another chance to do better for Him than what we’ve been doing. I also believe many people are going to change their attitudes all around the world. I am praying for my own attitude to change for the better also. I believe everyone has room for improvement. These cold, Christmas season days are when I miss my father and mother the most. We had a wood burning heater, which my dad kept a hot fire going all the time. He cut wood from the creek which we lived close to long before the weather got cold. A warm cozy home with mom and dad, and all my brothers and sisters were all we wanted. The smokehouse was full of pork that my dad always prepared before winter hit. The cellar was filled with canned foods that my mom and grandmother had spent countless hours preparing from the garden and orchard. Would to God that I could go back to those days again. However, I know I could not enjoy those good ole days now like I did then. I’ve been blessed too long with an easy style living. I do somehow believe the more we get the less we appreciate. I am thankful for the upbringing I had for I truly do peel my potatoes still with a tissue thin skin. As cheap as potatoes are one would think I might even eat the skin the way I peel them. My parents taught me that it was a sin to waste. I try hard not to be guilty of that sin.

I want to tell all my readers in foreign countries how much I appreciate you supporting my blogs. I noticed today that I have several new viewers in Russia, Germany, Portugal and France. I may never get to meet any of you, but be assured you are mention in my prayers every night. God knows who you are, and He will answer my prayers in your behalf. I love each and everyone of you, and send my blessing through these little short letters. I urge you all to keep on believing because no matter how hard times may get, our Lord will never leave nor forsake us. I hope to meet you all in heaven someday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Glance At The Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "A Glance At The Sun": The sun has had a hard time shinning today. Cold, wintery clouds keep covering it. 12-6-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have seen prettier skie...

"A Glance At The Sun"

The sun has had a hard time shinning today. Cold, wintery clouds keep covering it. 12-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I have seen prettier skies. We couldn't have winter without dreary skies. 12-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One of those days when I do nothing much but eat and paint. Not good for the shape of my body. When its bad outside I get the urge to cook rich foods. This week I have already made chili, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, plus a huge pecan pie. With left over chili I had super bun hot dogs with real beef franks last night. When will I stop eating?

Today I have painted a couple of hours on a scene that I am beginning to like a lot.. Receding glaciers left behind huge rocks which were used to create an interesting sight of nature in the what is now known as, New York City’s Central Park. I loved the picture taken by camera and used in the National Geographic. If I can do to this painting what I feel, it will make anyone wish they could take a vacation to new York. I will be posting it as soon as I’m finished. I am also doing a portrait of Melania Trump. Between the two I am staying pretty busy. I’m staying occupied with things I love to do. It makes me feel good when someone comes in my house like a repairman or a technician and immediately are attracted to the paintings I have hanging on my wall. They recognize the portraits at a glance. That is the famous ones I have done. The trouble is I have all my walls filled with paintings. I am going to have to let some of them go before long. I will be getting a computer whiz to help me set up a studio on line. It will be a lot of trouble, but I think it would be fun once I learn the trade. I don’t have many art pieces on hand that I want to sell. I have sold some, and donated some, and given away some. I hope to start accepting request to do portraits for others. I have been asked several times, but do not have the confidence to take an order. I will not do a portrait cheap. Once I get the contract that’s when I’m afraid I will fail to please the buyer. I expect to get it all figured out some day before long. I have sold a portrait and the buyer was happy with the finished results, but I have not been comfortable to accept another request.

I am now fixing to go to my television and catch up on all the news. I’m having a hard time leaving my easy chair and watching all the pro’s and con’s of those giving interviews about the condition of our country. I decided enough is enough. It’s time to break away and do something positive. I do feel good about our new President elect, and I am anxious to cash in on some of the wealth he has promised us. He is the best teacher for   making “America Great Again” that could ever be found anywhere. I thank God for him every day. “Peace, Joy, and Happiness to all.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Hell Of A Fire"

Jean's Comment's: "A Hell Of A Fire": A terrible warehouse fire in Oakland, California claimed 24 lives, and possible more. 12-4-2016 Perryton, Texas It's real. people a...

