Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"In The Beginning I Painted Them"

Our new 45th United States Of America President Donald J. and First Lady, Melania Trump. paintings by Myrtle Jean Sharp. Paintings finished on 4-27-2016 just after Mr. Trump announced his candidacy for president. I was able to hang these in the Perryton Citizen's Center for several months, expressing my faith in them becoming president and First Lady. I was right. 11-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. 

The Father above gave us the best Thanksgiving gift ever last night when He elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th president of the United States of America. I hope all humanity can accept that and not try to go against the will of God. People need to wake up and know that God is not mocked, and what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap. You and I are part of the new chapter in history that took place last night November 9, 2016. I am proud, and although I may not live long enough to reap the full benefits of this new era in America, I am happy for my children and grand children who will be protected from the awful threat they were facing before. God spoke to the people last night and said, “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and call upon My name, and turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thousands and millions of Christians were seeking God’s help for the past eighteen months pleading for mercy to save, and heal our land. The answer came last night when the enemy tried, but failed to block His plan. God spoke and said, “Donald J. Trump will be your forty-fifth president.”  We Christians believe Mr. Trump is our messenger for the day. We know as well as he, that he is not God, but is seeking to lead the people just like Moses led them from Egypt. His job is not going to be easy, but if we the people keep lifting him up in prayer, and hold up his hands when they become too tired to hold them up on his own, then God will lead us on to complete victory.

The world took on a new direction last night. I am not a prophet but I do read the bible a lot, and I believe God is still in control of His chosen people. We are the off spring of Jacob who is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel who God delivered out of Egypt’s bondage. From the day of their exit until this day the people have bad times and good times. America is another promised land God led His people to after they disobeyed His commands and brought judgment upon themselves. The first fruits of Jacob were still strong and sought to find a new way to keep His contract with the people. They knew their vows to God, and set out to find a way they could keep them. Columbus, and a small crew discovered this great land we call America today. Eventually they sailed the seas with a small number of God-believing people and landed on dry land. The time since Egypt’s exit and the time of exit from England was the difference in traveling the seas. When leaving Egypt God literally had to part the sea so the people could pass on dry land. When exiting England ships had been invented, and the people did not have to flee in secret. They were simply looking for a place to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like their forefathers did. In my opinion America had long passed the agreement by it’s founders to keep and honor the constitution and live by the word of God. Over the two hundred plus years since America was settled, corruption has multiplied, to the extent that another movement by the same Christian roots of Jacob was formed. That is not to say we now can be free to go back and worship like we used to, but it does say we the people still have faith in the Almighty God. He has delivered us from an evil force that nearly destroyed us. I don’t know what the next chapter will be, but I know God will always be there for a people who will trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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