Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving"

This big turkey is daring someone to let the air out of her. Compliments of my creative neighbor. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The cow ate while the turkey dared. 11-16-2016 perryton, Texas.
The yard gate is decorated with pumpkins and gourds. Fall flowers and sassy turkeys. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made it down the block today to take some pictures of my wonderful, Holiday-creative, neighbor’s yard. The entire yard was covered with interesting foul, turkeys, animals, pumpkins, gourds, Pilgrims, and many other things that made the eyes sing. What a dedicated person to making every holiday come alive in her yard every year. The wind was blowing the huge inflated turkey’s head  which made it seem like it was saying “I just dare you to kill me.”  Then the big inflated black and white spotted cow was eating grass without any fears at all. I love the exciting scenery my neighbor fills her yard with every holiday. It’s almost like reading a story book.

Yes, it’s almost Thanksgiving and I will be spending it with my youngest son and his family. It’s always a blessing to be able to spend time with them. I only see them about twice a year. My son and daughter-in-law both like to cook so there is always lots of good food. I have to diet when I get back home to lose all the extra weight I put on, but its worth it. I will be fixing a small Thanksgiving  dinner to leave here for my son, Chuck, who lives close to me. He used to share a Thanksgiving dinner with a homeless friend that he grew up with. That friend moved away a few years ago and Chuck no longer hears from him. Most of Chuck’s friends live far away. Its nice that he has unlimited calls on his phone because he talks a lot to all of them.

I talked again today to my great grandson who is currently in hospice care. He told me he was at home now and doing great. Before I hung up with him I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say to grandma. He said. “I love you.” I told him I loved him too, and almost broke down, but didn’t. I am waiting patiently to see what is going to happen to this request of a miracle from our loving God. It looks like after seven years of being paralyzed from his neck down, and being moved to hospice care, that maybe God is planning to send us that miracle after all. Who can ever deny that God can do anything? When we turn loose and give it all to God, He will give us strength to wait it out. This grandson’s attitude has been awesome every since he regained conscience from the accident. All he knows about it is what people tell him. He remembers everything before the accident, but just don’t recall being hit by a car. At 13 years old, and a complete paralyses from the neck down, that is a remarkable blessing for all. Shortly after the accident this amazing child said he saw two angels at the foot of his bed. They told him he was in God’s care. I believe that is what has kept him alive all these years. He’s been educated, and still has hopes of getting well, God bless him many times over.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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