"A Hell Of A Fire"

A terrible warehouse fire in Oakland, California claimed 24 lives, and possible more. 12-4-2016 Perryton, Texas
It's real. people are dying every day, some as acts of criminality, some as acts of what should be called criminality. Many innocent lives are taken while many, not so innocent lives are taken. What part do we play in this sinful world? 12-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It has not been reported what kind of party was being held in the warehouse at Oakland, California where at least 24 people lost their lives in a massive fire. Nor do we know how many were injured, and some more bodies may still be found. One news media called it a dance, but what kind of dance would be held in a warehouse full of furniture? The owner of the building said he just lost a life time of hard work in that fire. It sounds like the contents may have been valuable collectables. I have not heard one mention that it may have been an act of terrorist, but it does raise the question. This incident reminds me of the shooting a few months ago at a gay night club where several people lost their lives. I am not suggesting that the fire was intently started, but unless some group claims responsibility we may never know the truth.

The sexual attraction that more and more people are focusing on will only bring  consequential results. The farther people move away from God’s word the more devastating their life becomes. I believe, according to my interpretation of the bible, that good people can become murders if
God’s mercy fails for Christ  rebels. I also believe that good people can be murdered by God’s own people. King David was hiding from Saul for his life. King David had one of his own servants slain who was fighting for King David’s life. Is this not proof that good people can be murdered as well as good people becoming a murderer? Read the 2nd book of Samuel. And I do believe His mercy will fail after so long of time. Some are not agreeing with me on that, but you cannot just believe part of the bible and not all of it. If only the New Testament matters, then why was both the old and the new put in one book of God’s word? There are those who believe only in the Old Book, while others believe only in the New Book. I believe both the old, and the new, are rules that we must follow, but one must believe in the New Book or there is no redemption. It trumps a lot of the Old book, but still Jesus said He came to fulfill the old law. To me that means we are bound by the Ten Commandants. If one lives according to the ten commandants there would be a lot less sin and sell righteousness today. A lot less suffering, and less suicides. For those who don’t read and follow the Holy Word of God, their days  will be most miserable, and end up in total loss. For those who preach and do not follow their own message, theirs is an unrewarding life. For those who preach and try very hard to keep their own message in practice, theirs will be a blessed life. No life is without pain and suffering, but like Jesus said, “ The way of the cross leads home.” To refuse the cross leads to a grave without hope of resurrection

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Its Brginning To Feel Like Christmas"

Jean's Comment's: "Its Brginning To Feel Like Christmas": The beautiful Christmas lights don't make good pictures. This scene is so amazing when viewed with the eye, but the camera doesn't...

"Its Brginning To Feel Like Christmas"

The beautiful Christmas lights don't make good pictures. This scene is so amazing when viewed with the eye, but the camera doesn't do much for it. 12-3-2016  Perryton, Texas.

                  Missing all the beauty of these decorations. Sorry. 12-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I needed to have had a motion picture camera. I have one but don't know how to use it. 12-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.Its beginning to feel like Christma

This set of Christmas pictures are from my friend’s yard which I posted a daylight picture of two days ago. The night view is absolutely gorgeous, but my camera just wouldn’t take good pictures of the lights because they were flashing on and off so often. I am sure my friend will get the :“most beautiful” award given by the city for her Christmas display, At least I was thrilled to be able to enjoy the wonderful Christmas story in lighted color form. I am enjoying everything about Christmas this year mainly because I have renewed hope for our country, and keeping the Christmas spirit alive. The best gift I could have ever gotten is knowing that we can still worship our Savior, Jesus Christ, and light up the world with His message. I am rejoicing to the top of Heaven for the answer to our prayers, and giving us victory over keeping our Savior alive. I will be trying to share my enthusiasm with as many as I can. “Joy to the world the Lord has not only come, He is still here.” I’m praying that our Christmas choruses will not get replaced with foolish, non-spiritual pantomime. It seems like everything about our beloved country is getting replaced with all kinds of evil spirits. Nothing but prayer can keep our heritage from being robbed from us. We have just seen the robbers get caught,  and I hope everyone will acknowledge it and give thanks unto the Lord.

