Tuesday, November 8, 2016

"Don't Just Say It Do It "

    One flag under one nation under God for liberty and justice for all. 11-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today November 8, 2016 we elect the most important president America has ever had. Either we save America or we lose her. At this time America is hanging in the balance. Your vote could be the one that tips the balance to a winning party who could make “America Great Again,” It’s not too late if you haven’t already voted you still have time. Drop everything now and go vote for Donald Trump. He is our only hope, because God has spoken loud and clear. He has let the people see, and hear, just what this corrupt Clinton, Obama leadership has done to America. For those who still refuse to vote them out, God have mercy on you, including those who dance around the Bush!!! using big uncommon words to try and influence people. They have already exposed themselves to being part of the corrupt majority who have been following this group of genocide rulers for the past eight years.

I heard the United States president  say just recently while campaigning for who he hoped would be his successor, “that we are not American citizens, but world citizens.”  How could he have spoken any plainer by saying America is no longer a free nation, but part of the New World Order with one ruler? His agenda is to step down and put his most powerful, woman  co-worker in a position that can take up where he left off while he is seeking more power than he has now. I believe his thoughts are this woman as president can continue to use her evil endeavors to benefit his agenda and never be convicted of anything. He is right about that because we all have already seen that. My dear friends, we no longer have an honorable justice system, and the FBI cannot do their job because they are under control of the President’s justice system. Can you see where we stand as former free, Americans citizens? We’ve been ambushed without much hope unless we put Donald Trump and his great, and notable, backers in office. He has an army of honorable Generals, Admirals, elite active, and retired Congressional personal, Evangelicals, Catholics, and many more intelligent people behind him. I would hope that those who still support Hillary Clinton would take a more serious look at her record and tell me you still believe in her. She is part of the Obama threat to hand our country over to the most gruesome, power seekers, of the largest population on earth to steal our constitution and put us under their laws. In these last few hours before the time has ended for you to help our country survive, please go vote if you haven’t already. I know it takes a brave person to acknowledge their concern for this terrible dilemma we’re in, but I have prepared for the worse instead of running away from the truth. God will reward those who listen to His voice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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