Thursday, November 10, 2016

"The Trump Plane Has Just Landed At The White House Airport"

President elect, Donald Trump's plane just landed in DC and a transition meeting will began soon with President Obama. 11-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I had thought when the election was over I could get back to my normal routine, but I find myself glued to the television more now than ever. People I truly believe this transition is not going to be simple. Mr. Trump and President Obama have already been meeting this morning much longer than expected. I am now hearing that the meeting has adjourned. Mr. Trump is headed to Capital Hill to have lunch with Speaker Paul Ryan and Vice-President elect, Mike Pence. What is going to happen after lunch? I just can’t leave my television for I am on pins and needles. The opposing party is not wanting to hand over the key until Mr. Trump agrees to some of their demands. That is not going to happen, and I feel sure another fight is coming between the two parties. I hope I am wrong, but so far I have had it right most of the time. I just feel the curse is much greater than we thought upon America. I will keep praying along with millions of others that the curse will be broken, hopefully without any bloodshed. I wonder are we at the cross roads of live or die, and which ever has the wickedest army will definitely lose, but not without bloodshed. Every Christian needs to bury themselves in the Word of God, and pray without ceasing. The time of “The sword” is no doubt in full force. The Word declared it would happen. The sword population is much greater than all the rest. A part of the bible that I don’t fully understand, but I believe it because the Word says it. The hope of the Christians is the power of the Almighty God. We must never doubt it.

So if I do not clean my house and cook the regular meals it’s not my fault. I am washing the feet of Jesus. What do you think? I will dress up and go out to celebrate when it’s all over. Believe me I am looking forward to that. My son has already told me he is coming to take me to his house in Abilene for Thanksgiving. I hope the fight has ended by then. I do want to have a loving, enjoyable time while with my family. By faith this Thanksgiving will be the best I ever had. What an awesome God we have. So to all my friends, and relatives, Christians across the world,  I wish the same Thanksgiving joy to you. Needless to add I wish the brave leaders and warriors of our great nation a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. Prayers will continue to be expressed with sincere tears to our Almighty God. He will always hear and answer needs.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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