Here in Perryton, Texas we have had our first snow of the season last night. It was just a trace, but real snow. A slight rain followed for which I am grateful. I am set for a long cold winter, and plan to make a profit on staying home and saving on gas. I have a list of things I want to accomplish right here in my home. As long as my computer don’t break down I will be in good shape. I will be writing, painting, cooking, and gaining weight every day. I do plan to celebrate New Years Eve with my sisters in a place about half-way between us. Its only a few miles over 100, and I hope the weather will be cooperating. I want to spend the last day of this old year celebrating the good feeling of being free to do whatever I want to do. I worried all year that it might not happen. It did, and now I am going to show off my pride and joy with my sisters playing the game of slots. We are all three widows, and we share an interest in getting together and trying to beat each other at the game machine. We put our bodies through a lot of abuse, but it’s always nice to go to the room at night and dream of how we are going to do better tomorrow. After a  couple of days, we are ready to get home. I thank my children for helping me enjoy getting away from all work, and frustration, and having fun with my sisters. They remember the days of their youth, and are now raising me in my youthful days. Love them all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Bale Of Hay For Thought"

Jean's Comment's: "A Bale Of Hay For Thought": A huge bale of hay was being hauled in front of me. I immediately thought of Jesus since He was born in a manger where the cattle ate hay....

"A Bale Of Hay For Thought"

A huge bale of hay was being hauled in front of me. I immediately thought of Jesus since He was born in a manger where the cattle ate hay. 12-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have been taking pictures of things related to Christmas to post with my blogs. However, yesterday as I was going to the store I noticed this very large bale of hay being hauled on a flat bed right in front of me. Suddenly I wanted to take a picture of it. I can’t believe any piece of machinery could be big enough to bale one large field of hay into one. Possible several acres of green hay was cut and baled into one giant bale. As I took the picture I thought to myself, this is not related to Christmas. Then it struck me. Yes it was very much a part of the story about Christmas. Jesus the Savior was born in a stable where the cattle ate hay. His mother, Mary, laid Him in a manger filled with hay, because there was no room for the family in the Inn where they sought rest for the night. I am a mother and I try to imagine such a nightmare experience. The cattle, horses, and sheep all were witnesses to Jesus birth. An angle hovered over him even though it might not have been visible. That is why we have the nativity scene with its awesome reflection of “Heaven on earth,” erected all over the world. An illustrated story like none other can ever take its place. I believe every time people see this humble, true, story in human-like form, it makes all to immediately count their blessings.

Yes, Christmas is the true story of why we can live a blessed life every day and not worry about sacrificing the blood of animals for our sins. If anyone don’t want to believe that just read the book of Leviticus in the bible. Animals had to be slaughtered and their blood sprinkled on the alter with some being put on the ears and right thumbs of those being forgiving of their sins. Every person had to be forgiven regularly, because they were born in sin. Then there was the long list of rituals that had to be followed every time the priest made provisions to forgive the sinners. I am now reading the book of Leviticus with every chapter making me more appreciative than ever for the Heavenly Father sending His only begotten son to earth to make that one time blood atonement for all. People, none of us deserve this great love, and I believe we do not show enough appreciation for it. Some of us may have to show it with our own blood before the end of our time. God does not  show partially, and He certainly will not allow His own son’s blood  to be trampled on. This was revealed to me in my early experience as a new convert. Some of us need to wake up, and shape up, like we’ve never done before. It’s not all about, “ a better than thou attitude.” It’s  about loving everyone with the love of God, and making no excuses if we fail to do so. Are we thankful that we have a Sealy mattress to sleep on instead of a bed of hay?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Christian Spirit Is Still With Us"

Jean's Comment's: "The Christian Spirit Is Still With Us": One of my good friend's Christmas Nativity scene. So beautiful at night. 12-1-2016 Perryton, Texas. A digital calendar and clock...

