Saturday, December 3, 2016

"Its Brginning To Feel Like Christmas"

The beautiful Christmas lights don't make good pictures. This scene is so amazing when viewed with the eye, but the camera doesn't do much for it. 12-3-2016  Perryton, Texas.

                  Missing all the beauty of these decorations. Sorry. 12-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I needed to have had a motion picture camera. I have one but don't know how to use it. 12-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.Its beginning to feel like Christma

This set of Christmas pictures are from my friend’s yard which I posted a daylight picture of two days ago. The night view is absolutely gorgeous, but my camera just wouldn’t take good pictures of the lights because they were flashing on and off so often. I am sure my friend will get the :“most beautiful” award given by the city for her Christmas display, At least I was thrilled to be able to enjoy the wonderful Christmas story in lighted color form. I am enjoying everything about Christmas this year mainly because I have renewed hope for our country, and keeping the Christmas spirit alive. The best gift I could have ever gotten is knowing that we can still worship our Savior, Jesus Christ, and light up the world with His message. I am rejoicing to the top of Heaven for the answer to our prayers, and giving us victory over keeping our Savior alive. I will be trying to share my enthusiasm with as many as I can. “Joy to the world the Lord has not only come, He is still here.” I’m praying that our Christmas choruses will not get replaced with foolish, non-spiritual pantomime. It seems like everything about our beloved country is getting replaced with all kinds of evil spirits. Nothing but prayer can keep our heritage from being robbed from us. We have just seen the robbers get caught,  and I hope everyone will acknowledge it and give thanks unto the Lord.

Here in Perryton, Texas we have had our first snow of the season last night. It was just a trace, but real snow. A slight rain followed for which I am grateful. I am set for a long cold winter, and plan to make a profit on staying home and saving on gas. I have a list of things I want to accomplish right here in my home. As long as my computer don’t break down I will be in good shape. I will be writing, painting, cooking, and gaining weight every day. I do plan to celebrate New Years Eve with my sisters in a place about half-way between us. Its only a few miles over 100, and I hope the weather will be cooperating. I want to spend the last day of this old year celebrating the good feeling of being free to do whatever I want to do. I worried all year that it might not happen. It did, and now I am going to show off my pride and joy with my sisters playing the game of slots. We are all three widows, and we share an interest in getting together and trying to beat each other at the game machine. We put our bodies through a lot of abuse, but it’s always nice to go to the room at night and dream of how we are going to do better tomorrow. After a  couple of days, we are ready to get home. I thank my children for helping me enjoy getting away from all work, and frustration, and having fun with my sisters. They remember the days of their youth, and are now raising me in my youthful days. Love them all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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