Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"What A Blessing To Be Alive"

At 4:30 p.m. today Wednesday 12-7-2016 the temperature has not been any higher than shown on the thermometer stationed on my front porch. 24 degree. 12-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The cold spell has hit Perryton, Texas now. I took a picture of the thermometer on my front porch at 4:30 p.m. today showing the temperature at 24 degree. The wind is strong which makes it seem much colder. Thank God for a warm home and food to eat. My prayers go out to all the homeless people, and especially to all the vets who are defending us in terrible cold places. I believe prayer can remove mountains, and I definitely am asking God to do that for our great America. I feel so encouraged even with this “shut-in-type weather.” I have no doubt but what God is giving us another chance to do better for Him than what we’ve been doing. I also believe many people are going to change their attitudes all around the world. I am praying for my own attitude to change for the better also. I believe everyone has room for improvement. These cold, Christmas season days are when I miss my father and mother the most. We had a wood burning heater, which my dad kept a hot fire going all the time. He cut wood from the creek which we lived close to long before the weather got cold. A warm cozy home with mom and dad, and all my brothers and sisters were all we wanted. The smokehouse was full of pork that my dad always prepared before winter hit. The cellar was filled with canned foods that my mom and grandmother had spent countless hours preparing from the garden and orchard. Would to God that I could go back to those days again. However, I know I could not enjoy those good ole days now like I did then. I’ve been blessed too long with an easy style living. I do somehow believe the more we get the less we appreciate. I am thankful for the upbringing I had for I truly do peel my potatoes still with a tissue thin skin. As cheap as potatoes are one would think I might even eat the skin the way I peel them. My parents taught me that it was a sin to waste. I try hard not to be guilty of that sin.

I want to tell all my readers in foreign countries how much I appreciate you supporting my blogs. I noticed today that I have several new viewers in Russia, Germany, Portugal and France. I may never get to meet any of you, but be assured you are mention in my prayers every night. God knows who you are, and He will answer my prayers in your behalf. I love each and everyone of you, and send my blessing through these little short letters. I urge you all to keep on believing because no matter how hard times may get, our Lord will never leave nor forsake us. I hope to meet you all in heaven someday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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