"The Christian Spirit Is Still With Us"

One of my good friend's Christmas Nativity scene. So beautiful at night. 12-1-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A digital calendar and clock sits in the yard of my friend's house telling people how many more days left till Christmas. 12-1-2016 Perryton, Texas

I live in a small town, but the people have great spirits. It’s a thrill to drive around town and see all the impressive Christmas decorations. I can’t imagine what it would be like if the evil intruders win their battle to do away with Christmas in America. I feel safe now for another four years, but after that who knows what will happen. I do know the demon forces will never stop. It just depends on how much, and how many Christians will brave the front lines and overpower the enemy. We must never stop fighting for Christ. I am so blessed to live in a city where 85 percent of the voters voted for Donald Trump. We also had a large turnout to vote. Not everyone is that blessed. I am proud to say that I worked for the Trump campaign for a year and one-half. I need to collect on some dinners I bet with some of my good friends. A few live far away so I may have to wait a long time for those dinners. I feel ten years younger since Donald Trump won the nomination for president. I definitely think he is God’s man for the time. He’s different in a lot of ways, but who is to tell God what they want Him to look for in a leader where perilous times are rampart? God never makes mistakes, but many people can’t believe that. If God doesn’t know what’s best, then how on earth can any mortal being know more? I believe the Christmas spirit is going to be seen all over America in a way that’s never been seen before. Let us all give thanks for that miracle.

I was even thrilled to my toes today while watching a Christmas play with children acting out the story of Jesus’ birth. The story wasn’t new by any means, but every child in the play seemed to be glowing as an angel guided them through the act. The entire play created a feeling of joy, excitement, laughter, and ended with a praise on my lips. A few tears flowed down my cheeks also. Is this the renewal of a long ago Christian culture or something? If so it certainly is welcomed by me and many others whom I know. Christ came to earth as a babe over two thousand years ago, to save a dying world. Is He coming back now in the form of man to redeem the dying world again? Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe in the anti-Christ at this time, but possible the spirit of Christ is sweeping the nation with pleading arms. This could be the last chance many people have to accept the Son-of-God as their Savior. I truly believe a major call has been sounded for all Christ-rejecters, and just how many will hear that call remains to be seen. “Oh Israel, will ye always reject me?” My bible tells me Israel will be saved in the end. Jesus’ own people, and God’s chosen ones, will bow down to Christ before the end time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Wait For The Icicles To Melt"

Jean's Comment's: "Wait For The Icicles To Melt": One of the many beautiful trees showing off in my town. This one is just across the street from my church.11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas, Th...

"Wait For The Icicles To Melt"

One of the many beautiful trees showing off in my town. This one is just across the street from my church.11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas,
The sun makes this tree seem so brilliant. Notice the dead tree in front. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The shaded church is where I attend. It is pretty when the light is on it. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas

I am showing some of the gorgeous fall colors of trees here where I live in Perryton, Texas. These trees happen to be right across the street from my church about four blocks from where I live. There are many more colorful trees scattered all around the city. The last of spring and summer beauty is about to come to an end with dead limbs taking its place. Icicles will be hanging from the branches a big part of the winter. Those can be beautiful sometimes also. I have seen some as long as ten feet. I am trying to adjust to the bad weather that will happen in a short time. I started back to painting again today. I think I will be content as I love painting so much.

Since I have been home from Thanksgiving visiting my children, my spirit has escalated. I seem to have been receiving messages, (some might call them vibes,)  that take me to the prayer closet where I can talk to the Lord and tell Him all my troubles. Then He tells me to tell Him what I want. I lose all shyness and tell Him what I really want to happen. I give Him all the reasons why I want these things, pointing out that I know I am not deserving, but He can work miracles, and I want a miracle to take place soon. Like a child asking Santa for certain presents, I must seem the same to my Father in heaven. We are little children in His sight. He cares for us, and wants to give us even better gifts than our earthly fathers gave us. How can we blame anyone but ourselves if we are living below a bountiful life? At this time I am very happy even with the icicles that are fixing to hang from our limbs. They will melt, and new life will spring forth because of them. I believe I will be posting nothing but good news for the next several months. Stay in touch with me and find out how many gifts I have received from my Heavenly Father who is King of all Kings.

How much does God have to do for us before we realize He is doing lots more than we deserve? Are we spoiled so badly that we pout if we get our feelings hurt? When I compare myself to Jesus, I just want to hide and never be seen again. The fact is He does not want us to hide, He wants us to repent and let Him give us a happy and prosperous life. I’m wiping all shame from my face and eating from Jesus table just as He has invited me to do. I will never be perfect until the day I leave this old sinful world and receive a new life in Glory Land. Until then I will do the best I can to help everyone who are stymied and holding onto life by a thread. I will try to speak words of love and encouragement, and forever hold these hurting souls up before God. These are the things that make us fit to eat at the Kings table.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Monday, November 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Death Comes To All Life"

Jean's Comment's: "Death Comes To All Life": The last leaves of the blackberry vines for this year. Such pretty red colors. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.                              ...

