Friday, November 18, 2016

"Beauty Is All Around Me"

             My neighbor's pretty fall foliage around her house. 11-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The sun was shinning on my neighbor’s house late this evening, making the entire place a subject of art. It was so pretty I just had to stop and take a picture. The foliage was so colorful with many different shades making  a gorgeous background. How can we say good-bye to such beauty and heart thrilling trees and bushes as they are about to disappear till next spring. I get real emotional beginning in the late fall. I never liked to see sick or dying anything, although I know that is what life is all about. The next warm day we have I will be going out to cut down all my dead plants and cover the roots with straw so they can come back up next spring.

I stayed in the house all day except for a quick trip to buy the local news paper. I vacuumed most of the rooms before giving out. I will finish tomorrow and do the rest of the cleaning. My son and granddaughter are coming to spend a night with me, then take me to their house for Thanksgiving. I feel lucky not to be cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner, although I do miss it a lot. I will just make a small pan of cornbread dressing and bake a chicken breast to leave here for Chuck. Of course I will be making my famous pumpkin pie. I will take one of the pies to my son’s house and leave the other one here. I have enjoyed the Thanksgiving season more this year than any other in a long time. I hope the Christmas spirit lands on me the same way. For some reason I have been feeling so blessed as if something great is about to happen. That is a Christmas present I’m looking forward to. Sometimes the best gifts don’t come in packages.

Clue, clue. I am expecting healing for my paralyzed great grandson. I am shocked at what I’m hearing from him, and I feel healing is coming. After seven years he is still expecting to be healed. He told me yesterday that physical therapy was starting to help. As far as I know he is still in hospice care. He was put there three weeks ago, but is still taking therapy. He is twenty and has been paralyzed for seven yeas from his neck down. I wrote a book titled “When The Angel Came” not long after this little guy was hit by a fast moving car. I mentioned him in one of my stories. At that time my faith was high and I clung onto it daily. I talked about how many times this little fellow had climbed a high mountain when the family reunions were held each year at Quartz Mountain State Park. I said in the book that I knew he would climb that mountain again someday. Year after year went by without any hope from doctors, and my faith dwindled. Now I am wondering if my prediction might still be coming true. After he was put in hospice, and after I hadn’t talked with him hardly since the accident, (due to his non-emotional condition,) he called me a few days ago. As I said I almost fainted to hear the strong, clear, encouraging voice of the boy I thought was almost dead. I have talked to him twice since, and he seems so hopeful that he is getting better. I have been rethinking my idea of giving up on that trip up the mountain. Could it possible be so? I’m asking God for a gift of healing for Christmas this year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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