Monday, December 26, 2016

"Christmas Day And The Day After"

    The leaning candle is trying to tell us something needs attention. 12-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The day after Christmas I am still bubbling over with joy and happiness. Wait till I tell you about the Christmas day explosion and you will wonder why. I am wondering myself.

I had invited a friend over for Christmas dinner. She had just been home a few days from the hospital after having a heart attack. She had not been doing well after getting home, and she has no relatives within hundreds of miles from her. My son and I was going to be eating alone so I asked this friend to have dinner with us. I sparred no sweat in fixing the same Christmas dinner I had been cooking for many years. I made sure I fixed enough for this friend to take food home with her so she would not have to be cooking for awhile. I tried to make the house as tidy and clean as possible. I even cleaned the cook top after fixing the meal. It was in dire need of cleaning so I sparred no mercy. I mopped my kitchen floor clean enough to eat off of. I set the decorated table and lighted the candles. Everything was ready when the friend arrived.

I had left some of the food in the warm oven so it would be hot when served. I hate cold food that’s suppose to be served hot. Before I took it from the oven I turned on the electric cook top burners just long enough to get medium hot then turned them off before I took the food containers from the oven and placed them on the warm burners. I had taken special time and effort to make the best cornbread dressing ever. I had made enough for a thrashing crew because we love dressing. It could not have been more perfect. We decided to fill our plates from the cook top and bar. About the time we were ready for dessert a terrible explosion nearly busted our eardrums. The burner which the large, Pyrex dish with the dressing had been placed on had gotten too hot and exploded. The stove had malfunctioned and didn’t go off when I turned it off. I made sure the “off’ button was in proper place, and the red light was off, but it was not off. It had heated for about forty or fifty minutes before it got hot enough to explode. I had never seen so much broken glass scattered around a kitchen as this was. My friend and I cleaned glass and raked food in the garbage can till we were blue in the face. The burners on the stove were filled with dressing as well as glass. Luckily enough the pumpkin pie and chocolate cake had plastic wrap around them and didn’t have to be thrown away, but most of the other stuff was full of crushed glass.

We finished our dessert, but just before the friend had taken the last few bites she got up from the table and went to the living room. My back was to her and I didn’t see her sit down in a recliner. I thought she had gone to the bathroom. When I finally looked around she had taken her blood pressure device from her purse and was taking her pressure. I immediately went to her and asked what was wrong. She said she didn’t feel good. We were unable to get a true test on the device she was using so I got mine out, but still couldn’t get a result. I was concerned enough to talk her into going to the ER. She kept hesitating, but I kept insisting. Finally we went to the Hospital ER on Christmas day. After an hour or so, and after an EKG, and some blood work, the Dr. released her to come home. He thought she was over medicated, and told her to cut back half on her meds. We came back to my house. I fixed enough food that had been spared from glass, to last her a day or two. Then we sit and visited for most of the rest of the day. When she left to go home I felt completely relieved and knew all our worries were in vein. After all the commotion I woke up this morning feeling better than I have felt in some time. I too, had been visited by an angel who soothed my doubts and fears, and left me with peace and joy to the fullest. I had received the best Christmas gift ever. A new out-look on life, a new understanding of something other than a mere existence, and a dare-not- risk my intuition when I feel strongly about something. God will not let us make wrong choices if we ask Him for guidance. I am looking forward to a great and blessed New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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