"Death Comes To All Life"

The last leaves of the blackberry vines for this year. Such pretty red colors. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                                 Fall is beautiful while it lasts.  11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                  The empty Robin nest is completely visible now. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                          A tiny rosebud is still clinging to life. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas

A nice sunny day the 29th day of November 2016. My pretty back yard has all but died for this year. What is left has some pretty red tones that cheer the heart somewhat. A reminder of the birthplace of the pretty little Robins is looking forsaken. I showed pictures of them while still in the nest just hours after they hatched out. I posted them on my blog. This past summer has been a good one to remember. I have lost several good friends who  unlike my yard beauty won’t be coming back. Some things we lose forever, others we lose for just awhile. It takes the love of God to balance the temporary with the forever. Life goes on for the mortal soul even though it has to get revived from time to time. When it’s time to leave the world forever God will prepare a heavenly home that will never need weeding or watering for the yard. The tiny rose bud I saw on a bush today gives me faith still. I think it will open up to full glory before it freezes to death. Some species  are more tolerable and can live longer than others. A mark of the High calling God, no doubt. There is an end to everyone and everything that lives. “Let us rejoice and be glad.”

Sometimes when it seems that we’ve been stripped of every ounce of dignity we ever had, and the curtain has been closed on our stage of performance, it would indicate a time to lay it down. It was at just such a time for me recently when two angels of God called me on the phone on two different days and lifted my spirits. Neither of these knew I was in deep need of encouragement. That’s why I’m sure God laid me on their heart. Both of these calls were surprisingly unexpected, and I received a full charge from the messages they delivered. I have always declared that Christians must take the bad with the good, but some of the bad is almost too bad to recover from. “Not so, saith the Lord. Ye shall mount up with wings as eagles. Ye shall walk and not grow weary, ye shall run and not faint.” My life is in God’s hands, and if I should die a horrible death I count it as a martyr’s  death. I will, by all means, stick to the promise God made to me at the time of my conversion. “I will not suffer the redeemed to the horrible death.” I have been redeemed, and I try every day to live a Christ-like life putting others before myself. His love is greater than all my self-denials. The stripes that are put upon me are some of the same ones put upon Christ. However, by His stripes we are healed. By my strips I am weakened, but only till an angle comes to bring Christ’s healing. I will praise Him forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Warmth Of Love And Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "The Warmth Of Love And Beauty":                               Asparagus victims of fall outrage. 11--19-2016 Perryton, Texas.     The memorial resting place for my lov...

"The Warmth Of Love And Beauty"

                              Asparagus victims of fall outrage. 11--19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
    The memorial resting place for my loving plants and flowers. 11-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It’s now time to bury the dead. What a sad day for me! I know I can get through this long fall and winter, but not without mourning the loss of all my beautiful roses, flowers, asparagus plants, fruit trees, and a green lush lawn of grass. I’m not a winter person, and I don’t like snow. I used to thrill at the idea of going with my family to the ski slopes of Colorado and new Mexico. We enjoyed those times and the cold didn’t even seem cold. Things have changed a lot since then. My children cannot talk me into going skiing with them any more. The New Mexico cold is cold now, and I don’t see the beauty of the snow-covered slopes any more. The youthful thrills and excitement has a way of slipping from the aged old bodies and minds of cracking joints. The nature of age is designed and placed upon all humanity. To strip it would only bring harm and unpleasant feeling to the deserving, retired body.  I accept my age with gratitude and  will treat it with respect. I don’t expect to live to be nine hundred years old like in old bible times, but I would not refuse to if that was my intended destiny. I do like to pretend that I am possible living to be over 100. Even longer if I reach that mark. Although I have to say I plan each day as if it were my last. I think I am on the right path.

