Monday, November 28, 2016

"Death Comes To All Life"

The last leaves of the blackberry vines for this year. Such pretty red colors. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                                 Fall is beautiful while it lasts.  11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                  The empty Robin nest is completely visible now. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                          A tiny rosebud is still clinging to life. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas

A nice sunny day the 29th day of November 2016. My pretty back yard has all but died for this year. What is left has some pretty red tones that cheer the heart somewhat. A reminder of the birthplace of the pretty little Robins is looking forsaken. I showed pictures of them while still in the nest just hours after they hatched out. I posted them on my blog. This past summer has been a good one to remember. I have lost several good friends who  unlike my yard beauty won’t be coming back. Some things we lose forever, others we lose for just awhile. It takes the love of God to balance the temporary with the forever. Life goes on for the mortal soul even though it has to get revived from time to time. When it’s time to leave the world forever God will prepare a heavenly home that will never need weeding or watering for the yard. The tiny rose bud I saw on a bush today gives me faith still. I think it will open up to full glory before it freezes to death. Some species  are more tolerable and can live longer than others. A mark of the High calling God, no doubt. There is an end to everyone and everything that lives. “Let us rejoice and be glad.”

Sometimes when it seems that we’ve been stripped of every ounce of dignity we ever had, and the curtain has been closed on our stage of performance, it would indicate a time to lay it down. It was at just such a time for me recently when two angels of God called me on the phone on two different days and lifted my spirits. Neither of these knew I was in deep need of encouragement. That’s why I’m sure God laid me on their heart. Both of these calls were surprisingly unexpected, and I received a full charge from the messages they delivered. I have always declared that Christians must take the bad with the good, but some of the bad is almost too bad to recover from. “Not so, saith the Lord. Ye shall mount up with wings as eagles. Ye shall walk and not grow weary, ye shall run and not faint.” My life is in God’s hands, and if I should die a horrible death I count it as a martyr’s  death. I will, by all means, stick to the promise God made to me at the time of my conversion. “I will not suffer the redeemed to the horrible death.” I have been redeemed, and I try every day to live a Christ-like life putting others before myself. His love is greater than all my self-denials. The stripes that are put upon me are some of the same ones put upon Christ. However, by His stripes we are healed. By my strips I am weakened, but only till an angle comes to bring Christ’s healing. I will praise Him forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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