Friday, December 9, 2016

"Juat A Few More Sunsets Before It Happens"

          Gorgeous sunset this evening coming home from the store. 12-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
It looks like two or three suns. Very unusual. It was so beautiful. 12-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The weather is cold here at Perryton, Texas, but the sun shined bright all day. I managed to get a shot of it coming back from the grocery store. It was about to set, so I stopped and took the picture. Days like this make up for the cloudy, sunless days we have so often. We are suppose to have a week or so of really cold weather next week. I stocked up on groceries today, because I don’t plan to get out in the cold, windy, weather. A lot of people must have had the same idea because the store was crowded with shoppers.

I have enjoyed my day so far. Before going to the store I spent almost four hours painting. I am beginning to get the results I ached for with the two pieces I am working with. During rest periods I watched the news, and got burned out listening to the same old news that’s been repeated over and over. I am too anxious for President elect, Donald Trump, to complete his cabinet pick and get things going that needs to be done. I will never make it to inauguration day if Mr. Trump don’t quit keeping us in suspense. I sometimes lack the patience to coast along, “lets get it over and done with.” I am still sure that we have the man of God’s choice who knows exactly what he is doing. For sure he is keeping every ones attention focused on him. Could anything be better for him to do than that? I believe if a pin drops anywhere anytime he hears it. I just need to let him go, as he certainly isn’t even aware that I exist. He don’t need me, but I need him to help save our country. I am completely at ease with what this President elect is doing. Soon it will be a reality, and not a dream, that he is sitting in the Oval Office of America’s highest honor. We keep hearing that it will never happen that people have more than one plan to stop him from taking over this position. I think that’s why so many people are on edge, and wanting everything to hurry up. Anything is possible, but surly God didn’t lead us to the water and refuse to let us drink. I believe far too many people were sleeping while the evil forces were stealing our country lock, stock, and barrel. They woke up too late, or are some still asleep? I am one to believe that even Mr. Trump knows that this battle against Muslin control is greater than anyone imagined. He just wants to play big daddy and keep the children from panicking. I also believe big daddy knows best, and will eventually bring us to victory. So we need to all stay cool, and keep trusting our God for He needs us to help Mr. Trump  win this war with ISIS. President Obama, you tried but you lost after a long battle against America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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