I know New Years Eve is still over a month away, but I made reservations today to spend it with my two sisters in Clinton, Oklahoma where we will quietly rest and play the games of slot. This is the life style old age affords the deserving retiree. I am so thankful for the love of my few living siblings and their families. Even more thankful that they like to do the same things I like to do. We all are thankful that God has given us health and means to enjoy the latter years of our life. Let the young do the hazardous things they enjoy, but let the older do the common sense things they enjoy. All will be happy, and all will be loved with a sweet, sweet spirit. I extend my hand to everyone around the world to accept the things you can do, and not try to do the things you cannot do. Put on your cloak of honor, and be proud of who you are. You were commissioned to do a job at birth, and never, never doubt that. We just must put forth an effort to do the job better each day whatever it may be. We may never get fired for under performing, but neither will we ever be promoted. When I play the game of slot I play to win. If not I try, try again. I never give up. What’s your game? Are you still trying to win? Try harder and enjoy while you are doing so.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Me":              My neighbor's pretty fall foliage around her house. 11-18-2016 Perryton, Texas. The sun was shinning on my neighbor’s h...

"Beauty Is All Around Me"

             My neighbor's pretty fall foliage around her house. 11-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The sun was shinning on my neighbor’s house late this evening, making the entire place a subject of art. It was so pretty I just had to stop and take a picture. The foliage was so colorful with many different shades making  a gorgeous background. How can we say good-bye to such beauty and heart thrilling trees and bushes as they are about to disappear till next spring. I get real emotional beginning in the late fall. I never liked to see sick or dying anything, although I know that is what life is all about. The next warm day we have I will be going out to cut down all my dead plants and cover the roots with straw so they can come back up next spring.

I stayed in the house all day except for a quick trip to buy the local news paper. I vacuumed most of the rooms before giving out. I will finish tomorrow and do the rest of the cleaning. My son and granddaughter are coming to spend a night with me, then take me to their house for Thanksgiving. I feel lucky not to be cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner, although I do miss it a lot. I will just make a small pan of cornbread dressing and bake a chicken breast to leave here for Chuck. Of course I will be making my famous pumpkin pie. I will take one of the pies to my son’s house and leave the other one here. I have enjoyed the Thanksgiving season more this year than any other in a long time. I hope the Christmas spirit lands on me the same way. For some reason I have been feeling so blessed as if something great is about to happen. That is a Christmas present I’m looking forward to. Sometimes the best gifts don’t come in packages.

Clue, clue. I am expecting healing for my paralyzed great grandson. I am shocked at what I’m hearing from him, and I feel healing is coming. After seven years he is still expecting to be healed. He told me yesterday that physical therapy was starting to help. As far as I know he is still in hospice care. He was put there three weeks ago, but is still taking therapy. He is twenty and has been paralyzed for seven yeas from his neck down. I wrote a book titled “When The Angel Came” not long after this little guy was hit by a fast moving car. I mentioned him in one of my stories. At that time my faith was high and I clung onto it daily. I talked about how many times this little fellow had climbed a high mountain when the family reunions were held each year at Quartz Mountain State Park. I said in the book that I knew he would climb that mountain again someday. Year after year went by without any hope from doctors, and my faith dwindled. Now I am wondering if my prediction might still be coming true. After he was put in hospice, and after I hadn’t talked with him hardly since the accident, (due to his non-emotional condition,) he called me a few days ago. As I said I almost fainted to hear the strong, clear, encouraging voice of the boy I thought was almost dead. I have talked to him twice since, and he seems so hopeful that he is getting better. I have been rethinking my idea of giving up on that trip up the mountain. Could it possible be so? I’m asking God for a gift of healing for Christmas this year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving"

Jean's Comment's: "The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving": This big turkey is daring someone to let the air out of her. Compliments of my creative neighbor. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. The cow a...

"The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving"

This big turkey is daring someone to let the air out of her. Compliments of my creative neighbor. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The cow ate while the turkey dared. 11-16-2016 perryton, Texas.
The yard gate is decorated with pumpkins and gourds. Fall flowers and sassy turkeys. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made it down the block today to take some pictures of my wonderful, Holiday-creative, neighbor’s yard. The entire yard was covered with interesting foul, turkeys, animals, pumpkins, gourds, Pilgrims, and many other things that made the eyes sing. What a dedicated person to making every holiday come alive in her yard every year. The wind was blowing the huge inflated turkey’s head  which made it seem like it was saying “I just dare you to kill me.”  Then the big inflated black and white spotted cow was eating grass without any fears at all. I love the exciting scenery my neighbor fills her yard with every holiday. It’s almost like reading a story book.

