Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Too High For My Round Trip Ticket"

John Glen the first astronant to orbit earth in 1962 passed away today at age 95. 12-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.
One of my favorite hero's, John Glenn, passed away today at age 95. I remember the day so well when he landed on earth after orbiting the globe. 12-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It was a sad day today after hearing about the death of one of the greatest hero’s that America has even known. John Glen was the first astronaut to orbit the earth in 1962. It was a risky decision to make, but John Glen took  the challenge. I can remember that day so well. Most people thought Glenn would never make it back to earth, but when his space ship came cruising down it was an unmistakable shouting time in the streets. Since that day many space ships  have been successfully launched and some astronauts live for extended periods of time in space. I think I have seen about all the extraordinary advancements I am going to see, but there is no telling what my grandchildren are going to be spectacles of. They may become residents in outer space before they die. I want God to bless America, but I want Him to keep America, America. Whatever happens in the future has already been planned by God. I will not complain about His ways for He created all things. He tells us all through His Word to just trust Him. I am doing that with the encouragement of my family and friends. When fear comes upon us we walk by faith and not by sight. I have taken that walk many of times. It is at these times when one has to say, “not my will but Thine be done.” Live or die, we will be rewarded in the end. John Glenn was not forced to take that mission around the earth, but he chose to help make America great. He came back safe and sound and has reaped a long life of rich blessings. I believe another great reward is waiting for him when he gets to heaven.

I do consider myself a servant of God who takes insults very personally. I never try to pay back, but I do ask God to go easy on the offenders. They need sympathy much more than I, because God will not let them go unpunished. I make no excuses for calling out a few faults of others, because I think it is necessary in order to maintain a friendly relationship. I can take criticism if it is offered in a constructive way, but when it is rudely, spoken by a controlling spirit, I am not your candidate. Actions are often as offensive as words. Either can be devastating if delivered by an non- contrite spirit. We believers, and followers, of Christ have a lot of up-hill battles to fight, but not without blessing if we let God be our commander-in-chief. My dad used to tell me that hard work never hurt anyone. It just hurts our feelings. I didn’t believe him then, but I do now. I truly believe each and everyone of us deserves respect, but that is to say we must show respect in return. Love cannot be bought with money, but money can sell a lot of love. Let us all be diligent in our love for one another.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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