Sunday, December 11, 2016

"Oh You Beautiful Moon"

 At 5:30 this evening the sky looked like this in the wast. Then in the east at the same time this big moon was shinning so bright. 12-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
What a thrill when I see such a big shinny moon just above my head. If I live long enough I might go to see it someday. 12-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I finished my painting assignment for today then wondered what picture I would post to begin my blog. I hadn’t been outside all day so I walked out back and saw these interesting clouds. That was it just waiting for me to discover them. I snapped the picture then walked around front and there as big and bold as a mountain lion was this huge bright moon. “Hello moon, I want your picture.” When I finish writing this blog my day will have been complete. I have accomplished all that I assigned myself to do. This makes the fourth straight day I have finished my goal for a day. I didn’t wait till New Years to turn over a new leaf. I have to say I am very proud of myself. I’m actually anxious for tomorrow so I can do the same routine I have been doing for four days. I think I am already reaping the blessings that our new President is laying out for us. I feel so positive that God is smiling down on us. My aches and pains don’t bother me nearly as much as before the election. I worked hard with my computer for a year and a half to help Donald Trump get elected. I can’t say my effort helped much, but I did try with all my heart. I communicated with a lot of people who were working as hard as I. Some even much harder. I heard my God say “faith without works is dead.” I put feet to my prayers, and now I am rejoicing, to say the least. Everything looks beautiful even the skies and the moon.

I don’t intend to stop working and praying because we have just touched the tip of the iceberg. I know I will see many more great and mighty things happen if I keep myself committed. No more wasting of my time. I am not privileged to travel a lot to be part of some exciting things I have been invited to, but I am thankful for being thought of just the same. It makes me know that I am loved by many. Nothing can be more wonderful than knowing that you are loved. Of course, I like many others have our enemies, but who cares? We know we have our Lord to help us win every battle. We are suppose to love our enemies, but we are not suppose to let them ruin our lives. Pray for them and stay far away from them. Until they decide to love us we must consider them a risk. Many of our enemies are captives from their own choosing. They do not realize that, but it is so often true. They stay locked up in their own skin while not knowing how to be set free. They are waiting in vain to see the ones they hate to be put to death. Nothing but a miracle can release them from their torture. How thankful we all should be to know Jesus Christ as our savior. .

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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