Yes, it’s almost Thanksgiving and I will be spending it with my youngest son and his family. It’s always a blessing to be able to spend time with them. I only see them about twice a year. My son and daughter-in-law both like to cook so there is always lots of good food. I have to diet when I get back home to lose all the extra weight I put on, but its worth it. I will be fixing a small Thanksgiving  dinner to leave here for my son, Chuck, who lives close to me. He used to share a Thanksgiving dinner with a homeless friend that he grew up with. That friend moved away a few years ago and Chuck no longer hears from him. Most of Chuck’s friends live far away. Its nice that he has unlimited calls on his phone because he talks a lot to all of them.

I talked again today to my great grandson who is currently in hospice care. He told me he was at home now and doing great. Before I hung up with him I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say to grandma. He said. “I love you.” I told him I loved him too, and almost broke down, but didn’t. I am waiting patiently to see what is going to happen to this request of a miracle from our loving God. It looks like after seven years of being paralyzed from his neck down, and being moved to hospice care, that maybe God is planning to send us that miracle after all. Who can ever deny that God can do anything? When we turn loose and give it all to God, He will give us strength to wait it out. This grandson’s attitude has been awesome every since he regained conscience from the accident. All he knows about it is what people tell him. He remembers everything before the accident, but just don’t recall being hit by a car. At 13 years old, and a complete paralyses from the neck down, that is a remarkable blessing for all. Shortly after the accident this amazing child said he saw two angels at the foot of his bed. They told him he was in God’s care. I believe that is what has kept him alive all these years. He’s been educated, and still has hopes of getting well, God bless him many times over.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sight Of Light"

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sight Of Light": This is a picture of the super moon. I missed shooting it because it appeared this morning at 7:30 am,  I took one tonight shown below. 11...

"An Awesome Sight Of Light"

This is a picture of the super moon. I missed shooting it because it appeared this morning at 7:30 am,  I took one tonight shown below. 11-14-2016  Perryton, Texas
Super moon tonight at 7:30 pm. With my camera. Nothing different about this pic. 11-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I waited all day to get a picture of the super moon tonight. When it finally  showed it looked just like any other moon. I looked on the computer and discovered the super moon today was at 7:30 am instead of pm. I missed it, but found one on the computer and posted it. I have drifted away somewhat from being interested in the moon. I guess I finally got enough of an amazing thing. The condition of the world has been taking center stage in my life for the past two years. Now that the election is over maybe I can settle down to being normal.

It seems like there is always something to disrupt our happiness when we feel so blessed sometimes. There is never going to be anything but a short vacation from life’s hard work and worries. Some day beyond this beautiful moon there is going to be perfect peace and rest forever and ever. We must comfort one another with these words and be thankful for friends who will share our burdens with us. When I saw this gorgeous moon tonight I was reminded of the quote, “A picture is worth more than a thousand words.” I will keep my eyes glued on things above. Day by day we are getting closer to our eternal home.

I often think of all the good times we have missed just because of sin that creeps into our lives and separates us one from another. A life without sin is fiction. It just didn’t happen, but we only cause ourselves more sorrow by holding onto the evil that attacked us. Some people call it “naïve.” I think of it as being jealous, or without compassion. Whatever, it is sin that needs to be denied. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in the washing machine with a lot of soap and wash out the dirt in our lives. A dirty body will soon become a stinky body if not washed often. Worse than that it becomes an ugly body. Eventually it becomes a sick body without remedy.

I have been highly alarmed by all the foolish, disgusting sights that’s been happening all over America for the past few days because some harboring hate-mongers didn’t get their way. How sad to know that these people have sealed their conscience, and few, if any will ever realize their foolishness. We have to ask ourselves how could this kind of evil penetrate so deeply into the heart and destroy a soul that was intended to be whole. The fact remains that separation has happened and sorrow and bloodshed will follow many to an early grave. I can’t see a repentance in the future. I see only a doomed life for more people than I ever imagined. The love of God must stay in our hearts regardless of all the evil that confronts us every day. It didn’t use to be this way. What happened?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp