Friday, December 16, 2016

"One Christ And One American Flag"

Christmas trees are the backdrop behind Donald Trump instead of flags. He is proving his point. Christmas will remain Christmas in America. 12-16-2016 Perryton, Texas

What a switch from American flags to Christmas trees for the backdrop to President-elect, Donald Trump. Both high American priorities, our flag and Christmas,  were being threatened to be removed from our Great, freedom loving country. We have been seeing the American flag desecrated for several years. A few years ago the Supreme Court ruled that it was ok for people to burn, stomp, tear into shreds or destroy the great symbol of America, the flag. After that there was a ruling made that the Ten Commandments be taken down from all public places such as courthouses, schools and others. Also no more prayers could be made in school or no pledge to the flag. It went from that extreme to even more and worse extremes. Several years ago the court ruled that it was ok to murder unborn babies with tax payers money. Then they made a law, illegally, to allow same sex marriages. Now it is highly legal for sex gender surgeries even for minor children if at least one parent requests it, whether birth parent or adoptive.  In my opinion that is the worse cruelty any parent could cause to their children. I’ve seen children crying because they were being forced to have a sex gender surgery by at least one parent. The latest evil law that people are having to deal with is restrooms for both straight, and sex gender  people.

Yes, I was extremely thankful to see President elect, Donald Trump, standing in front of a line of Christmas trees giving a speech today instead of standing in front of flags. It is still accepted for highly elected government people to stand in front of the American flags, but for Mr. Trump to bravely switch to the Christmas tree tradition was a big surprise to me. He has told us that no more Happy Holidays would be required in public places anymore. He said keep saying, “Merry Christmas.” This man means what he says, and he says what he means. The fight for the right to keep President elect, Trump, as our next president  is getting more fierce every day. How far will we have to go, and how much more bloodshed will we have to see, before the war of good and evil can be totally won? I know that our new president will come through this dilemma victoriously, but like I asked, when will it ever stop? Few people ever realized just how far into hell our country had advanced. Many good people still don’t realize it, and probably never will. They have, because of their own will, been turned over to a reprobate mind. The definition of reprobate is, “A person rejected by God and beyond all hope of salvation.” We have won one battle, but the fight continues. We must never give up praying for our country, and praying for other countries who are in even more distress than America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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