Sunday, December 4, 2016

"A Hell Of A Fire"

A terrible warehouse fire in Oakland, California claimed 24 lives, and possible more. 12-4-2016 Perryton, Texas
It's real. people are dying every day, some as acts of criminality, some as acts of what should be called criminality. Many innocent lives are taken while many, not so innocent lives are taken. What part do we play in this sinful world? 12-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It has not been reported what kind of party was being held in the warehouse at Oakland, California where at least 24 people lost their lives in a massive fire. Nor do we know how many were injured, and some more bodies may still be found. One news media called it a dance, but what kind of dance would be held in a warehouse full of furniture? The owner of the building said he just lost a life time of hard work in that fire. It sounds like the contents may have been valuable collectables. I have not heard one mention that it may have been an act of terrorist, but it does raise the question. This incident reminds me of the shooting a few months ago at a gay night club where several people lost their lives. I am not suggesting that the fire was intently started, but unless some group claims responsibility we may never know the truth.

The sexual attraction that more and more people are focusing on will only bring  consequential results. The farther people move away from God’s word the more devastating their life becomes. I believe, according to my interpretation of the bible, that good people can become murders if
God’s mercy fails for Christ  rebels. I also believe that good people can be murdered by God’s own people. King David was hiding from Saul for his life. King David had one of his own servants slain who was fighting for King David’s life. Is this not proof that good people can be murdered as well as good people becoming a murderer? Read the 2nd book of Samuel. And I do believe His mercy will fail after so long of time. Some are not agreeing with me on that, but you cannot just believe part of the bible and not all of it. If only the New Testament matters, then why was both the old and the new put in one book of God’s word? There are those who believe only in the Old Book, while others believe only in the New Book. I believe both the old, and the new, are rules that we must follow, but one must believe in the New Book or there is no redemption. It trumps a lot of the Old book, but still Jesus said He came to fulfill the old law. To me that means we are bound by the Ten Commandants. If one lives according to the ten commandants there would be a lot less sin and sell righteousness today. A lot less suffering, and less suicides. For those who don’t read and follow the Holy Word of God, their days  will be most miserable, and end up in total loss. For those who preach and do not follow their own message, theirs is an unrewarding life. For those who preach and try very hard to keep their own message in practice, theirs will be a blessed life. No life is without pain and suffering, but like Jesus said, “ The way of the cross leads home.” To refuse the cross leads to a grave without hope of resurrection

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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